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Yaoi, also known as boys' love, is a genre of work involving romance between men. The word originates in Japan and gay nsfw typically seen alongside an anime style. Suggest updated description. Log in Register.

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A text-based game where you navigate the tricky headspace of a teenager who is going to see a movie with his friend.

Suggest updated description. Games made by devs who identify as queer. Log in Register. Indie game store Free games Fun games Horror games. Filter Results Clear.

Two friends find themselves in a strange new world, but something's They'll have to work together to find an escape, but do they even want to leave? Twitter Patreon Discord. A branching story. A huge WIP at the moment, but the story will feature dozens of different outcomes. gay nsfw

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We're happy to announce that the DLC is now available! We hope you'll enjoy this sequel to the main game! You can buy it here: Attack of the gay clones.

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