porn stories mind control

Porn stories mind control

Ann-Marie Ann-Marie sat in the small room that the school used for guidance one-on-one. The room was about Paula had always been popular.

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. Newest stories added April 15, Absolute Power - by WarLord - Billy is given great power and as he is tested he confronts other men of power. She gets caught watching and ends up having to submit to the girl's domination in turn and she is no longer the authority in the house. FF, dom, inc, voy, reluc, mc A Cheerleader's Story - by Maryanne - Tryouts for cheerleader become something more than just tryouts.

Porn stories mind control

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. Abandoned Innocents - by Kitty - When 14 year old Naomi's parents decide to leave the country for 3 months, they put her older brother Wesley in charge of her. Wes likes to party, and thinks Naomi is old enough to take care of herself. So he leaves her at home alone, for days at a time. Once her brother's friends find out she's all alone, they take advantage of her innocents and things get a little out of hand. MF, FF, nc, rp, bd, intr, drugs, v, mc A Brutal And Violent Beating And Fuck - by Littledickboy - I called my girlfriend's cell phone and instead of her answering it was her attacker who had brutally beaten, raped and was now destroying my girlfriend. MF, nc, rp, v, oral, anal, tor, mc Absolute Power - by WarLord - Billy is given great power and as he is tested he confronts other men of power. She gets caught watching and ends up having to submit to the girl's domination in turn and she is no longer the authority in the house. FF, dom, inc, voy, reluc, mc A Cheerleader's Story - by Maryanne - Tryouts for cheerleader become something more than just tryouts. MF-teens, mc, oral, hypno A Cock For Kali - by Author Obscure - Charlie Post, a student who lived off campus gets the full treatment from female professor with a dominance fetish. MF, wife, reluc, mast, oral, anal, mc, bd, cult A Dark And Strange Visitation - by Your Teddy Bear - Wife is subjected to voodoo spells and has an illicite affair with a young black teen and consequences ensue. Lots of 'rugmunching' and intrigue. Slow, juicy buildups with character development.

In fact, I thought it was perverted, and if that's true, I have now become a pervert thanks to Annie, my wife.

Daniel knows what he is talking about but things changed when Chloe entered his. Second part of 'The girl with the bloind ponytail D1 '». He gets the opportunity to get revenge on the sexy cheerleader! But road to self-betterment is not an easy one as she soon finds out while doing dog sitting at her's friend house. Now she wants to be his slut! Using the route he travels daily to walk his dogs, he overhears that three young high school girls will be unchaperoned that evening and a night time pontoon trip and afterwards more than satisfies his carnal cravings. Late one evening she draws the attention of a prowling Yowie Australian Big Foot Only the thick expanse of a scenic window keeps him from Lindsey.

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Porn stories mind control

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He has a nasty surprise for her Especially her sexual nerves. An officer of the law promptly stops Michelle on her first venture out alone in the car. Lots of interesting glimpses into this alternative world will fascinate the most cynical ass reader. She could barely even breathe it felt so good as her cunt flooded with juice. Two great powers are trying to woo him to use his powers to defeat each other. MF, voy, mc Doctor's Orders - by Parker - A female doctor has an unusual fetish that involves her attractive female patients. Differences that Mark believed to be un-resolvable, that is, until he came under the counsel of Dr. Mind control. The scientists in the sealed bio-lab are working night and day to find an anecdote. She succumbs to some men and her husband is forced to watch the shameful action. This is usually not a big deal as the most common memes are funny clips, cat videos on the internet and catchy songs you can't quite get out of your head. Three college friends decide to go camping on an island during a school break. Hopper - A college freshman finds herself at the hands of a serial rapist. MF, FF, teens, inc, mc Disabled Powers - by Caesar - Part 04 - Being separated from the general populace did not mean the young man was ignorant of the facts of life, in particular woman.

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It was said that this dragon was once kind and good but now it had been conquered and corrupted by the evil goddess Tiamat. MF, FF, nc, rp, bd, intr, drugs, v, mc A Brutal And Violent Beating And Fuck - by Littledickboy - I called my girlfriend's cell phone and instead of her answering it was her attacker who had brutally beaten, raped and was now destroying my girlfriend. And she helps arrange a 'Special Wedding'. The following summer his questions were happily answered by two different women. Please read chapter one and two before this chapter. Family fun. They use a sump pump to pump hot juicy cum constantly into these women to impregnate them. Also she was feeling guilty about her judgement, yet most of her didn't care. Select new user avatar: Upload and save Cancel. FF, exh, dom, intr, mc, anal-play Lord Of Lies - by Nesfdancer - Traditional vampire story with two young female victims. Then the fun begins. Turn of the quite lamb. Soon he felt her sleeping presence.

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