chuchu zelda

Chuchu zelda

Na tej stronie poznasz wszystkie metody rozpalenia ogniska.

W tym rozdziale znajdziesz dokładny opis wszystkich typów przeciwników na jakich trafisz w czasie swojej przygody z The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Stąd dowiesz się jakim wyposażeniem dysponują oraz jak z nimi walczyć. Chuchus to galerowate potwory, które zazwyczaj występują w kilku odmianach elementarnych. Do tego, możesz je odnaleźć w trzech różnych wariantach wielkości. Wrogowie są bardzo słabi, wystarczy skupić na nich kilka ataków i szybko giną.

Chuchu zelda


Stąd dowiesz się jakim wyposażeniem dysponują oraz jak z nimi walczyć.


These gelatinous blob-like enemies are usually considered to be a very minor threat due to their comical appearance, having bulging eyes and grinning mouths. However, they attack in packs and are not to be underestimated when in great numbers. They can usually be defeated with most weapons, commonly the sword or ranged weapons such as the Boomerang. ChuChus slither, or hop, slowly along the ground until they attack, when they leap at Link. Some have the ability to collapse into smaller piles of gloop to avoid damage, before reforming when they see a chance to strike. However, they always seem to have little to no intelligence and know nothing other than to attack. There are many different varieties of ChuChus, each with their own attack and defense methods and weaknesses. There are two designs of ChuChus; the translucent, amorphous blobs with eyes and a mouth from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask , and the more comical varieties, with a gelatinous base serving as their "feet", seen in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and subsequent appearances. Despite the physical difference between these two, their attack pattern and function is rather similar.

Chuchu zelda

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account , and get started! Come join the Zelda Wiki community Discord server! Electric Chuchus are enemies in The Legend of Zelda series. Link will get an electric shock if he touches an Electric Chuchu or is attacked by one. Electric Chuchus will emit an electrical blast when they lunge towards Link, which can shock him if he is within range. Damage will be doubled if Link has any metal equipped. If Link is electrocuted while using any metal equipment he may have equipped, he will drop the equipment. After releasing their shock, Electric Chuchus will temporarily enter a "powered-down" form, marked by a darker yellow color; during this period, they cannot release additional shocks and can be struck without electrocuting Link. After a few seconds, the Chuchu will re-charge itself and return to its electrified state.

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Breath of the Wild Age of Calamity. Chuchu Ice Chuchu Electric Chuchu. Its strength varies depending on its size.

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