Credit rating abn amro

Regulatory Disclosures.

The Outlook is Stable. A full list of rating actions is below. Strong Standalone Credit Profile: ABN AMRO's ratings reflect its strong and fairly diversified universal banking business model, complemented by a solid European private banking foothold, and its moderate risk profile, which results in resilient asset quality. The bank's capitalisation, funding and liquidity are rating strengths. The ratings also consider the bank's adequate profitability with solid earnings but cost efficiency that is weaker than peers. It offers a broad range of products and services to Dutch retail, corporate and wealth management clients.

Credit rating abn amro


A-1 Regulatory Disclosures. Local Currency ST. Your resource for efficient credit analysis.


A full list of rating actions is below. The revision of the Outlook reflects the bank's better than anticipated financial performance during the pandemic and the stabilisation of the Dutch operating environment. Fitch's updated economic assumptions for the Netherlands and northwest Europe ABN AMRO's core markets indicate strong economic recovery, despite some remaining risks related to the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and rising energy prices. The bank's strong risk-weighted capital ratios, funding and liquidity profile are rating strengths. Credit losses should increase next year but from a low base, and will remain notably below the normalised level, as we expect the bank to release some of its Covidrelated management overlay.

Credit rating abn amro

The Outlook is Stable. A full list of rating actions is below. Strong Standalone Credit Profile: ABN AMRO's ratings reflect its strong and fairly diversified universal banking business model, complemented by a solid European private banking foothold, and its moderate risk profile, which results in resilient asset quality. The bank's capitalisation, funding and liquidity are rating strengths. The ratings also consider the bank's adequate profitability with solid earnings but cost efficiency that is weaker than peers. It offers a broad range of products and services to Dutch retail, corporate and wealth management clients. Solid positions in these segments in selected north-west European markets and a leading global position in international clearing services provides moderate geographical and business diversification.

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Positive rating action is unlikely in the short term as it would require further material diversification of the bank's business model and significant market share gains in ABN AMRO's core segments. However, cost inflation, including from resources allocated to its anti-money laundering AML remediation programme, has thwarted its ability to meet its cost target. Risk controls are robust and sophisticated, with granular limits. They are also sensitive to Fitch reassessing their non-performance risk relative to the risk captured in the VR. Local Currency ST. The principal sources of information used in the analysis are described in the Applicable Criteria. Learn More RatingsDirect subscriber login Request a demo. Stable , Diversified Funding ; Sound Liquidity: ABN AMRO's funding and liquidity profile benefits from its strong domestic deposit franchise, which typically provides around two-thirds of its funding, good access to wholesale markets and ample liquidity that comfortably covers short-term wholesale maturities. Because of a dynamic property market in the Netherlands over the past two years, economic imbalances in the country have not reduced, as we previously thought might be the case. The Tier 2 debt rating is notched twice from the VR to reflect the higher loss severity of this debt class. LT IDR. Government Support.


Related Credit News and Research « 1 current 2 3 4 5 ». We expect earnings to continue to benefit in the near term from high rates and a gradual pickup in fee income. LT IDR. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision. Stable , Diversified Funding ; Sound Liquidity: ABN AMRO's funding and liquidity profile benefits from its strong domestic deposit franchise, which typically provides around two-thirds of its funding, good access to wholesale markets and ample liquidity that comfortably covers short-term wholesale maturities. Your credit card statement will list Alacra as the sales agent. The bank's appetite for traded market risk is low. View: 10 25 The Tier 2 debt rating is notched twice from the VR to reflect the higher loss severity of this debt class. Negative rating pressure could also arise if ABN AMRO experiences outsized losses from its core operations, as this would suggest some weaknesses in its risk controls and governance. However, cost inflation, including from resources allocated to its anti-money laundering AML remediation programme, has thwarted its ability to meet its cost target. A-1 Regulatory Disclosures.

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