Xr50 turbo

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For years this battle raged on race tracks and across the model range as they both speed to develop better products and capture a larger market share. Times have changed and while there is larger demand for vehicles than ever before, the public now has a much broader range of choices and both the Falcon and Commodore have been slowly declining with a dwindling market share for large family cars and customers who instead opt for smaller imported cars. Meaning you, the customer WINS. It really shows off the richness of colour. This car has a luxury feel.

Xr50 turbo

JamieB 10 posts. Bizkets is Drunk? BenDoCo 6 posts. Ugly plastic front grill you say rab. Beauty is inthe eye etc. Lol no wonder people think your a cop. Great idea but Major mechanical difference is single spinner diff in the G6ET as you mentioned. Would that bother you? If not either of the two will be fine, but I'm not sure on the difference in the interior. Gege6 here has a 50th G6ET, smells awesome with the leather products he uses. I'd hate sliding around on the seats though when hammering corners. The only cool thing is that it has a quite unique dash inserts, a nice brushed metal look rather than the. I would say that's about the only down side to the G.

It is powered by the same 4.

It was the first iteration of the seventh and last generation of the Falcon. Its range no longer featured the Fairmont luxury badge, replaced instead by the G Series. The FG series Falcon was first previewed at a press event on 17 February and sold until October To make a fresh start, Ford Australia decided to revolutionize the designation of all models within the range. In particular, the long-standing Futura , Fairmont, and Fairmont Ghia models were replaced by the more contemporary G6 and G6 E models, respectively. The FG moniker references the now discontinued Fairmont Ghia.

Ford Australia will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its iconic Falcon model in June with six limited edition anniversary models. View 14 images. June 28th will mark 50 years since the first Australian-built Falcon rolled off the production line at Ford Australia's Broadmeadows plant. The first Aussie Falcon, the XK series, featured a 2. The carburettor-fed engine with overhead valves numbering two per cylinder, was mated to a three-speed manual or optional two-speed automatic transmission. By contrast, the current Falcon, the FG series, boasts a modern 4.

Xr50 turbo

For years this battle raged on race tracks and across the model range as they both speed to develop better products and capture a larger market share. Times have changed and while there is larger demand for vehicles than ever before, the public now has a much broader range of choices and both the Falcon and Commodore have been slowly declining with a dwindling market share for large family cars and customers who instead opt for smaller imported cars. Meaning you, the customer WINS. It really shows off the richness of colour. This car has a luxury feel. The soft leather upholstery features a classy embroided insignia. Ford has been generous and splashes the same leather on the armrests.

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The WRX is a real performance bargain, and its 2. Hyundai i Gege6 here has a 50th G6ET, smells awesome with the leather products he uses. Owner Review 16 Jun Chat with Agent. You ask? Ford had been struggling to develop a model in recent times that captured the imagination of the public until the BA came along with a Turbo strapped to its straight 6 Barra engine. Contents move to sidebar hide. Owner Review 16 Oct The tested version was fitted with the 2. The G6 Limited Edition added leather seats in Shadow, Bluetooth, iPod integration, sports leather-wrapped steering wheel, unique fog lamp bezels, unique front grill upper and lower , a unique rear bumper insert, side curtain airbags and inch alloy wheels inch on the E-Gas model. Motor vehicle. Electric Cars. Retrieved 13 November See all.


The Barra and were virtually identical except for the intake manifold and an extra knock sensor for the Barra allowing it to use as above RON98 to gain significant torque and power gains. Forced induction style. The best is The "Tech pack" is also available and adds Bluetooth and iPod integration; both option packs add almost all the features from the G6E minus reversing camera, curtain and side thorax airbags, an 8-way power adjustable driver's seat and memory mirrors, overhead sunglasses holder and mirror indicators. It's unknown how many of these units were Ecoboost. Sign In Sign Up. Dual zone climate control? Share More sharing options Great idea but Tung Nguyen. Retrieved 17 September The controls are ergonomic and logical.

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