Watch dogs 2 naked

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Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Watch Dogs 2 so that nudity patch from a year ago

Watch dogs 2 naked

The story began yesterday, when NeoGAF user Goron wrote about accidentally blowing up a woman in Watch Dogs 2 , only to find that, to his surprise, "Ubisoft had rendered a full vagina on one or maybe more of the females in the game. That suspension, which was initially set for one week, was later extended to one month, according to Goron This isn't the only example of nudity to be found in the game. Other players have posted obviously NSFW videos showing fully nude men pissing against walls and nude women hula hooping at a hippie colony within the Watch Dogs 2 universe. In a follow-up post , Goron relayed another e-mail from Sony saying that the earlier notes were "sent to you incorrectly, and your account has not been suspended" though Goron says his account was indeed suspended for a full day. Despite that, the notice added that "your activity on our platform by sharing offensive content from Watchdogs2 [sic], was a breach of our PSN Terms of Service section 5: 'Do not share anything that is vulgar. In response to the controversy, Ubisoft told Kotaku that it plans to patch out one female character model whose genitals are "rendered in a way that is particularly explicit" later this week. Examples of male nudity and potentially other female nudity in the game are apparently not being edited out at this time. PSN's Code of Conduct does prohibit the sharing of material that may be considered "sexually offensive" or "vulgar. After all, the game's ESRB description warns of "brief instances of male and female full-frontal nudity e. Despite that, the game earned an "M for Mature" rating from the ESRB and not the AO rating that's reserved for the most offensive and graphic displays of human sexuality and violence. Games that earn an AO rating are not allowed on the platforms of any of the major console manufacturers and hadn't appeared on Valve's Steam platform until quite recently. Sony has yet to respond to a request for comment regarding the apparent disconnect between content that's appropriate for a game but not for sharing on PSN. Further Reading Watch Dogs 2 will hack your open-world gaming expectations.

I am too. How do I get down to crawl into an air vent on the ground? That suspension, which was initially set for one watch dogs 2 naked, was later extended to one month, according to Goron

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Watch Dogs 2 How do you find nudists?

Watch Dogs 2 has received great review scores, including our own , and from our own experience gets better and better as you play more. However, it has courted a spot of controversy of late. Not only has its promised seamless online multiplayer functionality been troublesome, causing crashes and prompting Ubisoft to can it while a fix is found, one player found a rather unsavoury character model in the game. One of the female non-player characters has a graphic representation of lady parts showing for all to see. Watch Dogs 2 is a PEGI 18 game, but even an adult would be surprised to see this kind of full-frontal nudity in a game. They might even be so shocked that they post the resulting image on their Twitter feed. That's exactly what Swizzasaur did, using the PS4 Share functionality of his console.

Watch dogs 2 naked


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Yes, I understand that many gamers love the fact that they can be walking on a street and spot a few naked people running around, but what does that add? Made me think of a poorly wrapped texture. I can't remember exactly where it was but it was a few blocks north-west I think from the main HQ. Jenthro 7 years ago 4 They made it harder to find after patch censorship rules. Windy City LAN 3. Examples of male nudity and potentially other female nudity in the game are apparently not being edited out at this time. Yes, but they Sony are within the right to ban someone although I think a warning would have been better to avoid the Streisand Effect. TheStrelok 7 years ago 6. The story began yesterday, when NeoGAF user Goron wrote about accidentally blowing up a woman in Watch Dogs 2 , only to find that, to his surprise, "Ubisoft had rendered a full vagina on one or maybe more of the females in the game. Ask A Question. How to expand weapon loadout? Side Quest. I ran into her one time but didn't take the time to see if her clothing had been changed. If you really want to check it out and don't own the game, it's not that hard to find. Swiftshark 6 years ago 6 The nudity in question that was patched was related to fully detailed female npc genitals that could be seen once they were killed and sprawled out.


This sucks. Examples of male nudity and potentially other female nudity in the game are apparently not being edited out at this time. Twitch: MichaelTheArch. The problem I find is not that the game contains nudity, because it should be able to, but that the picture leaves the game and enters the social media ecosystem. She's still in the game. It's not a game for kids anyway. Channel Ars Technica. It's a random pedestrian scripted event that happens sometimes. Boards Watch Dogs 2 How do you find nudists? You could take bottle tops off with these! Decaddon posted Started playing today

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