kenny the white tiger

Kenny the white tiger

About this rating. Inbreeding resulted in a white tiger with unusual facial features. Photographs purportedly showing a "tiger with Down syndrome" have been circulating online for several years. Although these kenny the white tiger are real, the animal's appearance is not the result of Down syndromebut rather of inbreeding.

You can also add newsletters iflscience. IFLScience needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy. While much of the coverage refers to Kenny as being alive, the Pet Collective report he died in What is clear is that Kenny was a victim of the greed of the breeding industry.

Kenny the white tiger

Kenny's owner claimed his face was deformed because he kept smashing it into a wall - and there were incorrect claims that his facial deformity was due to Down's syndrome. This rare white tiger - cruelly dubbed the 'ugliest' big cat in the world - was bred through incest by an animal trafficker who wanted to make a small fortune. The animal, called Kenny, had a deformed face that erroneous reports claimed was caused by Down's syndrome. His parents were brother and sister, and all of their cubs, except Kenny and a brother called Willie, who was severely cross-eyed, were stillborn or died at birth. The breeder claimed Kenny's face was deformed because he kept smashing his face into a wall, and he said he hadn't killed the cub at birth because his son though the newborn was "too cute". But Kenny's facial deformity meant he had no chance of being sold to someone wanting a rare tiger as a pet. The big cat - known for his wide face, short snout and huge underbite - was born on a tiger farm in Bentonville, Arkansas, in , and he lived there in filth. The tigers, named after country music stars, were in filthy cages filled with their own faeces and the remains of dead chickens. Emily McCormack, animal curator for Turpentine Creek, told The Dodo in "The gentleman that we rescued him from said he would constantly run his face into the wall. Ms McCormack said some media reports claimed Kenny had Down's syndrome, but he appeared to be mentally normal. She added: "He acted like the rest of them.

She added: "He acted like the rest of them. World's 'ugliest' white tiger bred through incest in cruel bid to make money.

Their show ran in one form or another for over 30 years, but ended when one of the magicians, Roy, was almost killed by one of their white tigers, Mantacore. In fact, they say they practice conscientious breeding to avoid mating tigers that are closely related, and they say they stopped breeding tigers back in Despite this argument, factual information dictates that all white tigers are related. The chance to provide true education, however, was short-lived. But what qualifies as major? Rather than delving into the true dangers of the act, the segment shifted focus to people happily petting cute little cubs. In an old interview used in the feature, former Mirage Hotel Owner, Steve Wynn, recalled the day before the attack, saying he had discussed the threat of the powerful tigers with Roy.

A white tiger species does not exist, and all white tigers are a product of inbreeding. Inbreeding can lead to severe health issues and deformities, and animal inbreeding by humans often leads to abandonment, euthanization, and other heartbreaking outcomes. According to PR representative for the Florida sanctuary Big Cat Rescue , Susan Bass, white tigers all descended from one original white tiger with recessive genes, who was taken from the wild in the s. This means that all white tigers in existence are a product of years of inbreeding. As Bass explained to The Dodo , all this inbreeding leads to a host of health issues for most white tigers, including Kenny. The reason Kenny stands out so much could be because oftentimes, breeders will keep the perfect-looking cubs and get rid of the rest. Bass told The Dodo: "To get that one perfect, pretty white cub, it's one out of What happens to the other Kenny was born in and rescued in by Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge from a tiger farm in Arkansas.

Kenny the white tiger

About this rating. Inbreeding resulted in a white tiger with unusual facial features. Photographs purportedly showing a "tiger with Down syndrome" have been circulating online for several years. Although these images are real, the animal's appearance is not the result of Down syndrome , but rather of inbreeding. The photographs show Kenny the White Tiger , a big cat that was rescued from a breeding facility by Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in While Kenny's face had unusual features that could bear a superficial resemblance to those of a human with Down syndrome, this was not an official explanation of his appearance:. What is clear is that Kenny was a victim of the greed of the breeding industry.

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Facebook Twitter. Mixture About this rating. However, the tragedy is doubled in the case of tigers, since were it not for the obsession with breeding "pure whites" these creatures could be allowed to mate with other tigers and preserve the endangered species. Sources Luntz, Stephen. A great benefit of having two copies of each of our genes is that damaging recessive mutations are seldom expressed. For example, H. Footage of Kenny, the tiger with down syndrome. With so few of them, the genetic pool is limited, and inbreeding is an inevitable consequence. While Kenny's deformities are more apparent than other white tigers', it's unclear whether he's truly exceptional — or whether he was just one of the lucky ones to escape. Sadly, when the trance fades to reality, the true risks are revealed. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. The result of that inbreeding is tigers like Kenny, whose parents were likely siblings. White tigers are very rare. Even if only one person came away with a new perspective on white tiger breeding, with a newfound drive to educate and advocate, the experience was a positive one. The breeder claimed Kenny's face was deformed because he kept smashing his face into a wall, and he said he hadn't killed the cub at birth because his son though the newborn was "too cute".

The white tiger or bleached tiger is a leucistic pigmentation variant of the mainland Asian tiger.

A great benefit of having two copies of each of our genes is that damaging recessive mutations are seldom expressed. About this rating. Their skins are turned into rugs, their bones are used for healing tonics and wines, and their meat is sold to restaurants. Kenny was cruelly labelled 'the world's ugliest tiger', with people saying he looked more like a dog than a cat. Contact Us. Submit Your Pet. Although it was good that these animals had so much space to live in, the problem is people tend to mimic what they see. Bass said that virtually all white tigers have crossed eyes — even if you can't see it, their optic nerves are crossed - and a host of other medical problems. White tigers are very rare. My Profile. About Us. Celebs TV Films.

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