john q public air force

John q public air force

Whatever the John Q.

Tony Carr John Q. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. After serving for more than 22 years on US Air Force active duty, during which he flew Cs in combat, commanded a flying squadron, and served in multiple key advisory and staff posts, Tony retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in and started the John Q. Public project. Through the project, he pushes the Air Force toward institutional reform by bringing transparency, rigorous reporting, and a critical voice to issues impacting airmen, airpower, and the overall organization. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline.

John q public air force


Is the USAF seized with an unhinged culture of senior privilege? Soon after, the news broke of the even more specious sacking of Blair Kaiser, a decorated combat commander with no recorded misconduct despite repeated investigative attempts by his own chain of command to smear him.


Until the service is once again willing to hold itself accountable and wield its authority reasonably, enthusiasm for an external reform movement will persist. Why shake a fist at the United States Air Force? Why this blog and its accompanying social media presence? Why engage in what seems like a constant broadside of negativity and criticism against a service that does so much good in the world and which I claim to love so much? In the first instance, the answers lie in the questions.

John q public air force

Tony Carr John Q. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. After serving for more than 22 years on US Air Force active duty, during which he flew Cs in combat, commanded a flying squadron, and served in multiple key advisory and staff posts, Tony retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in and started the John Q. Public project.

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In this case, not only did the 4-star officer presiding over the inept administrative fireworks that distracted and disrupted an important warfighting wing do nothing noticeable to remedy them, there is circumstantial evidence he made himself part of the circus. It shows that the Air Force human resource business has degraded to a point that puts effective human resource management — and therefore effective warfighting — beyond reach. Nothing gets under the skin of airmen more quickly than senior officers who extoll the virtues of shared privation only to climb aboard a corporate jet after a few platitudes and head back to a comfortable office manned by servants and personal entertainers to attend to every whim in ways that would have made Marie Antoinette blush. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline. A year ago, JQP was seized with one subject: the retroactive slashing of veteran pensions by a craven Congress enabled and emboldened by a sinfully silent joint chiefs of staff. By , not enough had been done to address that rot, as proven by the unfolding of a scandal that nearly toppled the service. Meanwhile, those airmen who comprised the mostly involuntary audience for the distinguished visitor return to their jobs, still lacking the resources they need and feeling scarcely more appreciated than before. Was it moral? They rightly question why the service needs its own second-rate substitute for a Vegas show band , not to mention a legion of uniformed musicians occupying manpower billets desperately needed in operational units. In the year ahead, watch for more analysis and commentary on Air Force reform, which is the subject providing the fuel that powers the JQP community. But these efforts have not succeeded. This was a community manned mostly by officers in public trust positions. This community is increasingly animated by the anxiety that an Air Force unhinged and not well-tended could be a casualty of budget austerity in the coming decade. As rolls in, General Poore remains securely ensconced atop the personnel bureaucracy, having to date made not a single public statement about the mistakes of the drawdown.

Senior Airman Tessa B. In the op-ed, Corrick talks about how she loves being in the USAF, but that she feels she would be better off working in the private sector.

Unexplained firings are not the road to a superb Air Force. She remained silent as an oak while others provided occasional explanations, such as they were. In this case, not only did the 4-star officer presiding over the inept administrative fireworks that distracted and disrupted an important warfighting wing do nothing noticeable to remedy them, there is circumstantial evidence he made himself part of the circus. This has infected everything, re-defining daily Air Force life in such a way that airpower is taken for granted rather than being rigorously cultivated and pushed to the combat edge. Tony Carr John Q. This is axiomatic, since nothing could be more unexceptional than the objectives that gave rise to this blog. Many decisions were made in under the partial influence of this community, and promises to cotinue this trend. Through the project, he pushes the Air Force toward institutional reform by bringing transparency, rigorous reporting, and a critical voice to issues impacting airmen, airpower, and the overall organization. They need to be able to examine these issues through a critical lens. Public community represents as the clock rolls over to , it started more modestly. Senior-level responses to these cases demonstrate the infection of entire major commands with the disease of self-serving and politically correct management, which cannot coexist with true leadership. This latter subject area ties together every thread from throughout the year, and will form the core of JQP efforts in the year ahead. Tony also does considerable work advocating on behalf of veterans, appearing in print, online, and occasionally on television and radio networks to advance the shared cause of American servicemembers and contribute to the safeguarding of their heard-earned compensation and benefits against the pressures of budget austerity. There is some sense of a niche being filled. It is now a responsive operation that feeds on inputs from the community, with in-depth journalistic and investigative articles woven between commentaries and thought pieces — some by guest authors — on a broad range of topics from unit-level reform to public accountability to national defense writ large.

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