Wh40k defiler

A Defiler in service to the Chaos Space Marines. A Defiler is a massive Daemon Engine in the service of the Heretic Astartes of Chaos and it is a truly potent beast of war, mounted upon six massive spine-legs. It is twice the size of most other Daemon Engines and is possessed of a temper to match. Each Defiler is roughly tank-sized, and both extremely violent in its actions and indiscriminate with who bears the brunt of its wh40k defiler.

Temporarily out of stock. A walking arsenal with a mighty cannon and loads of extra ranged options. This towering daemon engine can shred enemies in melee or from afar. No foe is safe from a Defiler — these abominable constructs spit powerful shells from their monstrous cannons, and trigger an arsenal of heavy weapons on a cruel mechanical whim, inflicting a terrible toll no matter the distance. This multipart plastic kit builds one Defiler — a terrifying daemon engine fielded by the Traitor Legions. This vehicle is raised up on six mechanical limbs which can be posed. All delivery options and prices.

Wh40k defiler


It is said that as part of Abaddon's preparations, he quested to find an array of war engines to bring the Imperium to its knees, wh40k defiler. A host of Traitor warriors assaulted an Imperial fleet as it brought military aid into Segmentum Tempestus against Abaddon's 2nd Black Crusade.


Vashtorr is a being unfettered by linear time and possessed of infinite patience and inventiveness. There is no greater way to venerate Chaos than to bond mortal with daemon. When battle is joined, the daemons within such warriors can burn through their soul, boosting their unholy power. Never will the outrage in beloved Monarchia be forgiven; the idols toppled there by Guillimans sons will be reforged from their bones. The hatred the warriors of the Traitor Legions hold for the Imperium and the Emperor has burned for millennia. No armour is safe from the guns of the IV Legion, and once an enemy war engine is marked for destruction, its doomed is sealed.

Wh40k defiler

A Defiler in service to the Chaos Space Marines. A Defiler is a massive Daemon Engine in the service of the Heretic Astartes of Chaos and it is a truly potent beast of war, mounted upon six massive spine-legs. It is twice the size of most other Daemon Engines and is possessed of a temper to match. Each Defiler is roughly tank-sized, and both extremely violent in its actions and indiscriminate with who bears the brunt of its wrath. Whether using its massive Battle Cannon to destroy entire formations or ripping apart enemies with its massive claws, this engine of war acts as a harbinger of utter devastation to its foes.

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It rejoices in battle, ripping apart the enemy with its great claws while emitting terrible roars of rage and delirious battle-joy from its vox -grilles. Such places are forever spawning new creations of flesh and metal to be unleashed by the forces of Chaos in order to bring terror to the galaxy. It is said by those within the Council of the Ordo Malleus that many such panels, as well as other elements of the Defiler's technology, are originated from Dreadnoughts, perverted by the hands of Chaos and distorted by the Warp. It is a warrior of the Adeptus Astartes that a Warpsmith most frequently demands is brought into his hellish foundry, for the Ruinous Powers value these offerings more highly than sacrifices of mere mortals. After a Warpsmith has constructed the physical shell of the Defiler, the barely breathing Space Marine, stripped of his Power Armour , is bound with runic-chains to the war engine. View source. Within the Immaterium, millions of the Dark Mechanicum's bleak forge-citadels ring with the abominable industry of Chaos. As such, Defilers have been seen crawling across the battlefield armed with havoc launchers, power scourges, power fists and huge twin-linked heavy flamers. Built with piston-driven claws to grab and crush the enemy and boasting whirring blades or whip-like flails mounted on articulated limbs, the Defiler charges into the foe, crushing and grinding as it smashes aside all opposition. The Defiler's crab-like body supports a daemonic torso that carries an array of deadly weaponry, ranging from a Reaper Autocannon to racks of highly explosive missiles unleashed by a Havoc Missile Launcher. It is said that as part of Abaddon's preparations, he quested to find an array of war engines to bring the Imperium to its knees.

Consumed by rage, the Daemon Engines of the Poxmongers open fire at their enemies at extremely close ranges.

After four solar days of combat, it took the full force of the Imperial Fists 4th and 5th Companies to hold back the warband on Urthwart and force a retreat back to the orbiting ships. The arcane knowledge of the Daemon Engine soon spread throughout the soul forges, and Warpsmiths within thousands of Dark Citadels learnt of the debased arts of creating a Defiler. In And it is the Defiler that stands among the Warpsmiths' most revered and feared creations. Khorne Lord of Skulls. It then proceeded to slaughter Draxar as well as dozens of menials with the Warpsmith's own Power Axe , before vanishing back into the Immaterium. Before they disembarked to the Chaos vessels, the Word Bearers sent the ships spiraling back into the rest of the Imperial fleet, and the void of space filled with explosions. The Defiler's exhausts roar with defiance. Whenever the forces of the Imperium fought back and a stalemate seemed to be reached on the battlefield, it was the uncanny speed and terrifying ferocity of the Defilers that broke the deadlock. View source. Warhammer 40k Wiki Explore. All we ask is the product still be in its original packaging and you have your proof of purchase and we'll be happy to help.

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