the walking dead characters season 1

The walking dead characters season 1

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Actor The Walking Dead. Andrew Lincoln is a British actor. Lincoln spent his early childhood in Hull, Yorkshire before his family relocated to Bath, Somerset when he was age His father is a civil engineer Actor The Wolf of Wall Street. Jon Bernthal was born and raised in Washington D.

The walking dead characters season 1

As such, expect many unmarked spoilers below! Kenny See his character page here. Katjaa Katjaa Voiced by: Cissy Jones. Back to normal. It can't stay like this. Katjaa is Kenny's wife and mother to Duck Kenny Jr. A veterinarian by trade, her family is from Belgium, moving with her to south Florida in her teens where she met Kenny. Katjaa is blunt and says what's on her mind, but has a gentle nature and a dislike of violence. Beware the Nice Ones : Katjaa slowly begins to develop a much colder side see Mama Bear below compared to her usual deposition, and outright stated that she would have abandoned a murderous Lilly on the side of the road herself. Boom, Headshot! Broken Pedestal : While she was clearly Happily Married to Kenny in episode 1, it's implied some of his less altruistic actions in episodes 2 and 3 broke some of her trust in him.

Beta survives and finds a way out. Also, depending on whether you saved him or Carley in Episode 1, his corpse can be seen on the road during Russell's story in Days.

Rick Grimes 6 Episodes. Shane Walsh 6 Episodes. Daryl Dixon 6 Episodes. Andrea Harrison 6 Episodes. Glenn Rhee 6 Episodes.

Season one of The Walking Dead is hands down one of the best seasons of the series. The story followed a small group of survivors in the earlier times of the outbreak and saw Rick Grimes Andrew Lincoln reunited with his family. The early seasons will always be special because of the smaller cast of characters which allowed fans to become more invested in the lives of each survivor. As the show continued, the cast grew, and it was harder to develop the same feelings for each person in the series as there were many to keep track of. The beginnings of The Walking Dead hold a special place in the hearts of fans, and even though there are several spinoffs in the works, nothing will compare to the beginnings of the flagship series. Here are some characters from season one of The Walking Dead ranked from worst to best. Ed Peletier. He was abusive to Carol and Sophia. He never contributed around the camp as the others did and seemed content watching everyone else work. His treatment of Carol and Sophia in front of others makes one wonder how terribly he treated them behind closed doors before the world got turned upside down.

The walking dead characters season 1

The Walking Dead series completed its run after 11 seasons, 12 years, and episodes. The network was excited to introduce its new "zombie" series, and little did they know it would continue for eleven seasons, creating a massive fandom. The series finale episode aired on November 20, , and concluded this chapter in The Walking Dead universe. Continuing stories will be told in the form of the upcoming spinoff series. This episode also introduced other iconic characters, some from the comics and others created for the series. The series' first scene saw Ric searching for gas, after leaving Morgan in King Counts. He finds an abandoned gas station where he encounters a young girl who turns out to be a walker. The pain on his face is felt by every viewer, knowing what he must do. It was a bold move to have the first onscreen walker kill to be a child.

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Cue Walkers shortly afterwards bursting through the now-unsecured door. Upon her arrival to New Jersey , Michonne and two other survivors make their way towards the convoy. Inside an abandoned building, Beta puts down Alpha, and skins half of her face and attaches it to himself to wear as the new right side of his own mask, declaring himself the new leader of The Whisperers. Evil Cannot Comprehend Good : When she returns in season four, Lilly mocks Lee for being too trustful and says that his protectiveness for Clementine only got him killed. However, Carol later earns her way back into Rick's inner circle. Tragic Keepsake : Carries his wife's ring around in his pocket. Actor The Walking Dead. She struggles to maintain her leadership role as she starts to lose trust in her group once she notices that supplies are going missing. Glenn is then taken hostage, and brought to an inner city fortress. Mark Mark Voiced by: Mark Middleton. Although said wrestling doesn't happen if Lee makes Carley give Irene the gun, Carley is still noticeably very reluctant about it so good still isn't nice.

Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Thank you.

He laughs and hysterically mocks them, saying that he is "tainted meat" and shows them his bitten shoulder. They then attempt to lead a siege against the church in " Four Walls and a Roof ", only to be outsmarted and overpowered by Rick's group. Paranormal Pop Culture. Archived from the original on March 23, Further information: Negan. Thank you. After The Governor executes most of the able-bodied Woodbury residents, who had been members of his militia , only the children and elderly townspeople remain at Woodbury, under the watchful eye of Tyreese and Sasha. In response to the season finale, James Poniewozik of TIME magazine gave the first season of The Walking Dead a glowing review stating, "the show has an urgency and bravery that make it something special". Eaten Alive : If he's dropped from the bell tower, he survives the fall only to meet this fate due to being surrounded by Walkers. Johns so the group can be fed, he really lays out the charm with Brenda, and Lee is dumbfounded by how different he is. Further information: King Ezekiel. Didn't Think This Through : Even if it hadn't gotten him shot, taking Mark's gun wouldn't have helped matters in the slightest, as there were too many walkers and there was no way to free Mr. Heroic Sacrifice : Assuming he was saved in Episode 1, during the showdown with Lilly in Episode 3, he will take the bullet she meant for Ben. Both survivors start off by being threatening with a gun at hand for arguably justifiable reasons Kenny thinking Clems cabin group are raiders and Lilly watching out for Abel.

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