leon the professional parents guide

Leon the professional parents guide

Parent and Kid Reviews on. This title has: Too much sex. Helpful Report Report this review. Kvothe the Ruh Parent of 3 and 6-year-old.

Please ask yourself: Have we helped you choose movies that are appropriate for your family? It's up to you. Unbeknownst to them, they hire a car intended for someone else and containing some mysterious packages that some unsavory but inept characters want back. Directed by Ethan Coen. Read the Review.

Leon the professional parents guide

How does viewing violence in movies affect the family? An innocent girl. They have nothing left to lose except each other. He moves without sound. Kills without emotion. Disappears without trace. Only a 12 year old girl… knows his weakness. L eon Jean Reno is a professional killer. He knows his job well and executes every mission with skill and precision. He only has one rule: he will not kill women or children. Leon takes the grief-stricken girl under his wing, albeit reluctantly, but by her request, and begins to teach her the ropes of his trade, while she in turn learns that the revenge she desperately wants may not be the best thing. The screenplay is moving and at times, very funny. Unfortunately, the content warrants this as a film only for adults. Matilda is a rebellious preteen who smokes, is disrespectful towards adults, and uses strong profanity. She also becomes infatuated with Leon, and, at one point, tells a man that she is his lover, rightfully shocking him.

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The massacre forces the girl, Matilda Natalie Portman , to take shelter in the apartment of Leon, a neighbor she hardly knows who turns out to be a hit man. The filmmaker attempts to show that even inside the most heartless killer there is still a side that can love. However, this message is buried beneath bloody killings, drug and alcohol abuse, foul language, implied promiscuity, and revenge. The most disturbing element in the movie is that the filmmaker uses a young girl in this corrupt, immoral film. Many camera shots appear amateurish, the action is more gory than suspenseful, and the acting is mediocre.

Use app. Parent and Kid Reviews on. Our Review Parents say 10 Kids say I wish more people knew about this movie. I was looking for a movie to watch with the family and I stumbled upon Leon: The Professional. In my opinion, Jean Reno is one of or if not the greatest actor in the world. His performance as Leon is spectacular. This movie does have some strange scenes whenever Mathilda tells Leon she loves him and that might make smaller children uncomfortable. There is a lot of violence and blood but it's not that bad. In conclusion, I would hope more people would know about this movie and I strongly encourage people to watch it.

Leon the professional parents guide

Produced by Patrice Ledoux. Production companies are Les Films du Dauphin. R — Restricted Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Contains some adult material.

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Although this movie has some horrible curse words. Directed by Blitz Bazawule. Law enforcement characters are portrayed as crooked and more morally bankrupt than the film's criminals. Discuss what it means to be an anti-hero. Determined to play, the boy as a teenager Colin Ford endures bullying, pain, and multiple surgeries to achieve his goals. There is one very disturbing and violent scene in this film, where a man is gunning down an entire family. I must say that I was pleasently surprised. Content Ratings: S3 V6 L4. In fact, I didn't hear Leon cursed even once in the film. The Beekeeper A reclusive man Jason Statham that keeps bees seeks vengeance against the people that caused a woman Phylicia Rashad to lose everything.

They're trained in creating high-quality parenting advice based on best practices in child development. Read more about how we rate and review.

Several lines of dialogue are spoken in Russian with English subtitles. There are scenes near the start of the film where some women are dressed inappropriately, there is also a short shot of two people having sex, although there is no nudity. The emotions these characters brought out were strong that it connects the viewers. What are the consequences? I think this film would have been just as good and well made had it been PG In a brie. Release date. He is kind to Mathilda, a year-old girl in his apartment block, ends up taking her in as a father figure when her family is killed. Knoxville News-Sentinel. Night Swim A man Wyatt Russell dealing with a recent MS diagnosis searches for a way to deal with a new life without his professional baseball career. However, this message is buried beneath bloody and brutal killings, drug and alcohol abuse, foul language, implied sexual promiscuity, and revenge, the motivating factor in the year-old girl's life. It can be quite uncomfortable to watch.

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