legend placement matplotlib

Legend placement matplotlib

A legend is an area describing the elements of the graph. In this article, we will learn about the Matplotlib Legends.

You can modify different properties of a plot — color, size, label, title and so on — when working with Matplotlib. In this article, you'll learn what a legend is in Matplotlib, and how to use some of its parameters to make your plots more relatable. In the graph above, we described the plot using a legend. A description of "Data" was assigned to the legend, and was placed in the upper right corner of the graph using the upper right value of the loc parameter. With the legend function, you can assign different descriptions to each line of a graph. In the graph above, we've used the legend function to describe each line in the plot. This makes it easier for anyone viewing the graph to know that the blue line denotes age while the orange line denotes number in the graph.

Legend placement matplotlib

It is unlikely that you would ever create a Legend instance manually. Most users would normally create a legend via the legend function. For more details on legends there is also a legend guide. The Legend class is a container of legend handles and legend texts. The legend handler map specifies how to create legend handles from artists lines, patches, etc. While not all artist types are covered by the default legend handlers, custom legend handlers can be defined to support arbitrary objects. Bases: DraggableOffsetBox. Wrapper around a Legend to support mouse dragging. The Legend instance to wrap. Use blitting for faster image composition.

This accepts a slightly different grammar than the normal loc keyword, where "outside right upper" is different from "outside upper right". Gitter Discourse GitHub Twitter. FFMpegWriter matplotlib.

Matplotlib is the package used for data visualization and is one of the most popular packages in python. Each pyplot function takes is used to make some changes to a figure e. A legend is used to describe elements for a particular area of a graph. Python has a function called legend which is used to place a legend on the axis. The legend function has an attribute called loc which is used to denote the location of the legend. The default value of attribute loc is upper left.

This legend guide is an extension of the documentation available at legend - please ensure you are familiar with contents of that documentation before proceeding with this guide. Calling legend with no arguments automatically fetches the legend handles and their associated labels. This functionality is equivalent to:. Proxy artists for further details. For full control of what is being added to the legend, it is common to pass the appropriate handles directly to legend :. In some cases, it is not possible to set the label of the handle, so it is possible to pass through the list of labels to legend :.

Legend placement matplotlib

Go to the end to download the full example code. This legend guide extends the legend docstring - please read it before proceeding with this guide. A legend is made up of one or more legend entries. An entry is made up of exactly one key and one label. Calling legend with no arguments automatically fetches the legend handles and their associated labels. This functionality is equivalent to:. Proxy artists for further details. For full control of what is being added to the legend, it is common to pass the appropriate handles directly to legend :. In the rare case where the labels cannot directly be set on the handles, they can also be directly passed to legend :. Not all handles can be turned into legend entries automatically, so it is often necessary to create an artist which can.

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A transform to apply to the bounding box. The legend's title. PowerNorm matplotlib. This accepts a slightly different grammar than the normal loc keyword, where "outside right upper" is different from "outside upper right". Barbs matplotlib. Subclasses should override for inclusion in the bounding box "tight" calculation. MovieWriterRegistry matplotlib. You can suggest the changes for now and it will be under the article's discussion tab. The font size of the legend's title. In such cases, you can move the Matplotlib legend to a more suitable location within the plot. In order to create legend entries, handles are given as an argument to an appropriate HandlerBase subclass. The string 'center' places the legend at the center of the axes. Path , it is interpreted as the absolute path to a font file. Share your suggestions to enhance the article. Add Other Experiences.

The elements to be added to the legend are automatically determined, when you do not pass in any extra arguments.

In addition to the values of loc listed above, we have 'outside right upper', 'outside right lower', 'outside left upper', and 'outside left lower'. Sometimes it is more clear to split legend entries across multiple legends. Arc matplotlib. Section Navigation matplotlib matplotlib. QuiverKey matplotlib. BboxBase or tuple. In data visualization, a legend is an important component that helps you understand what the different elements in a plot represent. Best Data Visualization Projects for Beginners. Errorbar limit selection. By default, Matplotlib places the legend at a predefined location within the plot. MovieWriter matplotlib. The vertical offset relative to the font size for the markers created for a scatter plot legend entry. BoundaryNorm matplotlib. Default is no title None. Create Improvement.

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