Top 10 south indian movies imdb

Not Rated min Action, Drama. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Director: S.

Not Rated min Action, Crime, Drama. In the s, a gangster named Rocky goes undercover as a slave to assassinate the owner of a notorious gold mine known as the Kolar Gold Fields. Votes: 98, Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler.

Top 10 south indian movies imdb

Must Watch South Indian Movies. Not Rated min Action, Crime, Drama. In the s, a gangster named Rocky goes undercover as a slave to assassinate the owner of a notorious gold mine known as the Kolar Gold Fields. Votes: 98, When a tribal man is arrested for a case of alleged theft, his wife turns to a human-rights lawyer to help bring justice. Director: T. Votes: , Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler. Director: S.

Not Rated min Action, Crime, Thriller. Votes: 17,

Not Rated min Action, Drama. The teenage son of a farmer from an underprivileged caste kills a rich, upper caste landlord. How the pacifist farmer saves his hot-blooded son is the rest of the story. Votes: 33, Not Rated min Comedy, Drama, Romance. The film revolves around four brothers who share a love-hate relationship with each other.

Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler. Director: S. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Faisi wants to go to UK to become a professional chef but circumstances force him to assist his grandfather in a small restaurant in Kozhikode city, changing his outlook on life forever. Votes: 16, Krishna Shankar. A case of mistaken identity embroils an escaped convict in a fight against a large corporation intent on seizing a village's land. Director: A.

Top 10 south indian movies imdb

With coming to an end, we decided to collate a list of South Indian thriller movies offering the best of mysterious and intriguing plots with unexpected twists that earned good ratings on IMDb. The Kannada action-thriller took the country by surprise as it emerged as one of the highest-rated thriller movies of on IMDb. Penned and helmed by Rishab Shetty, the intriguing plot of the film is set in a small village of South Karnataka and it highlights the cultural rituals followed by the people of Karnataka. One of the most searched films on Google, Kantara , which was made with a budget of Rs 15 crore, went on to earn more than Rs crore plus, per India TV. Another Kannada drama that set the cash registers ringing and emerged as one of the highest-earning thrillers was KGF: Chapter 2. Superstar Yash reunited with filmmaker Prashanth Neel and delivered another blockbuster performance that left the audience on the edge of their seat. The film follows the story of Rocky, who now becomes the king of the gold mine. But with many enemies marching towards his kingdom, will he be able to save his people and empire from outside invasion?

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Votes: 17, Sign In. Votes: 2, A detective is hungry for a challenging case to investigate and the mystery of a murdered dog leads to a rival who could be the match for him. The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive. Director: A. Director: B. In a fictional megalopolis, a stunning underworld theft triggers a fierce power struggle among the gangsters, with an enigmatic cop on their trail. Simhadri, a loyal servant in a landlord's house, also leads a secret life as Singamalai, a powerful leader in the state of Kerala. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully? A rich businessman's son faces multiple challenges after he becomes the sole breadwinner of his family. A genetic engineering student tries to revive the skills of a past legend and use them to save India from a deadly virus attack orchestrated by China.

South Indian movies, made in several languages, are hailed for outstanding cinematography, iconic actors, mesmerising music, engaging storytelling, thrilling action sequences and much more. Spanning various genres, such as drama, romance, and inspiring biographies, the best South Indian films have been crowd-pullers for all kinds of viewers, raking in high IMDb ratings as well.

Not Rated min Action, Comedy. Sign In. See full summary ». Director: Hemanth M. A nyctophobic woman has to fight her inner demons to stay alive in the game called life. Thakka Thakka min Action, Drama, Thriller 5. In the s, a gangster named Rocky goes undercover as a slave to assassinate the owner of a notorious gold mine known as the Kolar Gold Fields. Padmabhushan is a passionate yet struggling writer whose debut book fails to make a resounding impact. Votes: 9, Varisu Not Rated min Action, Drama 6. Votes: 83,

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