Factory reproductions

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This gives our customers flexibility in creating a specific "look" for their vehicles. Not all replicas are created equally, however. When it comes to quality, Factory Reproductions has over 20 years of experience manufacturing the best in class replica wheels with the highest of standards. The attention to detail is exceptional throughout the entire production process. The wheel finishes are durable, easy to maintain, and provide the closest resemblance to the OEM wheels in stock. Regardless of what styles or sizes you're interested in, the one thing you can depend on to come with every wheel or wheels and tires order is the best buying experience in the business. From fitment help from our in-house wheel experts to shipping packages, we'll take care of you and your order every step of the way.

Factory reproductions

Factory Reproductions is a leading manufacturer of high-quality aftermarket wheels for various vehicles. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Factory Reproductions has established a reputation for producing durable and stylish wheels with exceptional attention to detail. Their replicas of original equipment wheels offer customers increased options in terms of sizing, finishes, and offsets, allowing them to create a specific "look" for their vehicle. BB Wheels is proud to offer Factory Reproductions wheels to our customers. We understand the importance of having reliable and stylish wheels on your vehicle, and Factory Reproductions delivers just that. Each of their replica wheels is compatible with OE TPMS sensors and interchangeable with the OE center cap, making them a convenient and practical choice for those looking to upgrade their wheels. The wheel finishes offered by Factory Reproductions are durable, easy to maintain, and deliver the closest resemblance to stock OEM wheels. If you're looking to upgrade your vehicle with high-quality aftermarket wheels, look no further than Factory Reproductions. BB Wheels is here to help you find the perfect set of wheels for your vehicle. We offer a wide selection of Factory Reproductions wheels and are dedicated to providing the best customer service in the industry. So, why wait?

Our wheels are constructed factory reproductions a low-pressure casting process to deliver an exceptional one-piece cast wheel that offers a good value for all aftermarket applications. Learn More.

Our FR F Flow Formed C8 Z06 Replica wheel is a lightweight durable design for enhanced performance and handling while maintaining integrity of appearance. Whether you are on a well worn path or an unblazed trail, the factory style Raptor wheel, will let the world know you are ready for adventure. With the incredible range of sizes and finishes, you can customize your Corvette to fit your style. Test fit your wheels with our new configurator technology. See All Collections. Test fit your wheels.

Our FR F Flow Formed C8 Z06 Replica wheel is a lightweight durable design for enhanced performance and handling while maintaining integrity of appearance. Whether you are on a well worn path or an unblazed trail, the factory style Raptor wheel, will let the world know you are ready for adventure. With the incredible range of sizes and finishes, you can customize your Corvette to fit your style. Test fit your wheels with our new configurator technology. See All Collections. Test fit your wheels. Wider sizing for the C8 Z06 brings increased traction to create the performance and handling you expect from your Corvette. Our FR F — Flow Formed C8 Z06 Replica wheel is a lightweight durable design for enhanced performance and handling while maintaining integrity of appearance. With its multidimensional split five spokes, it gives the illusion of a directional twist, a design unlike any other.

Factory reproductions

One of Factory Reproductions most popular wheels, the Dodge Hellcat Replica Wheel, is the new school Mopar wheel that provides optimum performance with classic style. Wider than the standard OE wheel, the Dodge Hellcat Replica Rims allow for superior handling and better traction for a more aggressive driving experience. Multiple size and finish options transform your standard vehicle into one that makes a statement. Click here to view this style on your vehicle.

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A brand new satin gray machine face finish rim has been added to the selection separating your truck from the ordinary. Our wheels are constructed using a low-pressure casting process to deliver an exceptional one-piece cast wheel that offers a good value for all aftermarket applications. BB Wheels is here to help you find the perfect set of wheels for your vehicle. Get a pick-up discount. The Trackhawk Replica Wheel is for a performance beast who also requires style. Series 66F 10 products. The attention to detail is exceptional throughout the entire production process. We offer a variety of sizes, and finishes for the Ram Truck Hellcat style wheel. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Factory Reproductions has established a reputation for producing durable and stylish wheels with exceptional attention to detail. The C5 Corvette Replica Wheel defines simplicity. Go To Store View all collections of replica wheels. Series 91 3 products. Dodge Wheels Factory Reproductions offers the best in manufacturer replica wheels for Dodge.

With the incredible range of sizes and finishes, you can customize your Corvette to fit your style. Wider sizing for the C7 Z06 brings increased traction to create the performance and handling you expect from your Corvette.

Our wheels provide a strong, durable and affordable aftermarket alternative to traditional OEM replacements. Multiple finish options are available to really maximize your style. Our process allows for an outstandingly robust wheel that is lighter than a traditional cast wheel while offering durability and strength. Jeep Hellcat Replica offered in multiple sizes and finishes with applications to fit select Jeeps and Durangos. Available in gloss black and satin black, these rims will be an exceptional complement to any 5th or 6th generation Camaro. Vivid Racing was voted 1 in customer service nationwide! We can help. Click Here. If you are looking for a way to upgrade your standard Camaro, the Camaro Zl1 Replica Wheel offers multiple sizes and finishes to give you a more personalized look. We love the automotive community and love our customers who think like us. Inspired by the original Hellcat wheel for performance vehicles, the Ram Truck Hellcat Replica Wheel was designed specifically for your truck. Each Flow Forged Factory Style wheel is engineered to vehicle specifications and intended to be a direct replacement for most OEM applications. The satin black machine face with a bronze clear finish is truly unique.

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