tournament of souls expert guide

Tournament of souls expert guide

Tournament of Souls is the newest minigame added to the League of Legends client, tournament of souls expert guide, released on July 20, which allows you to play Samira against other League champions in the style of a fighting game. While the minigame is quite easy to learn tournament of souls expert guide pick up, things get a lot trickier once you start unlocking the Expert tiers, as you will have to go through battles that require good mechanics and combinations of abilities to win. On airport parkservice express of that, remember the right order of the combos so you can get the most efficient damage output to beat the enemy.

Tournament of Souls is one of the best updates to arrive in League of Legends for a long time. The metagame has captured the attention of all League Legends players due to its engaging gameplay and thoughtful storyline. While the gameplay is fun and easy in the Tournament of Souls game mode, it is an entirely different experience in Expert mode. If you're struggling to beat any characters like Shaco or others in Tournament of Souls Expert Mode, you must first customize your abilities, then follow the strategy guide given below. To defeat Gwen , equip the following abilities to your character. Sometimes, Gwen will be invincible and gain damage reduction. Please do not use your R ability Ultimate , as it will be less effective in these scenarios.

Tournament of souls expert guide


Repeat the same procedure with his second bot. Like Lux, defeating Jhin depends on you reversing his one-shot kill ability. Sett is another one of those champions where timing is crucial.


These expert mode fights were actually a lot harder than I expected and I had a really hard time finding anything on how to beat them. So here's how I ended up doing it. These might not be the most optimal strategy or whatever, but I tested each of these methods multiple times and they consistently work or I note when they don't. Hope this helps someone, and feel free to let me know if there are any mistakes or I got something wrong. Strategy: This one's all about healing enough to stay above the HP threshold. You'll start to get closer and closer to it because you can't outheal his damage, so we have to maximize dps to kill him before we reach the threshold.

Tournament of souls expert guide

Tournament of Souls is one of the best updates to arrive in League of Legends for a long time. The metagame has captured the attention of all League Legends players due to its engaging gameplay and thoughtful storyline. While the gameplay is fun and easy in the Tournament of Souls game mode, it is an entirely different experience in Expert mode. If you're struggling to beat any characters like Shaco or others in Tournament of Souls Expert Mode, you must first customize your abilities, then follow the strategy guide given below. To defeat Gwen , equip the following abilities to your character. Sometimes, Gwen will be invincible and gain damage reduction. Please do not use your R ability Ultimate , as it will be less effective in these scenarios. Repeat these combos till you defeat Gwen. To beat Lux , use the following skill abilities. Unlike Gwen, there are no specific spam combos to defeat Lux.

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Soul Fighter Samira. Save up on your ultimate and use it when she does not have any Wolves or Shields for protection. Repeat your combo, but be sure to line up your Q when he changes into Scythe form. Category: League of Legends. Sett is another one of those champions where timing is crucial. Like Pyke, surviving is key to emerge victorious against Evelynn. To beat Lux , use the following skill abilities. Start the match with a quick E-Q-W-Q combo. After dishing out four such combos, he should have 10 to 50 HP. To overcome God Eye Viego , equip the following skills in your arsenal. Even though Viego is the penultimate character, he can easily be defeated by using the following spam combos. To kill her, use your Q to deal damage, and you can even go for E-Q combos for extra damage.

Tournament of Souls is the newest minigame added to the League of Legends client, released on July 20, which allows you to play Samira against other League champions in the style of a fighting game. While the minigame is quite easy to learn and pick up, things get a lot trickier once you start unlocking the Expert tiers, as you will have to go through battles that require good mechanics and combinations of abilities to win.

This rule applies to both his basic attacks and most importantly, his ultimate. Both these spam combos have the R ultimate ability at the end, which should be ready at the end of each combo. Try to heal up as much as possible in that time frame, or you will permanently lose that part of your health bar. To defeat Viego in Expert mode , use the following set of abilities for combat. Rinse and repeat to win against Evelynn on the Expert mode. To defeat Gwen , equip the following abilities to your character. After dishing out four such combos, he should have 10 to 50 HP. Save up on your W ability, and when he shoots his bullets three times in a row, just press W and counter his one-shot auto lock skill. Self Healing with your W is the most important criterion to survive against Pyke. As mentioned above, these combos focus on self-healing using W in between. The key to defeating Jhin is blocking his fourth shot with your W. Michael Kelly Michael Kelly Feb 22,

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