Freemasons breast clinic

A breast tomosynthesis examination is similar to a traditional mammogram, but it allows the radiologist to examine breast tissue in thin 'layers' that are typically one millimetre thick.

Icon Cancer Centre Freemasons has proudly provided the latest in radiation therapy technology and techniques in a friendly and supportive environment since opening in Located on-site at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, the centre offers cutting-edge radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types, delivered by an experienced team who are dedicated to ensuring patients and their loved ones receive support and exceptional care every step of the way. Our patients are seen by one doctor for the duration of their treatment. Tram lines , 42 or 34 have direct access to stop 15 on Victoria Parade and tram 48 or 75 has access to stop 11 on Wellington Parade. Jolimont station is a five minute walk to the hospital and Parliament station a 15 minute walk.

Freemasons breast clinic

Breast ultrasounds allow doctors to differentiate between cysts and solid lumps. It may also help to determine whether a breast lump requires biopsy. There is no preparation for a breast ultrasound, however you should bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. Epworth Medical Imaging's friendly staff will greet you on arrival and take your referral form. One of our sonographers will collect you from reception and ask you to change into a front-opening gown. You will be asked to lie on a bed as each breast is scanned separately. The sonographer will use a transducer hand-held device which produces and receives sound waves to produce the images. Once the examination is complete, the clear ultrasound gel will be wiped from your skin any residue will dry to a powder. The ultrasound gel will not stain or discolour clothing. After your examination, please report to reception where you may be presented with hard copy films or a CD containing your images. The radiologist report will be sent to your referring doctor with imaging available electronically. Radiology Victoria Knox.

While some patients find this unpleasant, it is essential to obtain clear films. Breast tomosynthesis is the latest and most advanced clinically proven technology for the early detection of breast cancer.


Based in East Melbourne for many years, we are an independent private boutique practice providing specialist consultation, diagnosis and treatment for all breast conditions. Breast cancer is treated within a multidisciplinary team, with oncoplastic and reconstructive surgical options. With experience and understanding, a patient-centred approach to breast care. We listen and care for you as an individual. We recently relocated to Epworth Freemasons, Suite 4.

Freemasons breast clinic

Icon Cancer Centre Freemasons has proudly provided the latest in radiation therapy technology and techniques in a friendly and supportive environment since opening in Located on-site at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, the centre offers cutting-edge radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types, delivered by an experienced team who are dedicated to ensuring patients and their loved ones receive support and exceptional care every step of the way. Our patients are seen by one doctor for the duration of their treatment. Tram lines , 42 or 34 have direct access to stop 15 on Victoria Parade and tram 48 or 75 has access to stop 11 on Wellington Parade. Jolimont station is a five minute walk to the hospital and Parliament station a 15 minute walk. For specific information on public transport, please visit Public Transport Victoria or phone

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Once the examination is complete, the clear ultrasound gel will be wiped from your skin any residue will dry to a powder. It may also help to determine whether a breast lump requires biopsy. Breast ultrasound. Results After your examination, please report to reception where you may be presented with hard copy films or a CD containing your images. Become a patient. There is no preparation for a breast ultrasound, however you should bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. Our patients are seen by one doctor for the duration of their treatment. For cancer education in Mandarin, please visit our WeChat. Tram lines , 42 or 34 have direct access to stop 15 on Victoria Parade and tram 48 or 75 has access to stop 11 on Wellington Parade. Monday to Friday. Information about services and centres in Australia is available on this website. Prostate MRI.

Breast MRI is a valuable technique to help identify cancer in high-risk patients. It can also determine the extent of a known cancer in the breast.

There is no preparation for a breast ultrasound, however you should bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. Learn more. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI. Radiation oncology. Breast MRI. Become a Patient Refer a Patient. The radiologist will produce a report that will be sent directly to your GP or specialist. Send us a message and we will contact you soon. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI. Bone mineral densitometry BMD. Breast ultrasound Breast ultrasounds allow doctors to differentiate between cysts and solid lumps. CT Coronary Angiogram.

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