worse ne demek ingilizce

Worse ne demek ingilizce

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Infinitive or -ing verb? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. Add to word list Add to word list. C1 to become worse or to make something become worse :. As the company's financial problems worsened, several directors resigned. The continued supply of arms to the region will only worsen the situation. Deteriorating and making worse.

Worse ne demek ingilizce

Infinitive or -ing verb? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. Add to word list Add to word list. A2 comparative of bad : more unpleasant , difficult , or severe than before or than something else that is also bad :. B1 to become more ill , or to become a more severe condition :. My cold seems to be getting worse. I thought the book's writing was dreadful , and its conception even worse. The traffic congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer. If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor. Company losses were 50 percent worse than in the corresponding period last year. My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and it all culminated in my deciding to change jobs.

Worse ne demek ingilizce don't have to feel bad about relaxing I feel bad that he's doing most of the work Are you trying to make me feel bad? Comparative form of badly: more badly He drives worse than anyone I know. İngilizce—Almanca Almanca—İngilizce.


A flexitarian way of eating consists mainly of vegetarian food but with some meat. Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Add to word list Add to word list. A2 comparative of bad : more unpleasant or difficult than something else that is also bad. We'll have to stop the game if the rain gets any worse. B1 more sick. If a situation changes for the worse, it becomes worse.

Worse ne demek ingilizce

A flexitarian way of eating consists mainly of vegetarian food but with some meat. Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Add to word list Add to word list. C1 to become worse or to make something become worse :.

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The continued supply of arms to the region will only worsen the situation. British and American pronunciations with audio. İngilizce—İtalyanca İtalyanca—İngilizce. İngilizce—İtalyanca İtalyanca—İngilizce. İngilizce—Hollandaca Hollandaca—İngilizce. One of the witnesses, speaking of what a girl was doing at the time the assault took place, said she was ' badding ' walnuts in a pigstye. It is too bad that Eleanor had to leave so soon Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes. You don't have to feel bad about relaxing I feel bad that he's doing most of the work Are you trying to make me feel bad? To the contrary, maladjustment not only persisted but, on average, worsened after grade retention. İngilizce - İngilizce. I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man. He was treated much worse than I was. Deteriorating and making worse.

A flexitarian way of eating consists mainly of vegetarian food but with some meat.

My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and it all culminated in my deciding to change jobs. If worse comes to worst, he can take the bus to school. Still worse, she's developing a fever. There are bad people in the world. Cambridge Dictionary Plus. One of the witnesses, speaking of what a girl was doing at the time the assault took place, said she was ' badding ' walnuts in a pigstye. They bought so much beef that some went bad bad If you feel bad about something, you feel rather sorry or guilty about it. Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions That's not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different The worst thing you can do is underestimate an opponent. İngilizce—Japonca Japonca—İngilizce. Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing The state schools' main problem is that teachers' pay is so bad It was absolutely the worst food I have ever had. February 19, Factions within parties, alignments and realignments within parties, and self-serving coalitions further worsened matters. I'm stupid too.

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