

Note 1 : People are sometimes twoxchromosomes by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just sign up on one site, and you'll be able to join and interact with communities on any other Lemmy site, twoxchromosomes.

I'm a default twoxchromosomes mod. I would love to see better moderation tools. Our AutoModerator shadowban list and our ban list is so ridiculously long I can barely scroll it. It'd be amazing if we didn't have to rely on a bunch of other tools toolbox, RES, AutoModerator or consider building our own tools subreddit history scraper. I would also love to see a better take on Reddit too. Some of this is inevitable but it's pretty annoying that there isn't much we can do here either other than deleting things after the fact. I don't think that those two alone will improve the site significantly, but it would be a burden lifted for default mods, and that might help clean up parts of the front page.


Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists. You can click a subreddit name to see stats graphs, etc. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. This subreddit is quarantined. Data collection may not work properly please direct complaints to reddit admins. Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just sign up on one site, and you'll be able to join and interact with communities on any other Lemmy site. Choosing which Lemmy site to sign up to is a bit like choosing your email provider - e. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the ' fediverse '. Just choose a popular and reputable one like lemmy. Note 2 : You can use lemmyverse.

There's already editable flair on posts to point twoxchromosomes factual errors, twoxchromosomes. I see that you are a new user here.


It hardly seems worth an argument: It is. The thriving social news site is a community where a legitimate female rape victim is met with skepticism, but a fake male cancer victim is accepted without question. I hate that I even second guessed what I wanted to do, based on what a bunch of men were saying. On the other hand, since Reddit does not discriminate against anyone, even the most racist and misogynist opinions make themselves heard. In the case of this reporter, a neutral username seemed to do the trick. The answer? Try to roll with the punches. According to redditor TodayIamGruntled , a little hostility toward women is just the lay of the land. But she sees bias against women as more of a hassle than outright hostility.


Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid DNA. Passed from parents to offspring, DNA contains the specific instructions that make each type of living creature unique. The term chromosome comes from the Greek words for color chroma and body soma. Scientists gave this name to chromosomes because they are cell structures, or bodies, that are strongly stained by some colorful dyes used in research. The unique structure of chromosomes keeps DNA tightly wrapped around spool-like proteins, called histones. Without such packaging, DNA molecules would be too long to fit inside cells. For example, if all of the DNA molecules in a single human cell were unwound from their histones and placed end-to-end, they would stretch 6 feet. For an organism to grow and function properly, cells must constantly divide to produce new cells to replace old, worn-out cells. During cell division, it is essential that DNA remains intact and evenly distributed among cells.

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There would be the challenge. Note 3 : Lemmy is based on the same technology as Mastodon. I'm curious why the mods decided to let it become a default. They have no obligations to their subscribers, and indeed in this case they made the decision behind closed doors. The word Feminism in itself is sexist because it only mentions the female gender and there are more than male and female genders out there. Subscriber Rank Lower is Better. I believe that is hopeless once you reach the level of a default sub. If you've signed up to lemmy. Some people even consider watching the drama to be a spectator sport of sorts. That experience is absolutely on reddit. The top comments tend to be half-assed efforts usually ending in a joke or even a reddit in-joke because the guy who posts something silly immediately will dominate while the guy still working on his story and posts after an hour of writing ends up being comment 78 and no one scrolls that far down to read. Not being a feminist doesn't make you sexist, last I checked.

Men, on average, tend to be the stronger sex, when it comes to lifting and carrying, thanks to their bigger muscles. But according to physician and geneticist Dr.

Admiral Grace Hopper, Ada Augusta Lovelace, Sister Mary Kenneth Keller, and many others studied hard, worked hard, developed the experience and skills they needed and didn't have anything handed to them, or were entitled to anything, or required special treatment. She seems to believe some heavy-handed "reddit " is going to fix everything. I guess I meant "I wonder if there's a way to take this thing you're already tracking and use it as a per-subreddit voting gate. Imagine a Republican telling you that "Republican" is defined as someone who supports natural human rights, and therefore anyone who truly supports natural human rights is a Republican. SwellJoe on Sept 30, root parent prev next [—]. This is true. Talk about failure of design! I enjoy both types of content, and so I enjoy doing either. They're both part of the ' fediverse ', but Lemmy provides a Reddit-like experience, whereas Mastodon is more like Twitter. I didn't always have that view, but after seeing a lot of Feminist groups attacking Hacker News using hoaxes and untrue statements I eventually came to that conclusion. Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists. Top Submissions all year month week day hour. Gracana on Sept 30, root parent prev next [—].

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