victoria de angelis lesbian

Victoria de angelis lesbian

By Jordan Robledo. Since their fiery debut on the Italian edition of The X Factor, the beloved four-piece band has made waves in the pop culture sphere for their unapologetic music and artistry. Search for:.

The Eurovision Song Contest has had a long-held fan base in the LGBT community , and Eurovision organisers have actively worked to include these fans in the contest since the s. Paul Oscar became the contest's first openly gay artist when he represented Iceland at the contest. Katrina Leskanich , who won representing the United Kingdom as lead singer of the group Katrina and the Waves later came out. As attitudes have changed across Europe, and same-sex attraction has become more accepted in many European countries, several artists have since come out as LGBT years or decades after participating in the contest. These include Bob Benny , who represented Belgium twice in and and came out publicly as gay in , [10] and Switzerland's representative Patrick Juvet who came out publicly as bisexual in De Jager was the first transgender person to host the contest.

Victoria de angelis lesbian

In all the media, when talking about the subject, much is said about the style of the frontman of the group, Damiano David. In case you didn't already know, they are Victoria de Angelis bassist and Ethan Torchio drummer. In this regard, Ethan defines himself as 'sexually free':. And it is important to highlight that Ethan is very private with his personal life and does not share many details, therefore, he did not go into much depth in the speech of the interview quoted above, but that does not invalidate his statement. If you're a fan of the band, you've already come across scenes of the two in music videos relating to people of the same gender. In three of them, Victoria kisses the actresses in the clips:. The first is one of the band's first official music videos, the music video for Chosen! This is the music video for 'Le Parole Lontane', which portrays the loss of an inspiring muse: Marlena, who plays the kiss. This one is recent! And it couldn't miss a kiss with gum, could it? Watch the moment :. At this festival, being televised in Poland, Damiano leads the speech after 'I Wanna Be Your Slave': "We think that everyone should be allowed to do this without any fear. We think that everyone should be completely free to be whoever the f ck you want.

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In a new interview with The Big Issue via Music-News , the bass player - who was born in Vatican City, Rome - explains how she was made to feel "uncomfortable" when dating women in the area. But I still just wish it could be completely normal. The bassist then goes on to explain how her band work to create a safe space for their fans, where they can freely embrace their sexual and gender identities. But also… like, the fucking idiots should stop being such dicks, you know? Their next show will see them play in Budapest Arena, Hungary, on May Later this year, they'll then embark on a world tour in support of their third album Rush!

Recently, she revealed in an interview that she now prefers girls, further sparking curiosity about her love life and who her current partner might be. Many fans are eager to know more about the personal life of the talented bisexual musician. The band gradually rose to fame but gained international recognition in They became famous internationally after winning the Eurovision Song Contest in , where they sang their song "Zitti e buoni. Angelis' role in the band has been crucial, as she provides the bass lines.

Victoria de angelis lesbian

In light of their newly released album RUSH! The fact [that Raggi and David] are straight doesn't mean they can't wear makeup. Or heels. David, 24, added: "Everything me and Thomas do is always filtered by two people who are [queer].

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Retrieved 29 March Archived from the original on 12 August The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Pascal also stated that because of its ambiguity, it was not understood as a gay song by the general public at the time. The Advocate. The Guardian. First impressions on the success of the "Rush! Archived from the original on 20 April Deutsche Welle. Doron Braunshtein, Why do gay men love the Eurovision : the philosophy and rationale behind the obsessive love of the gay community for the Eurovision Song Contest Archived at the Wayback Machine , O'Connor, John Kennedy Krista Siegfrids ' performance of " Marry Me " at the contest featured a same-sex kiss with one of her female backing dancers at the end. By Ryan Cahill. Tools Tools. Archived from the original on Scientists name Jurassic marine worm after shock rock icon Alice Cooper.

By Jordan Robledo. Since their fiery debut on the Italian edition of The X Factor, the beloved four-piece band has made waves in the pop culture sphere for their unapologetic music and artistry.

But I still just wish it could be completely normal. The Advocate. West, Chris Le Soir. The Sydney Morning Herald. Deutsche Welle. BBC News. Download as PDF Printable version. But also… like, the fucking idiots should stop being such dicks, you know? Archived from the original on 31 July Eurovision had been broadcast in China for several years, however in , the rights held by Mango TV were terminated during the contest. ISBN Retrieved 7 July

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