Ronnie mcnutt video

Ronnie Mcnutt Video. DoesSlowReborn Feb 24, more info.

Ronnie McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, Mississippi , who committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform. He worked at a Toyota plant. He had a variety of mental health problems, such as depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , the latter of which was a direct consequence of his time served in the Iraq War in and On August 31, , McNutt began a Facebook livestream. His best friend, Joshua Steen, noticed the stream. He did not initially find it unusual as McNutt had routinely done livestreams in the past, but he became alarmed when he realized that McNutt was intoxicated and holding a bolt action rifle.

Ronnie mcnutt video


BBC News.


Iraq War veteran and Toyota worker Ronnie McNutt, 33, shot himself during a Facebook live stream as his family and friends watched in horror and police were outside his home - and the video has left young TikTok users traumatised. It wasn't unusual for Ronnie McNutt to start a live stream on Facebook and ramble or argue with his audience about everything from theology to pop culture. Viewers knew what to expect from the churchgoing autoworker, so when he began a live broadcast on the night of August 31 it was clear early on that something wasn't right. About 40 minutes into the stream, the depressed and "incredibly drunk" year-old Iraq War veteran picked up a rifle which misfired, sparking frantic calls to family and friends. As police stood outside his home, Mr McNutt ignored calls and pleas from loved ones, who watched in horror as he took his own life. They are now being confronted by that extremely distressing moment again as video of the death is shared on social media and viewed by young children. Have you been affected by the incident? Email webnews mirror. The tragedy has led to criticism of Facebook and other social media firms for failing to block the footage, which wasn't taken down for more than two hours, allowing it to recirculate on Instagram , TikTok and other sites where kids were being tricked into watching the video.

Ronnie mcnutt video

His death was confirmed by his church, the non-denominational Celebration Church in Tupelo, Mississippi, which posted a statement about his passing. He was very caring, committed, loyal, dependable, and eccentric. According to his obituary , McNutt was 33 years old, a resident of New Albany, Mississippi, and is survived by his mother and two siblings. Heavy reached out to the New Albany Police Department for more information but did not immediately hear back. Do not donate!! He just killed himself live on FB and I cannot unsee this.

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Ronnie McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, Mississippi , who committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. A bug i found on L4D1 26 views. Rolling Stone. He worked at a Toyota plant. Budd Dwyer. Download as PDF Printable version. Want to flag this video? Xenometer2 his gameplays are very mindblowing and safe! It makes you a POS". Retrieved March 25, Ronnie has officially blew all our minds. Retrieved January 2,

Ronnie McNutt, 33, shot himself during a live-stream on Facebook after users reported the video to the social media giant and called police, says a friend whose phone calls to the distressed man were ignored.

TikTok released a public statement saying, "Our systems have been automatically detecting and flagging these clips for violating our policies against content that displays, praises, glorifies, or promotes suicide. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform. Related Videos. Many parents reported that their children were highly distressed after encountering the video, with one girl becoming physically ill and needing to sleep with the lights on. Facebook refused to cut the stream, claiming that the stream was not in any violation of its platform's guidelines, as McNutt had not committed suicide yet. Want to add this video to your playlists? The Guardian. Hey guys, I guess thats it. Text Comments 19 Sign in to post a comment. Retrieved April 6, Save Cancel. September 10, Variants of the video appeared in TikTok's "For You" page, so that users would scroll upon it without warning as the suicide automatically played, with the apparent intention of frightening or upsetting viewers as a form of trolling. Rosemary 1 year ago. Institute of Mums.

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