filius flitwick

Filius flitwick

His older sister, Agatha, had been born in Honorius and Adele were loving and attentive parents and made sure Filius and Agatha had happy childhoods. During his early years, however, it became apparent that Filius filius flitwick face other challenges, filius flitwick. His parents, however, treated him no differently from their first child.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Professor Filius Flitwick is a minor supporting protagonist in the Harry Potter series. He was a part-goblin, part-wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Ravenclaw House, being an intelligent young man and a model student. He also played Wicket W. In , he also opposed the Hogwarts Senior Investigator Dolores Umbridge and participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower in , after which he attended the funeral of Albus Dumbledore. Flitwick also protected students from the influence of the Carrows in the school year.

Filius flitwick

The Professor Flitwick change in the third Harry Potter movie sees him looking very different, and while it seems like his role was recast, the actor remained the same. Instead of the old, grey-bearded professor from the first two movies, the version of the character audiences see in Prisoner of Azkaban is younger and sporting a mustache. In the books, Flitwick is described as a small, old wizard with a white beard, who needed to stand on a pile of books to teach. Columbus picked actor Warwick Davis and used makeup and prosthetics to age him, placing a large beard and a pointy hat on the Charms professor — until this Professor Flitwick change. After directing two movies back to back, Columbus decided not to return. The school was darker, the shots were more dynamic and open, and characters abandoned their wizard-styled robes for more traditional Muggle clothing. They would also eventually end up affecting the Professor Flitwick change. Although the character did not appear or play a part in the third movie, producers offered a cameo to Warwick Davis. While the Professor Flitwick change created confusion at the time of its release, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is still a favorite among fans. What will be truly interesting to see, however, is how the new Harry Potter TV reboot will choose to depict Professor Flitwick. The Professor Flitwick change wasn't the only thing that Alfonso Cuaron changed in the franchise, as it was with Prisoner of Azkaban and its ending that things started to take on a more mature tone. In the first two movies, Chris Columbus created films mostly geared toward kids, which was an area he specialized in. However, the books began to focus on more mature moments, and the movies needed to also change to keep up and remain loyal to the books. Cuaron was able to usher in the new era, with a darker and more mature look at the Wizarding World.

Inthey were over the moon when they welcomed a daughter, whom they named Hesione, filius flitwick. Despite the sensitivity and shortness of Flitwick, he was respected.

He is also Head of Ravenclaw House. He is described as a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. Despite appearances, the author has stated that Flitwick is a very short human, possibly with some goblin ancestry. The author has also said that Filius Flitwick's birthday is on October Professor Flitwick has to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. When he is calling the roll on the first day of classes, he is so excited when he finds Harry Potter 's name on the list that he falls off his pile of books. It is on Hallowe'en that Flitwick's class is first allowed to actually perform magic.

You know what Flitwick's like, he treated her like a guest, didn't seem to bother him at all. He is very small in stature he needs to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk , but not small in magical ability. He was an accomplished wizard and, according to rumor, was a dueling champion when he was younger CS Flitwick seems to have a gentle spirit and can be an emotional fellow. His office was on seventh floor, near the base of the West Tower PA

Filius flitwick

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Professor Filius Flitwick b. During the — school year , he also opposed Dolores Umbridge , the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts , and, on 30 June , fought at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower , after which he attended the funeral of Albus Dumbledore. He also protected the students from the Carrows in the school year.

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Filius and Albus quickly became close again, each having endured terrible heartache since their Hogwarts years. However their response convinced him that they had learned from the experience, and he relented. He also supported Fred and George Weasley in their rebellion against Umbridge, appreciating their spell work and their talent as wizards. He later taught them how to turn vinegar into wine. Flitwick is an emotional guy who seems to have a gentle spirit. As his studies continued, he discovered that he enjoyed both the theoretical and practical sides of the discipline, and from his early years, he often worked on improving existing charms to make them more efficient, simpler, or longer lasting. It has also been noticed that Flitwick's role as from the fourth film, has been used for comic relief, due to his snappy personality and unexpected, comical behaviour e. Professor Flitwick was very caring and protective of the members of his House, Ravenclaw , as he was Head of Ravenclaw House. After Severus Snape murdered Dumbledore, he and his fellow professors turned on him. A magical and intellectual genius, he was one of the best shining examples of a true Ravenclaw. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, should be expanded - Needs expanding.. He sarcastically remarked to Dolores Umbridge that, while he easily had the ability to remove Fred and George's rampaging fireworks, he wasn't sure if he had the authority. During the war, one of his most gifted and rebellious students, a young man by the name of Jacob began searching for five fabled rooms concealed in the school alleged by myths and rumours to be housing ancient treasure, and began breaking all sorts of school rules and endangering his fellow pupils to prove their existence, resulting in his expulsion.

The following is a list of Hogwarts staff in the Harry Potter books written by J. The following teachers and staff members do not have their own articles or are not listed in other articles. Argus Filch is the caretaker of Hogwarts.

Sadly, this happiness was not to last. The school did indeed reopen for the — school year , but McGonagall had been replaced as Head by Severus Snape. In he spent the majority of a lesson discussing the "perfect" Summoning Charm Harry used in order to obtain his Firebolt for the first task. During this period, Filius took up competitive duelling once again, surprising enthusiasts, many of whom underestimated his power and prowess, by winning the All-England Championships in through , and bringing home the World Championship for England in At Christmas, we see Flitwick levitating ornaments onto the twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall. A witch of Indian heritage, she also introduced him to the Carnatic music of India, and she enjoyed accompanying Filius on her chitravina. When she failed to come out, Amycus told McGonagall to make Flitwick open the door for him too, but she did it herself. He did not hand out many detentions or deduct points often, even for things that other teachers would deduct points for, like lateness. He treated her like a guest and did not seem to be distracted by her at all, since she hardly spoke, though she did ask Alicia Spinnet what the classes were like. The following school year , Jacob's sibling asked him, prior to a lesson, if the spell in question, the Shrinking Charm , was safe to use on sentient beings. Professor Flitwick continued his career in at Hogwarts when the Triwizard Tournament was being held.

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