district dave forum

District dave forum

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The Administration team are: Dstock , tom and rincew1nd. This area is full of useful information such as the background to the forum, it's structure, who the forum staff are, our full list of rules and an A to Z archive of useful threads. Also the area for you to find out how to do things, such as post an image or a link, for example. Discuss here any matters relating to the Crossrail network, including the temporary T f L Rail operation and the now operational Elizabeth line. Post here to discuss technical aspects of London Underground and T f L railways rolling stock. Also use this board to discuss any aspect relating to new trains being introduced. Discuss and ask here about Railway simulation programmes including signal simulations, and modelling of LU in 4mm and other scales.

District dave forum

Post a Comment. Pages Move to Many of you who read this blog will have visited his forum over the years. We shared links way back when there were only a handful of places online to share a discussion about the Tube. RIP District Dave by version3point His family and forum admins have written the following obituary which I'd like to share on the blog. The website became a firm favourite for enthusiasts and railway professionals alike, who wanted to learn more about the Underground or discover what life was like as a Train Operator. However, it was the visionary in Dave, in creating his Proboards forum and an earlier Bravenet version , with its quality and discipline, that became a rare gem amongst forums and allowed railway professionals and enthusiasts to interact, share and learn about the Underground. Dave never intended to be a railwayman and for many years, like millions of other Londoners, he was a commuter on the Underground. By pure chance, two neighbours who worked for London Underground independently suggested that he consider joining as a Station Assistant, even if only in the short term. Dave successfully applied and stayed with the job on the station until a spare training day a few months later brought about thoughts of becoming a Train Operator. It became a family joke that it always rained if she went out with him on the back. Dave was also a keen guitarist and regularly played in a band. In typical fashion, he would be first to arrive at a gig and set everything up and the last to leave, overloading his car with the gear and then looking after it until the next booking. He also had a gentle and pleasant singing voice, although he was a bit shy and very modest about it.

It is most certainly not my intention to 'challenge' other forums, of which there are several good options available. Dave district dave forum applied and stayed with the job on the station until a spare training day a few months later brought about thoughts of becoming a Train Operator.

This site is best viewed at x resolution. Since I've been running this site I've had a lot of questions sent to me by e-mail and I've always tried to answer these fully, and as quickly as I can. I'm happy to continue to get personal mails from readers of this site, but it occurred to me that other readers may have similar questions, and might like the opportunity to read my replies and add their thoughts too. This idea is being aimed solely at matters either raised here already or for questions specifically relevant to this site in particular and London Underground in general. However, since I originally started this, the traffic the 'original' forum is receiving has started to far outweigh the capacity provided and I've had to delete some older threads that I'd really rather have left available, so a new version has been started.

The Administration team are: Dstock , tom and rincew1nd. Seems like everyday now Don't blame it though, the equipment is ancient District seems unaffected though. That fault was ongoing for many hours, not sure if to end of service.

District dave forum

The Administration team are: Dstock , tom and rincew1nd. I see the Central Line general manager is quoted as saying "New stock will come in in ". This is an improvement on , if accurate, but surely the 92s can't be kept running that long? They were never a brilliant design, even when new The interiors are getting very worn. This summer, the heat issue has been well-nigh unbearable. Nothing I'm aware of on vent, but maybe something to get it all working again?

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Many readers have already participated, including many London Underground staff, so if you have a question, or want to discuss anything covered on the site, this is the place to do it! From Dave's forum "It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Dave Maloney, known to us all as "District Dave" and the first founder of this site, passed away peacefully at his home this morning following several months illness. JavaScript is disabled. Click to expand Joined 15 Oct Messages Location London. Update added 19th February However, since I originally started this, the traffic the 'original' forum is receiving has started to far outweigh the capacity provided and I've had to delete some older threads that I'd really rather have left available, so a new version has been started. It is most certainly not my intention to 'challenge' other forums, of which there are several good options available. Dave was one of the people who got me interested in signaling, and his website taught me a lot. I'm happy to continue to get personal mails from readers of this site, but it occurred to me that other readers may have similar questions, and might like the opportunity to read my replies and add their thoughts too. Joined 12 Dec Messages 1, The Forum Adminstrators have been in touch with Dave's family and they are aware of this thread which we'd like you all to treat as a book of condolence for Dave. I don't know if it's OK to ask about other forums, but does anyone know what happened to the District Dave forum? Dave especially liked boating holidays.

The Administration team are: Dstock , tom and rincew1nd. This area is full of useful information such as the background to the forum, it's structure, who the forum staff are, our full list of rules and an A to Z archive of useful threads.

Members Registered members Current visitors Mileage Mileage competition entry Mileage competition entry Mileage competition entry Mileage competition entry Mileage competition entry Mileage competition entry New profile posts Search profile posts. Thanks to Chris Westcott for these. Users Online 1 Staff, 5 Members, 66 Guests. The usual disclaimer Please do take a few moments to sign my Guest Book. Piccadilly Line Discuss here any matters relating specifically to the Piccadilly Line. But I emphasise that the idea is that this resource is particularly aimed at readers of this site and to matters raised on it either directly or indirectly. RIP District Dave by version3point His family and forum admins have written the following obituary which I'd like to share on the blog. Recommended Posts. Have a read here to see the latest news, and do seriously consider getting involved! View web version. We have now set up formal 'rules' for the Forum's use, and would particularly ask that you to consider the use of appropriate language and have consideration of others when posting. This forum has become a premier place for discussion of not only London Underground, but also the other railways operated by Transport for London and we look forward to thought provoking and considered discussions on these topics. New members will be approved as quickly as possible but the process may take a few days, depending on the verifications that may be deemed necessary by the Admin staff.

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