General hospital spoilers celebrity dirty laundry

Britt Westbourne. She was fiery and problematic, but deep down she had a good heart. Eventually, a kinder more genuine, but Westbourne emerged.

Sign in. Why did all the fun stop? We still have a couple of days left until our show resumes IRT. In the August thread , a new poster to the GH threads, peridotj made a comment about Robert and Anna " They still have chemistry! General Hospital GH spoilers reveal that the soap world is in mourning.

General hospital spoilers celebrity dirty laundry

Sign in. I kept throwing towels at my tv to get CM out of the pool. I don't get the appeal either and he has zero chemistry with LW. He's past the age of skinny dipping. Can we say goodbye to Chase? If he and Brookie aren't going to go there, he's useless. The whole Linc story is stupid. I fast forwarded past the boy scouts with their blonde brownie and unless Peter has risen from the dead to say hey to Austin, still not interested. I feel like Cody after a good beating trying to find an interesting scene to entertain myself with for the hour. Anyone have a shocked face that he's for Britt? Didn't think so. I will personally pay Ryan to stop the eggplant routine and start offing the cast members who bore us to death. Hallmark is hiring and Chase is a lock for a cereal commercial.

Like father, like son? I love seeing the old photos!!!

General Hospital predictions suspect that Sonny Corinthos may finally go down after decades of avoiding prosecution on the ABC daytime drama. General Hospital mega-villainess Heather Webber may be getting a redemption story as a recent health update explains her evil behavior on GH. General Hospital spoilers find Jason Morgan in dire need of help from the person who always gets him out of a jam in the week of March General Hospital spoilers find Drew Cain making an unexpected offer to someone during the week of March 18 — 22, , on the ABC soap opera. General Hospital comings and goings confirm Jason Morgan is officially sticking around for the long haul according to the latest casting news. General Hospital spoilers confirm Carly Corinthos Spencer gets the shock of her life this week when she comes face-to-face with Jason Morgan.. General Hospital spoilers promise Nina Reeves gets the chance to plead her case to Sonny Corinthos according to the new GH weekly promo video.

The American-Irish actor conquered stage, television, film, and the literary world during his career. Skip to content The late actress was a series regular on GH for several years in the s. By Michael Maloney March 13, It always goes back to Jason and Carly. By Ashley Amber March 13, By Tina Charles March 13, Queer characters have always been blazing on GH. Drew and Carly may not be okay. The Carly and Drew scenes are game-changing.

General hospital spoilers celebrity dirty laundry

The mystery that has surrounded Jason will finally be solved or at least part of it. Want more details? Read on, friends…. Drew calls out Carly. Speaking of the resurrected hunk, he hopes someone will do him a pretty big favor. Proving that sometimes, parents can catch us off guard, Natalia does exactly that where Blaze is concerned. Having someone try and kill you will do that to a guy…. What will Curtis do with the information that Selina provides him? John J.

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I must say again that I really look forward to reading these posts!!! SC: How lucky is that?! Do you mean. Unfortunately, loss is an inevitable part of life. SC: Oh, wow! Sign Up. Looks like he was only supposed to be gone a few weeks. Sadly, John J. Mac Scorpio could hush the loudest of critics with his simple presence. Inspired Style Own Your Fashion.

By Tina Charles March 13,

LOL Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm. Message 13 of 1, Views. Sign Up. Jason is a known career criminal, due to his life of organized crime. This is Shopping Brought to Life. What matters is that? Frank Valentini also tweeted out in sorrow. Portia, Curtis Ashford, and Marcus Taggert are very worried, but Trina smiles and tells her mother she thinks things are going to finally go her way. For starters, Sonny Corinthos. He might be back filming by now.

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