Cast hogans heroes

Robert Hogan Episodes.

Sign In. Edit Hogan's Heroes — Series Directed by Gene Reynolds Baker 24 episodes, Cynthia Lynn Marya 7 episodes, Arlene Martel

Cast hogans heroes

Robert E. Robert Hogan episodes, Burkhalter 66 episodes, Captain Heinrich 10 episodes, Gunther 4 episodes, Sign In. Bob Crane Col. Werner Klemperer Col. Wilhelm Klink episodes, John Banner Sgt. Louis LeBeau episodes, Andrew Carter episodes,

Garlotti 1 Episode.

Yet mine it the powers that were did. Everybody had a good vibe about the show even before it debuted; the CBS executives loved it, the sponsors loved it, they were getting good vibes from the writers visiting the set, and there was just an overall feeling it was going to go. Which it did. Big time. And below you can take a look at the cast that proved the Nazis to be dolts on a weekly basis. Dinner Theater was next, and it turned out to be fairly lucrative for him.

The inmates of a German World War II prisoner of war camp conduct an espionage and sabotage campaign right under the noses of their warders. Schultz : Col. Hogan if you ever escape Hogan : Yeah? Schultz : Be a good fellow and take me with you.

Cast hogans heroes

Bob Crane, in his signature role, made mental mincemeat of his enemies. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. What to Watch. If You Like Costumes 2 Credits. Marjorie Wahl. Ray Harp.

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Victor French Commando 1 Episode. Born January 28, in Stanislau, Austria-Hungary, Banner studied for a law degree, but decided to switch to acting. Laurie Mitchell Honey Hornburg uncredited 1 Episode. Kathy Pruitt 1 Episode. Skip to content. Bernsdorf 1 Episode. Entertainment - triviamemo. Vito Scotti — 1 Episode. Britt Nilsson Ingeborg 1 episode, Walter Hobson 1 Episode. Bonnie Jones Christina 1 episode, Civilian Technician 1 Episode. First Sentry 1 Episode. Hardy 2 episodes, ISBN

Robert Hogan Episodes. Peter Newkirk Episodes. Louis LeBeau Episodes.

Florist 1 episode, Vladimir Minsk 1 episode, James Frawley Gestapo Captain 1 episode, Bonnie Jones Christina 1 Episode. James Gregory General Biedenbender 1 Episode. June 3, Bruno 1 episode, Igor Piotkin 1 episode, German Soldier uncredited 1 episode, Hans Moebus January 7, Monroe Arnold Willie 1 episode,

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