pietro boselli nude

Pietro boselli nude

Male model Pietro Boselli is undoubtedly one of the most popular handsome hunks we have ever featured at Pietro boselli nude Body Blog, pietro boselli nude. He became a hit with our readers from the first time we saw him in Ever since then the gorgeous man has treated us to some incredible shoots by some of the best photographers.

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Pietro boselli nude


Reactions: manule. Erotic Stories Wednesday at AM cshkuru. Reactions: wintercanbeDPaol and others.


Happy Thursday guys! I have something very special for you today and I know you're going to like it. You'd better hit that thumbs-up button and leave a comment on this one :. Of course we all love Pietro Boselli. He's the gorgeous male model who was 'discovered' when a student of a class he was teaching took a photo of his buff hotness for the world to see and it launched his international male modeling career. I'm always looking for new shoots with him and although I don't know when these photos were taken by Giampaolo Sgura I'm going to assume they're pretty new considering I hadn't seen them before this morning. The two are hanging out in a motel room and it looks like they had fun. Pietro Boselli has become sexier in his presentation over the last couple of years, being more revealing for the right photographers and showing off a little more. I don't think we have any full-frontal nudity yet, but we do have plenty of suggestive poses and sexy teasing, so it's obvious that Pietro isn't shy when it comes to getting naked for a photographer even if he might not want fully naked pics out there. Either way, he's stunning, gorgeous, ridiculously handsome and we'll be here to enjoy whatever he does.

Pietro boselli nude

Italian male model Pietro Boselli gives us all something to look at in the gym locker rooms, first we get to see that big ass of his, followed by a peak at his cock. Then for the full finale we get to admire his bog muscular body and his shaved soft cock. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This post is inspired by the raw and unexpected experience I had at the gym awhile back.

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Log in. A student tweeted about how stunning he was and before long he was going viral without realizing it. Leon Experimental Member. Install the app. If new posts don't update for you, clear your browser cache or start a private browsing session. Erotic Stories 46 minutes ago Attiissabella. Reactions: Laranjaaa , LucemonX , Alexisas and 3 others. Erotic Stories Wednesday at AM cshkuru. New posts. Come and take a look, leave a comment and share the post around.

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Bathe in the fantasy for a few moments as you wonder what might actually be like. You must log in or register to reply here. Erotic Stories Feb 2, Dream Big. View attachment View attachment Enjoy our posts featuring gorgeous male model Pietro Boselli below. He was discovered teaching a class at University College London. Weeks later he was signed to a major modeling agency and already getting plenty of work. Thank you so much for your comment Laurent. Then I went looking for more… You probably know about Pietro Boselli already, and if not then I have to ask what Hi Vincent! Male Models. Tagged: Pietro Boselli. I'll repost my two xrays from the modelling shoot for posterity. Replies 6 Views 2K. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

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