my adsense

My adsense

Jul 18, Search.

I was not sure that if I will be using Brave as the browser, I will not be able to transfer my money to my bank account to brave shield. So I tried my best and requested Google for the same. My Adsense account has been banned by Google. So I request you to please tell me what to do next because I really need my money. Also written a mail to brave regarding this.

My adsense


Many publishers think that it is better to allow all available categories to increase advertiser competition.


AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your site. Boost your revenue by tapping into the largest network of online advertisers who bid for your ad space. Block ads you don't like, customize where ads appear, and choose which types fit your site best. Jump into our guides, tools, and other related resources to start building on the web with this product.

My adsense

AdSense is updating its revenue share-structure and moving to per-impression payments for publishers. A new five-part video series on YouTube to onboard publishers to AdSense. The series covers ad units, sites, performance and revenue. User-generated content infographic and troubleshooter to help publishers stay policy compliant. May 25, min read. Copy link. What is AdSense? In short, AdSense is a free, simple way to make money by placing ads on your site. AdSense connects publishers and advertisers, giving AdWords advertisers the opportunity to bid on ad space on websites like yours.

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New replies are no longer allowed. Google took this into account, and now penalizes pages with too many ads above the fold. The most common causes of low AdSense revenue include invalid clicks, wrong ad placement, declining CPC, and low-quality traffic sources. How do you know Brave is the issue TheDevChopra? First, block underperforming categories. Detect and fix invalid traffic What is invalid traffic? If this happens, remove these two lines from the robots. How much traffic is good for AdSense? Create Custom Channels The best-located ad should show up first on your page, so the highest bidders will get this premium location, and increase your earnings.


Or analyze how changing the background color may increase the number of clicks. This error message indicates the AdSense Bot cannot reach your site. Implement Responsive Ads 5. For instance, tracking how your top-right ad is performing. My Adsense account has been banned by Google. Source: Google AdSense. The video should pay for at least 2 seconds. Learn more about how CodeFuel can help with site monetization. Contact Us and Start Today! Implement Responsive Ads Responsive web design is no longer a trend but a must-have, since they contribute to a better user experience.

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