extensive farming definition ap human geography

Extensive farming definition ap human geography

A cash crop is a crop barbeque adda coffee or tobacco; something that is grown for profit and to meet some luxury rather than to sustain the population. Cash crops are primarily grown on plantations in the developing world, extensive farming definition ap human geography. Cash crops, while generally grown in the developing world, are most often exported to the developed world. Plantation agriculture is defined by the production of one or more usually cash crops on a large swathe of land.

For which of these purposes is a combine used? Combine harvesters are commonly used in the developed world, but remain uncommon in the developing world. Animals in feedlots are fed hormones to accelerate their growth and are generally kept in extremely close proximity to other animals of their kind. This has numerous benefits for the farmer, but of course raises moral and environmental questions. Chickens are most likely to be raised in feedlots because they can survive without any space and respond dramatically to hormone treatments.

Extensive farming definition ap human geography

Today, there are two divisions of agriculture, subsistence and commercial, which roughly correspond to the less developed and more developed regions. One of the most significant divisions between more and less developed regions is the way people obtain the food they need to survive. Most people in less developed countries are farmers, producing the food they and their families need to survive. In contrast, fewer than 5 percent of the people in North America are farmers. These farmers can produce enough to feed the remaining inhabitants of North America and to produce a substantial surplus. Subsistence agriculture is the production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer and mostly found in less developed countries. In subsistence agriculture, small-scale farming is primarily grown for consumption by the farmer and their family. Sometimes if there is a surplus of food, it might be sold, but that is not common. In commercial agriculture, the primary objective is to make a profit. The most abundant type of agriculture practiced around the world is intensive subsistence agriculture , which is highly dependent on animal power, and is commonly practiced in the humid, tropical regions of the world. This type of farming is evidenced by significant efforts to adapt the landscape to increase food production.

Correct answer: Harvesting crops. Report an Error. Planting crops.


In AP Human Geography, unit 5 covers the development and processes of agriculture including food production and rural land-use. The following guide will be updated periodically with hyperlinks to excellent resources. As you are reviewing for this unit, focus on the key concepts! About 12, years ago, people living in Southwest Asia began to grow crops and raise animals intentionally. From the beginning of agriculture in that region, and later in a few other regions, agriculture diffused throughout the world. Since , mechanization, the use of chemicals, and research have dramatically increased agricultural productivity. This increase has allowed more people to work outside of agriculture, but has increased stress on the environment. What people have grown and raised has always been shaped by the climate, soils, and landforms of a place.

Extensive farming definition ap human geography

Agriculture is a fundamental economic activity that found in virtually every corner of our planet. You and I depend on agriculture to survive. Rural land use is not a matter of chance. Rather, it is almost always the result of logical human decisions. His significant contribution was that he was able to identify and explain the spatial elements that help decide how to use the land. Access to markets has been, and still is, a huge problem for farmers all over the world. His attention to detail turned into a passion for a subject that still is of interest to economic geographers of today—the effects of distance and transportation costs on the location of productive activity.

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Explanation : Pastoralism refers to a strategy involving herding and tending to flocks of animals. Most people in less developed countries are farmers, producing the food they and their families need to survive. Thus none of these answer choices are false. Eliminate options about the orchard, the redwood, and the organic farm. In his time, rye was the most important cash grain crop. Chickens are most likely to be raised in feedlots because they can survive without any space and respond dramatically to hormone treatments. Therefore, they would not farm as intensely as those working land closer to the urban center. Which of the following options best exemplifies pastoralism? The dot represents a city, and the first ring white is dedicated to market gardening and fresh milk production. In contrast, fewer than 5 percent of the people in North America are farmers. Correct answer: Chaff. Slash-and-burn agriculture has been a significant contributor to deforestation around the world. Sounds more like mixed farming, no herding. With the roads, they were able to use less expensive land and still get their crops to market before spoilage made it impossible to sell them. MDCs also have access to transportation networks to provide perishable foods like dairy long distances in a short amount of time.

Physical geography is the study of the natural features of the Earth's surface, including landforms, bodies of water, and the atmosphere.

If the creation of an all-weather road made such a difference in land uses, imagine the impacts of the refrigerated aircraft now used to deliver loads of fresh flowers. Ben Certified Tutor. The type of animals chosen by nomads is highly dependent on the culture of the region, the prestige of animals, and the climate. Commercial farmers rely on the latest scientific improvements to generate higher yields, including crop rotation, herbicides and fertilizers, and hybrid plants and animal breeds. Over the years, improvements in technologies have tended to drive down the relative costs associated with shipping farm produce. If you've found an issue with this question, please let us know. Email address: Your name: Feedback:. Additionally, products such as wool, hide, horn, and so on could be transported easily without concern about spoilage. Thus none of these answer choices are false. Explanation : Pastoralism refers to a strategy involving herding and tending to flocks of animals.

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