virat kohli young pictures

Virat kohli young pictures

March 15, Image Courtesy: AFP. Image Courtesy: ABP. In this picture, you could seen king Kohli with his mother Saroj and his sister and the young Virat cutting the cake.

Curated By: Cricketnext Staff. Last Updated: Virat Kohli's this rare and unseen childhood photo is going viral on social media Instagram. Virat Kohli with Rahul Dravid at an academy. Virat Kohli on a vacation. Kohli has shared this throwback picture after signing with Puma.

Virat kohli young pictures

Some pictures of Kohli's school days, which are shared by his friend, are now getting viral on social media. Team India skipper Virat Kohli has been an important part of the Indian team since his under days and his stellar record is a testimony to this fact. Let's take a look at some of these rare and unseen pictures of Virat Kohli. Virat Kohli made his debut for India against Sri Lanka in and he has never looked back since then. Right-handed batsman Virat Kohli has scored a total of 22, runs in international cricket so far, including all three formats. He has scored fifties and 70 centuries. Virat Kohli is the only cricketer who can break the record of centuries of Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar. Former fast bowler Ashish Nehra made his debut for Team India much before Kohli but he played under Kohli at the fag end of his career. These rare pics have been shared by Virat Kohli's school friend Shalaj Sondhi, who once played cricket with Kohli. Virat Kohli has been an special talent since childhood and he is on course to set several records in batting before hanging his boots. Top News. Latest News. WA Awards

Young Virat.


Curated By: Cricketnext Staff. Last Updated: Virat Kohli's this rare and unseen childhood photo is going viral on social media Instagram. Virat Kohli with Rahul Dravid at an academy. Virat Kohli on a vacation.

Virat kohli young pictures

Indian skipper Virat Kohli enjoys a massive fan following on social media and his fan groups are also quite active on various platforms. They often share his photos of the journey to the top of Indian cricket. On Saturday May 15 , Kohli's name once again became a topic of discussion on social media as his pics from his junior cricket days went viral. While a user had shared the pics in , the post has garnered much attention in the past 24 hours and has been hit on social media. In these pics, Kohli can be seen with his teammates from junior cricket. Kohli, who now lives in Mumbai, represented Delhi in junior and domestic cricket. He captained the team at the junior level and in senior cricket as well.

Outback saturn

Virat Kohli meets with fans during a training session in Sydney. Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni play football during a practice session. WA Awards India qualified for the World Cup semi-finals for the seventh time in the history of the tournament after they beat neighbours Bangladesh by 28 runs at Edgbaston on July 2, and present to cheer them on was a very special fan named Charulata Patel. Virat Kohli loved his father and here's a glimpse of it. Virat Kohli clicked in a pensive mood during the interaction with media in Kolkata. This picture is from the young days, where he had just started learning cricket. Image: Reuters. The came up in only Funny Picture. Virat Kohli appeals for a wicket during the first test match at Green Park in Kanpur. Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma celebrate a wicket. Most Watched More.

Long before Virat Kohli turned 35 on Sunday, the former Indian captain had etched his name in history as one of the all-time Cricketing greats. In , following a whitewash in the Test series against Australia down under, India were on the brink of elimination from the tri-nation series.

A young Virat Kohli gorging on burgers. Virat was born on 5 November in the Punjabi family in Delhi. Virat Kohli's animated send-off to his counterpart Joe Root's dismissal added a dash of drama to the proceedings on the opening day of the first cricket Test between India and England. Showrooms charge extra for delivering cars of high waiting period. Virat Kohli clicked in a pensive mood during the interaction with media in Kolkata. Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli celebrates after scoring a century during the second day of the first test cricket match between England and India at Edgbaston in Birmingham, England. Virat Kohli and Cheteshwar Pujara enjoying a light moment on the ground. The picture of baby Virat Kohli who was born this cute. Virat Kohli appeals for a wicket during the first test match at Green Park in Kanpur. The Delhi dasher has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest players of all time. Some pictures of Kohli's school days, which are shared by his friend, are now getting viral on social media.

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