Trickle across theory fashion examples
Fashion involves change, novelty, and the context of time, place, and wearer.
Following my earlier exploration of trend movement I decided to look at the trickle-across theory. The theory suggests is another version of the trickle theories, it suggests that fashion moves horizontally between groups on similar social levels. In the trickle-across model, there is little to no delay between adoption from one group to another. The theory is demonstrated in cases where designers show a look that is simultaneously available at all price points. In simple terms a fashion trend is accepted at the same time across a range of social levels, it may also refer to the transfer of trends laterally across a social level rather than ascending or descending the social ladder.
Trickle across theory fashion examples
Theories of fashion adoption or distribution are concerned with how fashion moves through the various socioeconomic levels of society. There are three primary theories of fashion adoption: trickle-down, trickle-across and trickle-up. However, no one theory is adequate to discuss fashion theory or explain how fashion moves through society. The Trickle-Up theory involved innovation or a particular style or fashion that begins on the streets, worn by lower income groups and is picked up by designers and then upper-class spheres whom then purchase the designs. A classic and much often discussed example of this trickle-up effect is the T-shirt. Trickle-up fashion trend is based on styles seen in the streets it is sometimes also referred to as the bubble-up pattern. The trickle-up theory is the newest of the fashion movement theories. In this theory the innovation is initiated from the streets and adopted from Lower class income- groups. The innovation eventually flows to Upper class-income groups; thus the movement is traveling from the bottom up. Trickle-across theory assumes that fashion moves across socioeconomic levels relatively rapidly.
Then I start photographing for two hours. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, With class distinctions on the wane and an accelerated rate of stylistic change, the specific character of dress was associated with gender and the circumstance of different lifestyles.
The questions like — where and how did the specific fashion style originate? Who has created the new trend? Who are the followers? Is the direction of fashion movement vertical upward or downward or horizontal lateral expansion? These are some specific questions, which can be answered through the theories of the fashion movement.
Fashion refers to the idea of what is popular or on trend. One can also think about fashion as what is in flux in a particular time and place. Fashion undergoes a process of dynamic change : within a fashion system, there is a continuous change in what is on trend, or in fashion, over time. It can be extremely difficult to trace the origins of a particular fashion trend such as a motif, design, or silhouette Reilly, The miniskirt is an example of a fashion trend that is thought to have developed in one place and time, yet various scholars provide conflicting evidence for some of these claimed origins.
Trickle across theory fashion examples
Trickle Across Proponents of trickle-across claim that fashion moves horizontally between social levels on similar social levels between groups King; Robinson. Robinson is a supporter of the trickle-across theory, claiming that any social group is inspired by contiguous social strata groups. As a result, what is the fashion trickle-up theory?
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The study of fashion in the twentieth century has been framed in terms of a fashion systems model with a distinct center from which innovations and modifications radiate outward Davis Use profiles to select personalised content. The consumer who adopts the fashion at the beginning of the curve is an innovator or opinion leader; at the peak, a mass-market consumer; after the peak, a laggard or isolate. This distribution model assumes a social hierarchy in which people seek to identify with the affluent and those at the top seek both distinction and, eventually, distance from those socially below them. The Fashion Life Cycle An innovation is perceived as having a life cycle, that is, it is born, matures, and dies. Due to its aspirational value, fashion trickles down and spreads to the lower socio-economic strata. In the trickle-up movement, specific fashion trends start from lower-income groups, or the "streets," and then work their way up through the hierarchy of society. Once the fashion is adopted by those below, the affluent reject that look for another. Rogers suggests that this process involves five basic stages: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. Influential factors can range from individual tastes, to current events, to marketing and sales promotions. Once a design appears on the runway, a variety of companies produce similar garments, allowing widespread access to fashion. When the monopoly of women was broken, production of clothing moved from the home to the public sphere. Leave a comment Cancel reply.
Fashion involves change, novelty, and the context of time, place, and wearer.
The distribution of fashion has been described as a movement, a flow, or trickle from one element of society to another. Social economics is a branch of economics that focuses on the relationship between social behavior and economics. The dissimilation of trends is no longer based on social standing but merely on the content of a design or outfit compilation, for example Youtube and Instagram has allowed suburban teens such as Camille Jansen to be catapulted to fame, thanks to their self created content drawing observation on a global level. Rogers's classic writing spells out rate of change, including characteristics of the product, the market, or audience, the distribution cycle, and those characteristics of individuals and societies where innovation takes place. The trickle-down effect in advertising works under the assumption that social classes are influenced by the higher social classes. Previous Post Previous post: Fashion Philosophy. Interestingly, the elite and affluent people and even celebrities imitate the fashion designs originated by lower-status people. Bibliography Agins, T. The innovation eventually flows to upper-income groups; thus the movement is from the bottom up. The advent of the concept of separates coincided with the advent of the desired casual look. Many of the ideas she pursued were motivated by her perception of the needs of women for functional and comfortable dress.
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