patronus pottermore quiz

Patronus pottermore quiz

Do you want to know what your Patronus patronus pottermore quiz Take this quiz and be ready to say: Expecto Patronum! It can be in the form of a hawk, a leopard, a lion, a snake, an owl or more!

Answer 20 personality questions to unleash your powerful spirit animal. She claimed that the team had been working on it several years ago. However, it got published around However, the original test aka Pottermore Patronus Quiz is not the only questionary on the internet. But the primary purpose of all of them is the same, determining your magical animal.

Patronus pottermore quiz


The QuizExpo Patronus Test is a unique questionary. What is your favorite location in the wizarding world?


The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in Users may follow the story to find out their Patronus by selecting sets of timed choices with their instinct. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. When an account is set up, users may take the quiz which begins with an introduction to what the Patronus Charm is. As they follow the story throughout the forest, by following the white light which is trying to take form as they make their choices, the quiz gives the users little details about what their Patronus may be such as whether that is "a tail or a wing" taking form. If the user does not select a choice from a set in the time given, they have to retake it as another set of choices. If they repeatedly run out of time, Pottermore will reset the quiz, telling them that creating a Patronus is hard so they can try again. Typically, the quiz will have five questions. When the Patronus is determined as unusual, they will be given a sixth question and when it is a rare Patronus, there will be a seventh question. Pottermore Wiki Explore.

Patronus pottermore quiz

The ancient spell, Expecto Patronum, is notoriously difficult to cast, and only wizards with the purest of hearts are able to use it for conjuring their own spirit guardian, the Patronus. Against an army of Dementors, you find yourself one of the rare few who can use this charm. Before you prime your wand and utter the magical incantation, you take a moment to wonder what kind of creature your Patronus would look like. Since wizards need to concentrate on their happiest memory to conjure one, how would it be related to it?

Synonym atrocious

Yes, your Hogwarts or Ilvermorny House might affect your magical spirit creature. What did you think of this patronus quiz? Well, it is very similar! But it identifies how guiltless you are. While unfortunate, it's just how it is. Harry Potter House Quiz. But if you are, you are in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Take this quiz and be ready to say: Expecto Patronum! Email address:. About us QuizExpo is an entertainment and educational website based on quizzes. While we will be giving you all a patronus, it's key to note that in real wizarding world, NOT every witch and wizard can perform this charm. Quiz: Which Generation Are You? By the way, you can take the Harry Potter Wand Quiz after finishing this one. Do you want to know what your Patronus is?


What Is My Animagus? Harry Potter House Quiz. Well, it is very similar! They might kill themselves while trying. She claimed that the team had been working on it several years ago. Whose fault is it? Follow us. Yep, that significant. First of all, J. Take it now to find out whether or not you have a magical creature. Any big-time Harry Potter fans know this; it's kind of like having to know which house you'd be sorted into! So, for you, it might be an ordinary recall with a deep sense of joy—or the opposite.

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