tamil bus sex stories

Tamil bus sex stories

Hello Readers. To the new readers, I am 23 yrs old guy living in Chennai. I have physic not so fit and not so lean but little bit Aesthetic.

Post a Comment. Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Hi everybody. I am 24 old male originally from Chennai. I am a decent and gentle man during all my lifetime, but except on few occasions. Today I am going to share my first encounter with a girl in my life time. During my school days and college days, I am always a kind hearted and decent boy.

Tamil bus sex stories

Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Friday 14 June Sleeper Bus from Bangalore. Let me share the wounder full experience that i had when i was traveling with my class mate Geethu name changed. We both are studying in Bangalore,in the same college. It was the day that we had holiday in our college there was some fest going on in out college. So we both decided to go to our native for our holidays. So she asked me to take a reservation by bus to go to Kerala,so i went to Madival a place in Bangalore. The only seat available was the berth seat where two people can sleep and go. I got the tickets and went to her, to her hostel i told her only the berth were available,She told its ok we will go. The next day we came to the place where the bus was boarding,the bus was at in the evening. The bus started to move form the boarding place.

She was Shy to speak of it. She left a small moan.


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Tamil bus sex stories

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Man, I literally loved the sight. She wore a saree, probably she is married recently or going to marry. She was enjoying my acts i guess. It is really a first time i am touching a girl, that too an unknown girl, cool breeze from window, loneliness made me feel so romantic. The conductor switch off the bus lights. At that moment she opened her eyes, but she did not react. Two of the seats in the three-seater was empty and I sat there idle. I all share it later on. Maid From Heaven. She started moving toward her window side and occupied the place in front of me. Inline Feedbacks.


This continued and she left as her stop has come and bid me goodbye with a wink. Share your comments please. I tried again again and at last i grabbed her boobs and pressed hardly for a while. I also enjoyed a lot and felt hardness in me too. We were trying to sleep. And stared to touch her stomach it was so silky and smooth. Suddenly, I got a bump on my hand. She asked me to put my fingers in side. The next day we came to the place where the bus was boarding,the bus was at in the evening. I never felt like this before. I was hot and wet. Each time when the bus is falling to the gutter her soft skin is touch me. I had a chance to feel her hair at back. This incident happened few years ago that too not with my fiance but with an unknown girl. Rohith 22 February at

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