Teemo mobafire
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Teemo mobafire
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Avoid her Q into her E spam and turn your back to her R. If you are not familiar with her animations I would advise to check some Youtube videos related to it. She is relatively fast for a champion that can't wear boots. The second you get struck by Q or W she will follow up with her E that can be spammed over and over, which really hurts! They tend to run Conqueror which heals her for a lot. You can't really dodge her W , but you can build a bit more defensively while building into damage to make up for her damage. The good thing is, she isn't played much anymore so it's rare to see. If you really want to increase your ability to CS and poke her early game without feeding into her combos I would highly recommend Rapid Fire Cannon rush. If he uses Q on minions, you can move closer as his second Q has a shorter range and it is much harder for him control and adjust allowing for us to juke it out. His W can be blocked by minions and if you do happen to get hit run to the left or the right side. Attempting to run from the skill in the linear path is bad, even if you use Flash it can still pull you back. Running to the side of the AoE is the most effective way, and be aware you take more damage from the highlighted zones.
It's also good if you're running split push comp, teemo mobafire. All in all she isn't played TOP lane much at all anymore, but if you do happen to meet her, max Q after teemo mobafire points in your E. Seraphine is nothing special as she is basically Sona 2.
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You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He has long range, tools to check bushes, your blind is useless. Definietly the best counterpick to teemo support. Teemo struggles against heavy engage tanky supports. Best you can do is block his passive root from auto which he usually uses after hook. This guy is a nightmare in lane, especially with the point and click ulti.
Teemo mobafire
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He obviously can kill you in a combo, but, you have more move speed than him and can easily dodge his skills while kiting him, I don't think it's a hard lane, but it require patience and focus to win. Play defensive and punish him when he is on CDs. Go with GotU and respect her spikes, otherwise she will kill you in one combo. I perma ban Akali. Max Q first and he won't be able to even hit you. Note: The mushrooms in the walls will tilt him hard, since his camouflage has no timer if he is near the wall.
Anime girl with flowers
Protect it and duel her. This is your only survival tool, if used properly. If he plays noc top he can only ult in the jgl or mid, so call out any roams. If you dont die in lane youre usually more impactful because they struggle with facechecking objectives without a tank top. Mostly skill matchup, however eclipse and good scaling can make Jayce lane really hard. Sivir will constantly spell shield your Q. A decent synergy, range, harass, CC, Immunity. Her W can, and will reveal you, but it can be body blocked by minions. You can bait him if you think you will win by allowing him to hit his e. Choke points mean that the enemy cant easily randomly dodge your shroom, as he could in lane for example. Start with Long Sword and buy Executioner's Calling as soon as possible and later on buy Morellonomicon. Runaan's Hurricane Guinsoo's Rageblade Terminus. Regardless of what some people may say to you, getting in close to pop his first or second barrel before he sets it to chain into his combo is extremely important.
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Basically while playing Teemo you only have synergy with allies that have any form of CC to prevent their laner from running away as you enter their lane. Double poison sounds great but it's pretty lackluster, you both stealth and have the element of surprise but are very prone to hard CC and getting caught out. You'll want to try to capture some of those points every now an again especially at the start of the game, which will grant you a little bit of gold and remove it from his passive for 15 seconds until he recaptures them they can give away his location if you're constantly keeping tabs on them switching. You will have enough time to throw out a Q or E before she hides again within her shroud. If you see him activate his Q , you should activate your own W to keep your distance. Attempting to run from the skill in the linear path is bad, even if you use Flash it can still pull you back. Anivia's kit excels at zoning enemies which prevents you from CSing or attempting a safe trade. Kennen is a weird matchup where he does have an all in etc, yet his poke can be unreliable easy to dodge and his all in can misfire. Akshan can handle himself very well. Don't show her where you've been placing shrooms as they do this in bushes, from lane and the corners of the walls setting them off prematurely. This badass yordle is unplayable. Overall respect him or die. Her passive is horrible to deal with, as she can get up easily due to the lack of damage output to kill her twice early game.
This rather good idea is necessary just by the way