Eve online killboard

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I did some analysis of data which I scraped from zkillboard. It is based on killmails, so it only shows how efficiently each ship is used by the playerbase, not how powerful it is. Different tactics or metas could thus influence the results for certain ships. Really have no idea of how much the ship that won the fight was was worth only the ones that lost. Perhaps an average drop rate would be better, though … to be honest this really depends on what the targets are …. The zkillboard data interface I use allows to retrieve kills or losses for a specific ship.

Eve online killboard

All killmails are automatically pulled from the API. If you think a kill or lossmail is missing then please contact a Director. Please note, however, that the board has been known to take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days to update, so be patient. Your Comment should include a description of the situation which lead to the kill or loss, if possible include what you learned from it. If you can, include a link to the AAR. Some of the above is also found under About Killfeed. Our killboard uses a mod named rankmod. This mod assigns pseudo military ranks, ribbons and medals to pilots based on their killboard stats. Below is an example of a comment for a loss within the Killboard. It received positive feedback from the SRP staff, when a request for a replacement ship was submitted. It isn't overly structured, but has some key information as well as a little bit of light heartedness too. Awesome Fleet Fun!

Ruel Stroug Obelisk Hedion University. It isn't overly structured, but has some key information as well as a little bit of light heartedness too. Fair enough.

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is. It is also often used to gather intel and check out what fits people use. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. Being that zKill is the most popular killboard, most corps or individuals allow it to pull their killmails.

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is. It is also often used to gather intel and check out what fits people use. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. Being that zKill is the most popular killboard, most corps or individuals allow it to pull their killmails. Where reasonable you can narrow down to kills, losses and solo. Further it is possible to filter for certain categories.

Eve online killboard

Eve Squadron is a cross-platform Intel Tool for Eve Online that provides quick access to important character metrics and statistics fetched live from Eve and zKillboard Servers. Available on Linux, Windows and MacOS, its user-friendly interface displays all vital information at one glance, making it an essential tool for players of all levels. While this tool is still in its development-phase, it should already work without any problems. To get started, download the latest release and extract it. You can find the package in the top bar of this website. To make it executable, run the first command.

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We expect to be paid at the beginning of every month for the last month. Lesson Learnt: When in large fleet engagements, if it become apparent I am the target, I should consider warping out. Most Valuable Structures - Last 7 Days. Kardi Green 2 Death or Glory. Considering nearly everyone who makes it a focus has their api linked to zkill. If we do not manage to achieve that, you will not have to pay for that month. This article is a stub. Level 2. It is based on killmails, so it only shows how efficiently each ship is used by the playerbase, not how powerful it is. Massive fleet from Fidelas Constans had the bare faced cheek to be roaming around EZA so we let them have a go. Mothris Naglfar Rise of Sun.

Please support zKillboard by disabling your adblocker. Or block them with ISK and get a golden wreck too. We're ok with this, however, your experience might not be that great.

Infested Carrier npc Unknown. Will generate killmail but without the victim fit and cargo. Pilot : Awesome Fleet Fun! Yukidrop 1 Fraternity. How it at this moment. Core Grand Admiral npc. Mothris Naglfar Rise of Sun. Guristas Hideout npc. We are open for negotiations. Kardi Green 1 Death or Glory.

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