y tunnus

Y tunnus

Notifications to the Trade Register have to be filed either in Finnish y tunnus in Swedish on official start-up notification forms.

It consists of seven digits, a dash and a control mark, for example The Business ID identifies the business. However, it is not possible to conclude from an ID whether a business has been registered with the Tax Administration registers or the Trade Register. The Business ID of a legal person, such as a company, remains the same as long as the legal person is operative. If the company type changes in a way defined by law, the Business ID remains the same.

Y tunnus


This means that if the business operations of a private trader are transferred y tunnus one entrepreneur to another, the Business ID changes.


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Y tunnus

It consists of seven digits, a dash and a control mark, for example The Business ID identifies the business. However, it is not possible to conclude from an ID whether a business has been registered with the Tax Administration registers or the Trade Register. The Business ID of a legal person, such as a company, remains the same as long as the legal person is operative. If the company type changes in a way defined by law, the Business ID remains the same.


If the start-up notification has been filed by an organisation or changes have been made to the articles of partnership, articles of association or the by-laws of an organisation, a copy of these documents will also be sent to the customer along with the Trade Register extract. If the activities of a general partnership or a limited liability company are continued by a person operating as a private trader, the Business ID changes. Using the same forms, you can also report a business to registers kept by the Tax Administration, which are the VAT Register, the Prepayment Register, the Employer Register, and the register of bodies liable for tax on insurance premiums. The Business ID identifies the business. Go to the BIS company search. The details you write in the section used by the Tax Administration are not public, and they are not disclosed to third parties. Anyone who runs a licensed business, either as a private trader or as an organisation, has to report a granted business licence for entry into the Trade Register. Please note our instructions: Limited liability companies General partnerships and limited partnerships Branch of a foreign trader. Front page Business ID. The extract contains the details entered in the Trade Register. Check the estimated processing time for start-up notifications for new businesses Handling fee The handling fee must be paid in advance.


The Business ID identifies the business. The Business ID of a legal person, such as a company, remains the same as long as the legal person is operative. As soon as the start-up notification has been entered in the Trade Register, the person or business who filed the notification receives a Trade Register extract free of charge. The extract contains the details entered in the Trade Register. You can check any Business ID in the information service BIS Search Open link in a new tab please enter the company name as search key approximately two working days after you have submitted the notification or posted it. You do not receive any separate confirmation that a Business ID has been issued, but you can check it using the company search two working days after you file the start-up notification. Front page Business ID. There are also appendix forms, specific for each type of business, for the use of the Trade Register. The amount of the fee depends on the type of notification. If you submit your start-up notification private traders and limited liability companies using the online service at ytj. Open link in a new tab. Check business IDs at company search. If no licence has been granted by the time of filing the start-up notification, it can be reported later by filing a notification of changes. This means that if the business operations of a private trader are transferred from one entrepreneur to another, the Business ID changes.

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