menorah vs hanukiah

Menorah vs hanukiah

A menorah is a candelabrum with seven or nine branches or holders for light; it is often associated with the seven-branched menorah that was in the First and Second Temples.

The Hanukkah lamp contains room for nine candles — one for each night, plus the shammash or helper candle — though it is possible to find some antique European examples with 10 candle holders. Menorah is the Hebrew word for lamp, and specifically refers to the seven-branched candelabrum that was used in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem. Thus, a hanukkiah, or Hanukkah menorah, is a type of menorah; every hanukkiah is a menorah, but not every menorah is a hanukkiah. When is Hanukkah ? Get all the details on the holiday here.

Menorah vs hanukiah

The difference between the Hanukkiah and the Temple Menorah lies in the number of candles each holds as well as the purpose and time of year each is used. The Hanukkiah is a type of menorah or candelabra that holds 9 candles and has 8 branches. The Menorah is a similar candelabra with branches. However, it is a 7-lamp candelabra with 6 branches. Below, you will find answers to your Hanukkiah questions as well as more information about the difference between the Hanukkiah and the Menorah. The Hanukkiah is used as a symbol to observe and remember the Feast of Dedication, also known as the Festival of Lights or Hanukkah—a time when a small and humble priestly family, named the Maccabees, refused to allow the Hellenistic culture to cut off their devotion to the God of Israel. Hanukkah begins each year on the 25th of Kislev on the Jewish calendar. This Hebrew date typically falls in late November to the end of December according to the Gregorian calendar that most Westernized countries use. Around BC, the Jewish people were living under a foreign power. Antiochus also set up an altar in the Jewish Temple to the Greek god, Zeus, with pork offerings.

You may have noticed that we, at Curt Landry Ministries, light the Shabbat candles, menorah vs hanukiah, which are placed in a seven-lamp Menorah, every Friday night, following the Hebraic custom to usher in and thank the Lord for His Sabbath menorah vs hanukiah. Moving forward in faith, they lit the Menorah and got to work on preparing the next batch of oil. Did Jesus Observe Hanukkah?

The menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum, is the oldest symbol of the Jewish religion, and a variation of it is used for the observance of Chanukah — the Festival of Lights. During Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, Jews worldwide will light the chanukiah , a modern-Hebrew word describing the candelabrum with nine branches that resembles a menorah and is used on this festival. One branch is lit on the first night, and another is added each subsequent night until the eighth, when the menorah becomes fully lit. The ninth branch in the center is used for the flame that lights the main branches. The original menorah stood in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. The priests would light it in the sanctuary each day, following detailed procedure as instructed in the Bible. Chanukah celebrates two miracles.

The menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum, is the oldest symbol of the Jewish religion, and a variation of it is used for the observance of Chanukah — the Festival of Lights. During Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, Jews worldwide will light the chanukiah , a modern-Hebrew word describing the candelabrum with nine branches that resembles a menorah and is used on this festival. One branch is lit on the first night, and another is added each subsequent night until the eighth, when the menorah becomes fully lit. The ninth branch in the center is used for the flame that lights the main branches. The original menorah stood in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. The priests would light it in the sanctuary each day, following detailed procedure as instructed in the Bible. Chanukah celebrates two miracles. The Talmud states that it is forbidden to use a seven-branched menorah outside of the Temple, which is why the modern-day chanukiah is slightly different. The Tabernacle, according to the Hebrew Bible, was the portable dwelling place for the Divine presence from the time of the Exodus from Egypt through the conquering of the land of Canaan.

Menorah vs hanukiah

The original golden Menorah had 7 branches : three branches on each side and one main branch at the center. Each branch had a dedicated oil cup that was lit using olive oil. To this day, the Menorah remains one of the most widely used Jewish symbols in the world. Throughout the years, It was used in a wide variety of fields, ranging from art, coins, synagogues, jewelry, and logos — including the official emblem of the state of Israel. And so the confusion lives on! We celebrate the 8 days of Hanukkah to commemorate the miracle that took place in the Jewish temple during the revolt of the Maccabees against Antiochus and the Syrians. As the story goes — when the Maccabees, led by Judah Maccabee, finally liberated Jerusalem and reclaimed the Jewish temple, they used the small amount of oil they had to light the Menorah. Even though the oil was barely enough to last for one day, it miraculously lit the Menorah for 8 whole days…. That, ladies and gentlemen, marked the birth of Hanukkah!

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Both candle and oil versions are used now; the oil came back into fashion in the late 20th century. Lighting the Hanukkiah during this season can realign you with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as you step into His calendar. Therefore, it is the opinion of many Torah sages that the menorah taken to Rome and depicted on the Arch of Titus was one of the spare menorahs kept in the Temple warehouse and not the active duty menorah which would have been standing in the sanctuary. Motifs of animals especially lions , stars and scrollwork are common; some even had an illustration of Judith! There are also Menorahs placed in synagogues as ornaments as they are beautiful decorations and remind the Jews of the temples which were destroyed. However, it is a 7-lamp candelabra with 6 branches. The menorah has remained the ultimate Jewish icon throughout history. In the Middle Ages, some had a backplate so that they could be hung on the wall. A similar menorah is depicted at the synagogue in Dura Europos a city on the Euphrates River established around BCE , but with straight branches; this might be where Maimonides got his idea for the straight branch version. The Talmud states that it is forbidden to use a seven-branched menorah outside of the Temple, which is why the modern-day chanukiah is slightly different.

A hanukiah has 9 candles, one of which is at a different height than the others.

In Summary…. The eight candles should be the same height and at the same level, but the shammash is often placed higher or set off to the side. The same accounts indicate that it was eventually sent back to Jerusalem, but there is no record of the second Menorah after that. This light represents the menorah from the original temples. Jesus walked into the Temple during this festival, indicating His observance of it. The other type of candelabra is known as a Menorah and is more of a symbolic object. Unlike the Temple Menorah, a 7-lamp, 6-branched candelabra, the Hanukkiah has eight branches with a shamash candle. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. It is a way for you and your family to partake in a tradition that is tied to the Hebraic roots of your faith, resting in the knowledge that your Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach, also observed the festival see the section below: Did Jesus Observe Hanukkah. Please enter a valid email. When Do You Light the Menorah? During this rededication, the Jewish people discovered they did not have enough oil to keep the Temple Menorah lit. A menorah is a candelabrum with seven or nine branches or holders for light; it is often associated with the seven-branched menorah that was in the First and Second Temples. Motifs of animals especially lions , stars and scrollwork are common; some even had an illustration of Judith! The menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum, is the oldest symbol of the Jewish religion, and a variation of it is used for the observance of Chanukah — the Festival of Lights.

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