A rectangular vessel when full of water

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Submitted by Jennifer W. We will assign your question to a Numerade educator to answer. Your personal AI tutor, companion, and study partner. Ask unlimited questions and get video answers from our expert STEM educators. Millions of real past notes, study guides, and exams matched directly to your classes. A conical vessel with base radius 5 cm and height 24 cm, is full of water.

A rectangular vessel when full of water

Learn from their 1-to-1 discussion with Filo tutors. Total classes on Filo by this tutor - 10, Teaches : Physics, Mathematics, Algebra. Total classes on Filo by this tutor - 25, Teaches : Physics, Algebra, Calculus. Total classes on Filo by this tutor - 3, Teaches : Physics, Mathematics. Views: 6, Views: 5, Connect with our Physics tutors online and get step by step solution of this question.

Topic: Thermodynamics. In Poiseuilli's method of determination of coefficient of viscosity, t CRPF Constable.

It is known that it takes five minutes to empty a rectangular vessel when filled one-third of its volume with kerosene through an orifice in its bottom. A hemispherical tank full of water is emptied by a pipe at the rate of 25 7 litres per second. How much time will it take to empty half the tank, if it is 3m in diameter? A cylindrical tank full of water is emptied by a pipe at the rate of litres per minute. How much time will it take to empty half the tank, if the diameter of its base is 3 m and its height is 3. A hemispherical tank of radius 1.

A hemispherical tank full of water is emptied by a pipe at the rate of 25 7 litres per second. How much time will it take to empty half the tank, if it is 3m in diameter? A cylindrical tank full of water is emptied by a pipe at the rate of litres per minute. How much time will it take to empty half the tank, if the diameter of its base is 3 m and its height is 3. An empty bucket being filled with paint at a constant rete takes 6 minutes to be filled to 7 10 of its capacity. How much more time will it take to fill the bucket to full capacity?

A rectangular vessel when full of water

Submitted by Jennifer C. We will assign your question to a Numerade educator to answer. A rectangular vessel full of water, takes 10 minutes to be emptied through an orifice in its bottom. How much time will it take to be emptied when half filled with water.

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In a carton, there are total of 45 oranges. UP Police Sub Inspector. RBI JE. Please Enter valid Mobile. JEE Advanced. Rajasthan CET. Question 2 Medium. India Post. Assam Police Forest Guard. The characteristic equation contains many physical parameters, but the number of these parameters can be reduced by considering the non-dimensional form of the system. Defence Exams. Punjab Police Jail Warder. Adv Appl Mech — The fluid was assumed to be inviscid, incompressible and irrotational, such that it can be written in terms of a velocity potential in each connected region. Assam Forest Ranger.

How much time will it take to be emptied when half filled with water?

Topic: Physics. Bacterial cell divides every one minute. ICAR Assistant. How much time will it take to be emptied when half filled with water A 9 minute. Visva Bharati LDC. Ibrahim RA Liquid sloshing dynamics. The lowest frequency mode typically had the smallest maximum decay rate except in the special vessel configurations with neutral modes , and hence this mode is expected to be most significant in real systems which contain a superposition of these modes, at moderate times. School Board Live Online classes. KVS Stenographer. Class Register Now.

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