toaso kap

Toaso kap

Subject: Turkey and the meeting of the Bilderberg Club.

The registered capital system was adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 18th of January ; and the registered capital was set as 3. Within this registered capital, the Board of Directors is allowed to increase capital. Six 6 members of the Board of Directors are selected among the candidates nominated by the majority of A Group shareholders. The remaining three 3 candidates are selected among the candidates nominated by B Group shareholders. All of the auditors are selected among the candidates nominated by the majority of A Group shareholders.

Toaso kap

View Attachments. Disclosure Type. Related Companies. İlgili Fonlar. Related Funds. Uyum Durumu. Company Compliance Status. Not Applicable. Corporate Governance Compliance Report. There has been no such transaction notification. For donations, a separate agenda item was included in the general assembly agenda, and the details of donations with highest amount were explained in the general assembly information document. The balance, not detailed in the information document, consists of various donations to various institutions and organizations, each below , TRY, which do not constitute an important information for investors. Donations below this amount are not followed by our investors, and it is planned to continue making announcements with this materiality limit in the following years. At the General Assembly,there is one right to vote for each share, but there are no privileges in right to vote. Shareholders attending the General Assembly meeting use their rights to vote in proportion to the nominal value of the total shares.

Subject: Cultivation of industrial hemp and its by-products. X'diffikultajiet huma mistennija f'dan ix-xenarju?

The donations and charitable grants made to foundations and associations during the reporting period amounted to TL It is hereby proposed that; Cash dividends in the total amount of TL The beginning date of dividend distribution be set as 04 April We hereby propose that the dividend distribution and timing be resolved as proposed above. According to the developments in the financial markets and the development of our company's liquidity, in the second half of the year, in case favorable conditions arise, it has been decided to separately evaluate additional dividend distribution opportunities with the decision of the extraordinary general assembly.

The donations and charitable grants made to foundations and associations during the reporting period amounted to TL It is hereby proposed that; Cash dividends in the total amount of TL 3. Resident corporate entities and non-resident corporate entities deriving dividends via a workplace or permanent representation in Turkey be paid out a cash dividend at a rate of Our other shareholders be paid out a cash dividend at the rate of The beginning date of dividend distribution be set as 22 March We hereby propose that the dividend distribution and timing be resolved as proposed above. Disclosure Type. Summary Info. Cash Dividend Payment Amount and Rates. Share Group Info.

Toaso kap

The donations and charitable grants made to foundations and associations during the reporting period amounted to TL It is hereby proposed that; Cash dividends in the total amount of TL 3. The beginning date of dividend distribution be set as 21 March We hereby propose that the dividend distribution and timing be resolved as proposed above. And as Group A shares which correspond to 0.

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Production Facilities Address. When does the Commission expect that the aforementioned report will be released? Bent u bereid bij de Indiase regering aan te dringen op effectieve actie tegen slavernij en kinderarbeid in de tapijtindustrie en samen activiteiten daartegen te ondernemen? In het werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie uit betreffende handel en de ergste vormen van kinderarbeid wordt de link tussen internationale handel en de ergste vormen van kinderarbeid nader onderzocht. The scientists undertook to develop a method of preventing mould growth. Has the Commission has ever considered establishing a directorate responsible exclusively for disability affairs? For more details please consult the full report, in particular paragraph 2. In accordance with the principles of the committees, it is possible for the committees to claim opinions from the independent professionals. According to the information available to the Commission, a national programme for cervical cancer screening has not been introduced so far. X'diffikultajiet huma mistennija f'dan ix-xenarju? The charge against him was crimes against humanity, which he allegedly committed with his death squads. The Commission also supports the Member States through evidence-based policy making to address common challenges. What proportion of qualified teachers in Member States received dyslexia-SpLD awareness training as part of their continuing professional development in the latest period for which figures are available? Moreover, the TACs for the next 4 years will be set in accordance with the scientific advice. As to gear lost due to adverse climactic conditions e.

About the company. It also produces various automotive spare parts, as well as trades in automobile and spare parts; and provides consumer financing and insurance services.

After Sales and Spare Parts Director. Indien het geval, hoeveel Europees geld ontvangt Oeganda jaarlijks? What measures will the Commission take to ensure that Indian carpets sold on the European market have been made without resorting to slavery and child labour? L'articolo 2, paragrafo 1, dello stesso regolamento specifica quanto segue: « le cifre relative all'ammontare previsto del disavanzo pubblico e del debito pubblico per l'anno in corso sono le cifre determinate dagli Stati membri. Subject: Suspension of talks on Swiss participation in Erasmus and Horizon The harmonisation of European collection schemes could increase their efficiency, allow comparability among Member States and extend accountability to the pharmaceutical industry and associated players, as well as increase transparency and enforce compliance. The field work date is correctly recorded in the validated data file and the quality report documents the evolution of the methodology used and of the imputation procedures. In het kader van het 10e EOF kreeg Oeganda miljoen euro steun toegewezen. According to the Danish trade union 3F, the EU funding has been used to relocate several hundred Danish jobs. According to the developments in the financial markets and the development of our company's liquidity, in the second half of the year, in case favorable conditions arise, it has been decided to separately evaluate additional dividend distribution opportunities with the decision of the extraordinary general assembly.

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