brett favre cock pic

Brett favre cock pic

October 7th,pm. The photos showed up on the sports site Deadspin Thursday, brett favre cock pic. Deadspin would not identify the source, but said that the voice mails were not from Sterger herself. When reporters asked Favre about the allegations, he declined to answer questions from reporters, saying that he was busy with the Jets.

She did Maxim shoots. Playboy shoots. Then, in , Ms. Sterger joined the Jets as an in-house sideline reporter. It was during that fateful time that her and Mr. Sort of.

Brett favre cock pic

Brett Favre may have sent penis pictures to model Jenn Sterger, according to an article at Deadspin. The web site reports that year-old Sterger, a former columnist for Sports Illustrated 's web site who is no stranger to revealing photo shoots, says the legendary quarterback flirted with her when they were both employed by the New York Jets. According to the article, Sterger claims that Favre, who has reportedly been texting teammates , ultimately texted her something quite different: numerous photos of his penis, including one in which "he's masturbating -- while wearing a pair of Crocs. While the report lacks any hard evidence so far , it would hardly be the first time Deadspin posted photographs of naked athletes NSFW links. Click here to read the full article. Do you believe Sterger? At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you. The truth is, news costs money to produce, and we are proud that we have never put our stories behind an expensive paywall. Would you join us to help keep our stories free for all? As Americans head to the polls in , the very future of our country is at stake.

Strictly dancer, 33, reveals doctors have told brett favre cock pic there is 'no evidence of They were still on her computer because they were fun to laugh at amongst friends, but she never planned to sell them or use them to bolster her profile.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Brett Favre loves being the center of attention. This afternoon, he has been all of that and more. Only, it's not about his reaction to the Randy Moss acquisition, or his preparation for the Monday Night Football showdown in New Meadowlands Stadium it's about his penis.

Sterger has yet to officially go on record with the allegations herself, not wanting the unsavory media attention this story will be sure to bring. Like this post! So what all does the site have? It is from that cell phone number that Sterger later received the voice messages and penis pictures. August 23, — If you get this today and dont believe it Jared Winley works in Pr for jets he will either slip you my or ask for yours. After this, Sterger begins to receive voice mails from someone that sounds remarkably like Brett Favre:. I just got done with practice. Umm, I got meetings here and, well until about a couple more hours. I wanted to have ya come over tonight. Umm, but uh, I know, uh, I think Aaron came up and asked you if you, uh, umm, would give him your number or he was gonna give you my number, but, umm, I understand.

Brett favre cock pic

The NFL has launched an investigation into allegations that Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre sent inappropriate messages and photos to at least one woman who worked for the New York Jets when he played for the team in The scandal began when the sports blog Deadspin posted a video clip includes nudity including voicemails and nude, below-the-waist photos from someone former Jets game-day hostess Jenn Sterger reportedly believed was Favre, a married father and grandfather. Favre, who has declined to comment, has bounced back from controversy before, including reports of heavy drinking and Vicodin addiction and two temporary retirements. But if these charges prove true, will the scandal finally sink him? Listen to the voicemails in question. This could wreck the rest of Favre's career, and his legacy: Unless the investigation goes Favre's way, says Sean Leahy at USA Today , his legacy could be irreparably "tarnished. After 20 years in professional football, Favre's last impression, if he did this, will be as a guy who harassed Jenn Sterger at work. Escape your echo chamber. Get the facts behind the news, plus analysis from multiple perspectives. From our morning news briefing to a weekly Good News Newsletter, get the best of The Week delivered directly to your inbox.

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In another photo, Favre is holding his penis while wearing the wristwatch he wore during his first teary-eyed retirement press conference. Comments 14 Share what you think. At HuffPost, we believe that a free press is critical to having well-informed voters. That way meaning old.. And I was told by her to keep my big mouth shut. I just want to make it clear I never met him, saw him, etc The truth is, news costs money to produce, and we are proud that we have never put our stories behind an expensive paywall. It's the same with dick size. Log in No account? The video also mentions how Favre allegedly first noticed Sterger when she was near the Jets ' tunnel during a game. Love child of former King of Belgium writes to the government demanding to be treated like royalty Terrifying moment gang opens fire on children: Three men are found guilty of attempted murder after hitting girl, 11, and boy, 15, in a playground after shooting at rival group Previous. Share or comment on this article: NFL's probe into nudes sent by Brett Favre to Jets hostess 'deliberately drawn out' e-mail. But then we went back to the original pronunciation.

In the post, Deadspin editor A. Daulerio recounts a story her heard firsthand from Sterger: that, while under the employment of the New York Jets as an in-house sideline reporter, Sterger was sent photos by legendary quarterback Brett Favre of his penis, him masturbating while wearing Crocs, and one where Favre is wearing the same watch he wore at a famously teary press conference which also, of course, features his penis. The site did well with the post, which — clearly having captured the public interest — generated , pageviews and , unique visitors.

Following their investigation, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell 'could not conclude' that Favre violated the league's personal conduct policy based on the evidence currently available to him. The video also mentions how Favre allegedly first noticed Sterger when she was near the Jets ' tunnel during a game. Only, it's not about his reaction to the Randy Moss acquisition, or his preparation for the Monday Night Football showdown in New Meadowlands Stadium it's about his penis. Submit a tip. Remember me. Plymouth bomb detonation LIVE: Locals are told they can return to their homes after 'successful' military Frasier reboot renewed for a second season after Kelsey Grammer's 'triumphant' comeback Strictly's Ellie Leach moves to London as blossoming romance with Bobby Brazier heats up Back to top Home News Royals U. This afternoon, he has been all of that and more. How can you watch the new two-part Lifetime documentary?

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