scp 179

Scp 179

Special Containment Procedures: SCP remains beyond the reach of currently known groups of interest, including the Foundation. All containment efforts are to be focused towards a Grade 3 Scp 179 cover-up, coupled with the discouragement or sabotage of exploration and research missions that attempt to study cis-Mercurian space and orbits scp 179 go through it, scp 179. Description: SCP is a humanoid entity located at a constant distance of approximately 40, scp 179, km from the South polar region of the solar photosphere, locked to the rotation axis of Sol. However, it does not orbit it; the most recent recordings of SCP indicate that it seems to maintain a continuous orbit around the center of the galaxy.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Now that I had awoken, my sister left. She descended, to watch over you. To talk to you and give you hope. She told me of all you did.

Scp 179

Staff site Team. If it should appear, potential witnesses are to be amnesticised and cover stories are to be spread to explain caused damage. If necessary, media reports are to be censored and to be declared a hoax. Should SCPDE-1 be sighted, it is to be offered to enter Foundation custody voluntarily, but may not be forced in any way. Individuals regarded as aggressors by SCPDE, if possible, are to be removed from the combat area. SCPDE is ca. Its weight is estimated to be at least kg. SCPDE always carries a longsword and a heater shield, which also consist of stone. When SCPDE is not engaged in battle, it carries the sword in its sheath and the shield on its back. Additionally, it is capable of flight with its wings, despite its composition, and reaches velocities up to Mach 2. Should SCPDE be damaged, broken off parts will immediately integrate back into their fracture point, despite the gravitational action.

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Special Containment Procedures: SCP remains beyond the reach of currently known groups of interest, including the Foundation. All containment efforts are to be focused towards a Grade 3 Omission cover-up, coupled with the discouragement or sabotage of exploration and research missions that attempt to study cis-Mercurian space and orbits that go through it. Description: SCP is a humanoid entity located at a constant distance of approximately 40, km from the South polar region of the solar photosphere, locked to the rotation axis of Sol. However, it does not orbit it; the most recent recordings of SCP indicate that it seems to maintain a continuous orbit around the center of the galaxy. Through the combined effort of 43 years of continuous surveying, the external appearance of SCP has been defined as a human female of undetermined ethnic group of between twenty and forty years of age. Its entire bodily surface is covered in or composed of a matte black material.

Scp 179

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Now that I had awoken, my sister left.

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Upon meeting, the two almost immediately clicked and grew found of each other. This definition, of course, varies with culture and environment, a fact SCPDE apparently doesn't regard with its choice. SCP is sensitive to all radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, intelligent and able to communicate through multiple anomalous means, including but not limited to radio and laser communications interference. Although the Foundation at first was unaware what this meant due to communication being unavailable as a result of the event, Dr. The longing gods beyond our knowledge. But after Gunther confronted them, they were slain by the angel as soon as they lifted their swords! SCP has demonstrated the ability to float around the sun all on her own through unknown means. I am their shore. Being one of the younger stars she became curious of the places below them which were illuminated by their light. I am the lookout. Others beyond the reach of your weary satellites. If necessary, media reports are to be censored and to be declared a hoax. Others beyond the home, our home. I am their shore.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP remains beyond the reach of currently known groups of interest, including the Foundation. All containment efforts are to be focused towards a Grade 3 Omission cover-up, coupled with the discouragement or sabotage of exploration and research missions that attempt to study cis-Mercurian space and orbits that go through it. Description: SCP is a humanoid entity located at a constant distance of approximately 40, km from the South polar region of the solar photosphere, locked to the rotation axis of Sol.

Closing: Despite several communication attempts, SCP did not perform any other movements nor transmit other messages. While being here, Gunther can't help the Order to achieve true greatness. Others that came before. Individuals regarded as aggressors by SCPDE, if possible, are to be removed from the combat area. If necessary, media reports are to be censored and to be declared a hoax. Its hair appears to be composed of this material, measures over 34 km long and is constantly pushed away by solar wind. Researchers assigned to SCP detect this movement. While SCP has been able to detect potentially harmful objects beyond the trans-Neptunian region, those threats had been detected by other surveillance and exploration systems usually under Foundation control or, in at least three separate instances, were visible to the naked eye from Earth. Life should be sacred to them! We wanted to send him to Italy, to be of use for a bigger part of the Order. But I got a letter from Italy. However, this part of SCP seems to reflect variable amounts of sunlight — this reflection being the phenomenon that indicated its existence to Foundation astrophysicists during Today is September 18h in the year of the Lord. Others I know. SCP is appears as a humanoid female of undetermined ethnic group of between twenty and forty years of age.

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