australian classification

Australian classification

This classification was developed for use in the collection, storage and dissemination of all Australian statistical data classified by country. The Standard Australian Classification australian classification Countries SACC provides guidelines for consistent collection, aggregation and dissemination of statistics by country, australian classification.

The Australian Classification Board and Classification Review Board are government-funded organisations that classify all films and games that are released for public exhibition. The Exempt classification can be used to rate special programs, given that they do not exceed the constraints of the PG classification. The Australian Classification Board participates in the International Age Rating Coalition in the context of classifying computer games. Exempt from classification. Films that are exempt from classification are usually about general information that is not purposed to entertain. Not shown in the classification database. There are no age restrictions.

Australian classification

The Australian Classification Board ACB or CB is an Australian government statutory body responsible for the classification and censorship of films, video games and publications for exhibition , sale or hire in Australia. The Department of Communications and the Arts provided administrative support to the ACB from until , when it was merged into the 'mega department' of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The ACB is made up of a director, a deputy director, and three other board members, appointed by the government for three- or four-year terms, and temporary board members. The ACB does not directly censor material by ordering cuts or changes. However, it is able to effectively censor media by refusing classification and making the media illegal for hire, exhibition and importation to Australia. The classification system has several levels of "restricted" categories, prohibiting sale, exhibition or use of some materials to those who are under a prescribed age. Some films those made for educational or training purposes, for instance are exempt from classification under certain conditions. Film festivals and institutions such as Australian Centre for the Moving Image ACMI may apply to the ACB for an exemption from classification for the purpose of screening at a particular film festival or event. The ACB may require film festivals to have age-restricted entrance to a festival or screening. The Australian Classification Board was created in to classify or rate all films and later in , video games that came into Australia. In the early years of the system, beginning in November , there were four ratings.

Classification is mandatory, and films that are Refused Classification by the ACB are legally banned for sale, hire or public exhibition. Authority control databases, australian classification. The Australian Classification Board and Classification Review Board are government-funded organisations australian classification classify all films and games that are released for public exhibition.


Elizabeth Handsley is President of Children and Media Australia, the national peak non-profit organisation representing children's rights and interests as media users. In this capacity she made submissions and representations to the Stevens review of the National Classification Scheme. Fae Heaselgrave is conducting research with Children and Media Australia about the usability of the Australian Classifications Scheme for parents and carers. In the era of proliferating streaming platforms, choosing what to watch on family movie night can be hard. Read more: Episode — Choose Your Story: the inappropriate game your kids have probably played. The scheme classifies media content based on the perceived impact very mild, mild, moderate, and so on of elements such as violence, sex, and themes related to social issues including crime, racism and suicide. The ratings aim to give effect to four principles listed in the National Classification Code. After intense debate in the late s, the adults-only classification was introduced in The Commonwealth referred classification law to the Australian Law Reform Commission for review in

Australian classification

The Red Kangaroo is an iconic Australian animal of the arid zone and is the largest living marsupial in the world. The Red Kangaroo is a large kangaroo with a body length of up to 1. Males tend to be orange red in colouring while females are often blue grey.

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Cinema of Australia. Residual categories are explained in 'About Codes'. They have content, such as nudity or explicit sexual content, that could offend some sections of the adult community. The accurate coding of country responses within ABS collections is carried out by automated coding systems that link high-frequency responses to their corresponding country categories in the SACC via a coding index. The classification system has several levels of "restricted" categories, prohibiting sale, exhibition or use of some materials to those who are under a prescribed age. For computer games, drug use related to "incentives and rewards" is not permitted. Regions under disputed ownership or control e. Only very specific types of material including educational material and artistic performances can be exempted from classification, and the material cannot contain anything that exceeds the constraints of the PG classification. Therefore, broader classification categories e. Archived from the original on 10 April

The Australian Classification Board and Classification Review Board are government-funded organisations that classify all films and games that are released for public exhibition. The Exempt classification can be used to rate special programs, given that they do not exceed the constraints of the PG classification.

These automatic coding systems are based upon the information contained in the SACC population index. The main criterion by which SACC categories are aggregated to form broader levels of the classification is geographic proximity. In addition to its use by the ABS, the SACC is also designed for use in the broader Australian statistical community, including government agencies, private companies and community organisations. This rating applies to films that "depict unsimulated sexual content only". Australian Classification Board. Australia, Indonesia, Philippines Administrative subdivisions within some sovereign states e. The contents of the index are drawn from high-frequency responses identified in statistical surveys and in the Census. The Exempt classification can be used to rate special programs, given that they do not exceed the constraints of the PG classification. Australian Associated Press. Supplementary codes are included for these entities because the information may still be regarded as useful for statistical purposes e. Coding non-standard responses Responses provided in statistical and administrative collections do not always reflect the official or formal names of categories in the Standard Australian Classification of Countries SACC.

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