

Teal'c has proven himself to be tealc warrior of outstanding integrity and conviction and an invaluable member of SG As a Jaffa, Teal'c's life has been extended by the symbiotes he has carried since childhood. He was born over years ago, tealc, his birthdate roughly corresponding to April 11, tealc, by the Earth calendar, tealc he was given the name Teal'c, meaning "strength," by his father, Ronac.

Teal'c is a Jaffa from the planet Chulak , a planet orbiting a binary star system. He will be years old in the year , after aging 50 years trapped on the Odyssey. Chosen because it means "strength" in the Goa'uld language , Teal'c was named by his father, Ronac. He was born on a world under the control of Cronus circa , where his father served as Cronus' First Prime. After failing to win an unwinnable battle, Cronus killed Ron'ac , and exiled Teal'c and his mother to Chulak. Bra'tac planted the seeds of doubt about the Goa'uld in Teal'c's mind.


As a younger man, Teal'c learned that Apophis was not a God. During his tenure as First Prime, Teal'c was forced to commit many atrocities in his so-called god's name, although he would always try to influence Apophis' decision making. In , Teal'c eventually gained the strength and courage to finally abandon his service and devotion to the Goa'uld forever which he achieved by defecting from Apophis and joining the Tau'ri , Teal'c pledging his loyalty to Stargate Command and also the cause of the Jaffa Rebellion and played a key role in establishing the Free Jaffa Nation. Teal'c is years old, having aged fifty years after being trapped on board the Odyssey during the Battle of the Asgard Legacy. Teal'c informs Bra'tac that he is now the First Prime of Apophis. Chosen because it means "strength" in the Goa'uld language , Teal'c was named by his father, Ronac. He was born on an unidentified world under the control of the System Lord Cronus circa , where his father served as Cronus' First Prime. After failing to win an unwinnable battle, Cronus killed Ronac by crushing Ronac's symbiote within him, mingling the symbiote's blood with Ronac's, causing a prolonged and agonizing death. Consumed by nothing but the thought of revenge and swearing to avenge his father, Teal'c swore to become the First Prime of Apophis, Apophis being the mortal enemy of Cronus. Teal'c was eventually taken under the wing of Bra'tac who was the First Prime of Apophis at that time and who first planted the seeds of doubt about the Goa'uld in Teal'c's mind. After becoming First Prime, he successfully defied Apophis twice and spared two Jaffa , Va'lar and Del'nor , whom he was ordered to kill, and lied to Apophis that he had completed his mission. The fact Apophis wasn't aware of his deception was the final confirmation that he was not omniscient, and not a god. After winning a battle with Arkad 's forces, someone killed Teal'c's mother in her sleep. According to Bra'tac, someone slipped into the village in the middle of the night and slit her throat. Years later, Arkad claimed to be responsible, but Teal'c believed if he had been responsible, he was too cowardly to do it himself.

Teal'c as Ba'al 's First Prime.

He did have sincere emotional moments too, particularly when his family was involved, when his team was threatened, or when his honor or freedom was impugned. His rebellion against Apophis meant he had to leave his family on Chulak, seeking to protect them from the fallout of his choice, but the result is that his wife and son are ostracized from Jaffa society. In the process, he discovers his wife has married another Jaffa, one who is able to provide for her and her son without the threat of excommunication. He resolves to help them, and to free the other Jaffa that have been enslaved there, but he struggles to return to his old physical abilities. He blames a warrior called Arkad, who is known to be especially cruel, and becomes ruthless as he hunts for him. He has had to confront his trauma from his years as a slave under Apophis, as well as learning to accept past events that can no longer be changed. His greatest challenge was discovering how to balance his identity as a father with his role as a warrior, and how to make the two sides of himself work in tandem.

List of Appearances. Christopher Judge , Richard Dean Anderson. Teal'c was born in SG1 : " The Light " Teal'c's father chose his name when he was born, which means 'strength'. SG1 : " Past and Present " His father was the First Prime of Cronus but after losing an unwinnable battle, he was killed by Cronus and Teal'c and his mother were exiled from Cronus' territiory. They fled to Chulak and he vowed to become the strongest Jaffa in service of Apophis, Cronus' enemy. SG1 : " Fair Game " He was close with Shaun'auc when they were younger and the two had a relationship. SG1 : " Crossroads " Teal'c was trained by Bra'tac , alongside Arkad , and took part in Jaffa challenges, following the Rules of engagement , and killing an opposing team.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Judge always knew that he wanted to be an actor, wanting to invoke feelings in others that he was receiving from the shows. He realized quickly that sports would be the stepping stone to an acting career. Attending the University of Oregon on a football scholarship, Judge led in kickoff return yardage for and interceptions in , in addition to earning the Casanova Award in given to the freshman or newcomer of the year. While at Oregon, Judge was a pre-med major, then psychology, then telecommunications and film, with a minor in psychology. Judge's largest role came in with Stargate SG-1


After this, he was weaker, could not perform kel'no'reem and needed sleep. However, Dr. When the producers conceptualized Teal'c, they were unsure what they wanted, but had not met anyone who was definitely Teal'c for them. In , Teal'c eventually gained the strength and courage to finally abandon his service and devotion to the Goa'uld forever which he achieved by defecting from Apophis and joining the Tau'ri , Teal'c pledging his loyalty to Stargate Command and also the cause of the Jaffa Rebellion and played a key role in establishing the Free Jaffa Nation. Hammond 's help, SG-1 was rescued. Ishta is the leader of the female Jaffa on Hak'tyl. This is an abstract curved snake-like figure within two concentric ovals, the outer oval open on top, etched on the center of his forehead. During a mission, Teal'c was able to kill Tanith by destroying his Al'kesh with a Staff cannon , but the ship subsequently crashed into the still-active Stargate just as Teal'c was traveling through it, resulting in the wormhole being shut down before Teal'c could exit through the other end, leaving his pattern trapped in the Stargate buffer and forcing Stargate Command to try and devise a way to safely extract Teal'c without dialing another wormhole that would have erased his pattern from the gate's memory. They were looking for African-American actors, and Judge was one of the last actors to read for the role. Drey'auc dies in a rebel Jaffa camp in season 6's " Redemption " after refusing a new larval symbiote. Daniel Jackson and Captain Samantha Carter were able to acquire another symbiote, which was given to Teal'c.

Teal'c has proven himself to be a warrior of outstanding integrity and conviction and an invaluable member of SG

Teal'c's most notable feature is a golden tattoo found on his forehead, a sign that he once served the System Lord Apophis as First Prime , the most senior Jaffa rank. In spite of his intimidating appearance, Teal'c is courageous and willing to stand up for what he truly believes, even though it will render him dead or a disgrace in the eyes of his fellow Jaffa. After waking up a short time later, he began to walk the long journey to the city. He also felt torn between his loyalty to the Jaffa rebels and the SGC. Jackson: [ drunk ] Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. His stoic demeanor has softened during his years on Earth, allowing subtle glimpses of sadness and humor, and he has formed a close bond with his teammates. SG1 : " Unending ". Teal'c opposed the union, fearing that Ry'ac would soon have to choose between family and freedom, as he had. After being injured, Teal'c began to doubt his prowess as a warrior without his symbiote. It should be noted that this quality is not lost on the rest of SG1, as noted by Dr. SG1 : " Cor-ai ". Teal'c believed Rya'c would not succumb to such manipulation, but SG-1 eventually rescued Rya'c and brought him and Drey'auc back to Earth Fro'tak was killed trying to betray SG-1 where Teal'c soon discovered Rya'c truly was brainwashed and conditioned to immolate himself to destroy Stargate Command. Teal'c as the First Prime to Apophis. Teal'c and Bra'tac shared Junior between them, causing Teal'c to hallucinate. During the brutal fight, Teal'c managed to drive the sword through Arkad's shoulder into his symbiote pouch , killing him.

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