Vampire masquerade clan quiz

Dive into the intriguing world of Vampire The Masquerade with our "Vampire The Masquerade Clan Quiz" and discover which clan resonates with your supernatural essence.

Jen, You are Toreador! Got Toreador in all of the test. Not a bad clan to have, and the presence skill will definitely be useful to offset my social clumsiness. This is a very well-made quiz! Thanks for sharing this one with us, Jen!

Vampire masquerade clan quiz

Clans are an integral part the Vampire the Masquerade universe. Besides being the main plot and gameplay devices, the clans enrich an already intriguing universe, making it more believable and close to our own reality. Despite a rocky development cycle and less than ideal launch, Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines has achieved cult status thanks to its fascinating lore, brilliant writing and intriguing characters. And now, with the sequel on the horizon, fans are excited to experience more of this dark universe. I pronounce the blast sentence, and I soak the critical fallout. I make the decisions no-one else will. I wear the albatross and a bullseye. The Ventrue are the closest thing the vampire world has to an elite society. The clan of kings, nobles, CEOs, politicians, patricians, judges Mafia bosses and businessmen, The Ventrue are tailor-made to lead the vampire society and enforce its laws. Members of this clan have been pulling strings from the shadows for thousands of years, middling with human affairs whenever it served their interests. The Ventrue are extremely selective when it comes to embracing, welcoming only those they deem worthy of their proud lineage.

Try to understand their situation and assume that the clerks are doing their best to handle the situation. Because video games are not all about mindless violence, we gathered the saddest video game moments that really turned up the feel-meter.


In Vampire: The Masquerade , the players take on the role of vampires who belong to different clans. A vampire's clan determines everything from their supernatural abilities, their weaknesses, and even their standing in undead society. There are some people who learn of Vampire: The Masquerade through video games or through streaming shows. This kind of exposure to the lore means that these people will likely learn enough about the world to know what kind of character they want to play. It can be trickier for new players who are unfamiliar with the setting to decide which clan they want their character to belong to, as they don't fit the standard archetypes that appear in most tabletop RPGs. There are some clans that are easier for new players to pick up than others. We'll be examining the clans from the Vampire: The Masquerade core rulebook from easiest to hardest and looking at options based on the idea that the story will use a standard city setting. Basic Description - Tremere are vampire wizards. They use the powers of their blood to emulate sorcery, which gives them access to a number of spells and rituals.

Vampire masquerade clan quiz

Quiz Lab. Type in answers that appear in a list. By bochalinschi. Give Quiz Kudos. Forced Order Answers have to be entered in order. Random Order Randomize order of answers. You got.

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Different results each. You are a Toreador. How about getting a real job, like a normal person? In this quiz, inspired by the beloved game series, we'll unveil your true vampire identity. Take a picture of the guy and report him to the police. Back in the early middle ages, Tremere existed as a clan of mages who used various forms of magic and alchemy to stay immortal. ClaimedMinotaur October 16, , pm Try to work something out with the bouncer. Quizzes Created: 1 Total Attempts: 40, Maybe you can find somebody who sells overpriced tickets in the back alley of the venue.

With a new video game, Bloodlines 2 , being released, I got curious about the underlying role playing game: What is Vampire the Masquerade? After doing some research and listening to some Actual Plays , this is what I learned. Vampire is a game where the characters are vampires.

Time to apply the classic cut-and-chat. I make the decisions no-one else will. Tell them not to fall for the sob story. ElliWoelfin October 16, , pm Pose as somebody from the guest list. You try to learn something from the experience and do better next time. Hell to the yes. Greyscales October 16, , am 9. How about getting a real job, like a normal person? Clan Traits: Passion Fierce fighters and intellectuals Anti-authority Prone to embracing radical and revolutionary ideas Idealism. Besides being the main plot and gameplay devices, the clans enrich an already intriguing universe, making it more believable and close to our own reality. Join in with your own share of gossip.

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