

The many battles of the Star Wars universe have served to prove the windu fact that each story is a constant fight for power between good and evil, windu.

Windu es interpretado por el actor Samuel L. El poder del Vaapad era simple: era un canal por el cual la oscuridad interna se reflejaba. Mace, junto con Luminara Unduli, destruyeron los emplazamientos militares Geonosianos que bloquean el camino a la arena en su TX S tanque de combate. Finalmente, los Jedi fueron superados por los droides de batalla separatistas, pero el Maestro Yoda y los soldados clon los rescataron. Pero tras la retirada de los separatistas, Depa no regresa. Los llevaron a una colonia Twi'lek sobreviviente, en el interior de esta, y de forma muy amable, compartieron su comida con el Jedi y los clones, a cambio de poder hablar con el senador Taa. El sable morado de Mace Windu no es casual.


Jackson in the prequel trilogy. Carson voiced the character in other projects, such as The Clone Wars animated television series. The character also appears in various canon and non-canon Star Wars media like books , comics , and video games. He is notable for wielding a unique purple-bladed lightsaber , and is regarded as one of the most powerful Jedi of his time, second only to Yoda. He is a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars , even as the conflict leads him to question his most firmly held beliefs. This contributes to Anakin ultimately betraying the Jedi and turning to the dark side of the Force after helping the Sith Lord Darth Sidious kill Windu. Several early incarnations of the character who would become Mace Windu were developed in George Lucas 's original Star Wars drafts as the narrator, Princess Leia 's brother and Luke Skywalker 's friend. Jackson asked Lucas if his character could wield a purple lightsaber as a way of making the character easily distinguishable in large battle scenes. Windu and the other Council members decline, deeming Anakin too old and full of fear. In the ensuing battle, Windu kills bounty hunter Jango Fett , the template for the Republic 's army of clone troopers , before he and the other Jedi lead the Clone Army to victory in a battle with Dooku's forces. At the end of the film, with the Clone Wars begun, Windu resolves to keep a closer eye on the increasingly corrupt Galactic Senate. Their suspicions only grow when the Senate grants Palpatine a vote on the Jedi Council by appointing Anakin as his personal representative. The Council makes Anakin a member, but Windu notifies Anakin that they do not grant him the rank of Jedi Master, infuriating the Jedi Knight and diminishing his trust in the council. Further, the Council orders Anakin to spy on Palpatine.

Din Grogu. Editor discretion is advised.

Quite literally, in fact — Samuel L. But in the Star Wars galaxy, is that really enough to kill the coolest Jedi? Not according to Jackson. For the new issue of Empire — celebrating 25 years of the Star Wars prequels — we fired off a few questions about the galaxy far, far away to the man himself, and he responded with a series of brief, emphatic messages. Jackson wants a Mace Windu show as much as you do. And Mace Windu fans are currently getting a new adventure with the legendary Jedi in four-issue comic Star Wars: Mace Windu , set 10 years prior to The Phantom Menace , the first issue of which arrived last week. Also inside the issue, we revisit iconic sequences with producer Rick McCallum, stunt co-ordinator Nick Gillard, and concept designer Iain McCaig, breaking down the Podrace, the Geonosis arena battle, and the Mustafar duel; we get a closer look at rarely-seen concept art from across the trilogy; we speak to designer Ellen Lee Moon on the story behind her legendary Phantom Menace poster, and much, much more.

The actual character, however, is no less badass. Aside from serving as a leading member of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu pioneered and mastered a dangerous form of lightsaber combat , becoming one of the most powerful fighters in Jedi history. His race, the Korunnai, was a tribe of Force-sensitive humans being studied by the Jedi. After Windu lost his parents at a young age, he was adopted and trained by the Jedi Order. Windu's talent and strength in the Force earned him the title of Jedi Master and a seat on the Jedi Council by the very young age of If Yoda was the brain of the Jedi Council, Windu was its sword. His skills were unparalleled; perhaps the only two who could beat him were Count Dooku and Yoda himself.


There are two conflicting sources for this article: Mace Windu in the Encyclopedia content now obsolete ; backup link and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. He was the greatest champion of the Jedi Order and promoted its ancient traditions amidst the growing influence of the dark side of the Force in the corrupt, declining days of the Republic. Throughout the war, Windu served the Jedi and the Republic in various capacities—on the battlefield in command of the clone army , on Coruscant as an overseer of the war effort and an advisor to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine , and even as a diplomat to contested worlds , despite his disdain of politics. His exploits on the frontline served as a reminder of his reputation as a renowned Jedi warrior. As the war drew to a close, Windu became increasingly suspicious of the chancellor's motives, as Palpatine had amassed near-dictatorial control over the Galactic Senate , and sensed the rising power of the dark side in the galaxy.

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Skywalker believed that Windu's suspicious nature was ultimately vindicated by Darth Sidious' rise to power as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Tano requested to speak with Skywalker, but was refused due to Skywalker's task with the Chancellor. Plo Koon. He was also powerful enough to levitate individuals, such as two clone troopers whose lives he saved by using the Force to prevent them from falling to their deaths. Despite their efforts, both Sith Lords were able to escape from the outpost with the support of Maul's commandos. He therefore felt that submitting Tano for trial was the only feasible option available to the Council. Yarael Poof. Windu denounced Guattako as a terrorist and a kidnapper who relied on the Hutt Clan to financially support his cause. The battle ended with all other fronts falling to the Republic, Trench initiated a countdown for an explosion that could destroy most of Anaxes. This allowed him to draw on his own inner darkness to fight his enemies.

Not only was Windu one of the most powerful Jedi of his time, but he was also the most devoted to his cause.

The debate on whether Mace Windu actually died in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith continues, raising questions about his potential return to the franchise. And Mace Windu fans are currently getting a new adventure with the legendary Jedi in four-issue comic Star Wars: Mace Windu , set 10 years prior to The Phantom Menace , the first issue of which arrived last week. The science fiction franchise follows the adventures of characters both humanoid and alien in outer space, including those who can wield a mystical power known as the Force. That, in itself, is not inherently wrong. Dibs, who turned against his team and attacked Windu—a Jedi Master as well as a general in the Republic military—stood before the leaders of the Jedi Order accused of heresy and insubordination. Although Dibs continued to doubt Windu's sincerity, Windu requested for the prisoner to be placed on probation, confined to work in the Jedi Archives where he hoped Dibs would reevaluate his opinions. Sign In Register. In the ensuing battle, Windu kills bounty hunter Jango Fett , the template for the Republic 's army of clone troopers , before he and the other Jedi lead the Clone Army to victory in a battle with Dooku's forces. Anakin Skywalker. Your browser does not support the video tag.

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