slytherin girl

Slytherin girl

In the world of Harry PotterSlytherin House has produced some of the most complex and fascinating characters in the series. Often misunderstood and labeled as slytherin girl villains, Slytherin characters represent a wide array of personalities and destinies.

The title of this article is conjectural. Although it is based on canonical information , the actual name is a conjecture and may be supplanted at any time by additional information released from canonical sources. If this occurs, please move this page to the appropriate title. This individual was a witch and a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was sorted into Slytherin in During the — school year , when Fred and George Weasley set off fireworks in the castle, she was seen looking at a Whiz-bang that followed and hit Vincent Crabbe in the rear end, then later among the students that cheered the Weasley twins' departure from Hogwarts, which she loudly applauded.

Slytherin girl


More Gregory Goyle. Another member of the Slytherin Quidditch team, slytherin girl, Adrian Pucey, is depicted as a skilled player. His inclusion adds depth to the portrayal of Slytherin's Quidditch team and competitive spirit.


Out of the four Hogwarts houses in Harry Potter , Slytherin has a reputation for being the "evil" house, but there are some good Slytherin wizards. Each house boasts different admirable traits for its students, such as Gryffindor favoring the brave, but what Salazar Slytherin chose for his house was ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness. With the upcoming Harry Potter television series, there are new opportunities to explore some of the good Slytherin wizards and their stories. Unfortunately, Salazar Slytherin was a prejudiced figure. It's worth noting that when Hogwarts was founded, muggles and wizards didn't have the best relations, often resulting in violence.

Slytherin girl

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. The Slytherin Girls' Dormitory was, like the boys' dormitory , a room off of the Slytherin common room where female Slytherins slept at night. The walls were possibly decorated with Slytherin crests. The four-posters were covered in green silk hangings. During the night it was possible to listen to the lake water lapping against the windows. Also, silver lanterns hung from the ceilings. The walls were decorated with Slytherin crests. Medieval tapestries depicting the adventures of famous Slytherins covered the walls.

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Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius Malfoy. Lord Voldemort. Draco's father, Lucius, was a prominent Death Eater and staunch believer in blood purity. Professor Horace Slughorn. More Professor Horace Slughorn. A fanatical follower of Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange was a dark and dangerous witch. Totally Valid Criticisms. Horrifying Implications. Her twisted personality and sadistic tendencies made her one of the most feared Death Eaters. Her character serves as a warning about the dangers of blind obedience and the abuse of power.

Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. This Hogwarts House was founded by Salazar Slytherin and exemplifies ambition, cunning and resourcefulness.

Movie Appearances. Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, was a complex character who put family above all else. Characters Done Dirty by the Movies. Sign in to edit. The title of this article is conjectural. Don't have an account? His friendship with Albus Potter illustrates the evolving nature of the Slytherin house, moving beyond old prejudices. Raised with strong beliefs in blood purity, he was brash and antagonistic but eventually showed signs of inner conflict and moral struggle, particularly in the final books. If this occurs, please move this page to the appropriate title. Salazar Slytherin. More Gregory Goyle. His loyalty to Draco and involvement with the Death Eaters demonstrate the darker aspects of Slytherin House. Plot Holes We've Been Ignoring. Every Nickname in Harry Potter, Ranked. Current Wiki.

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