td jakes daughter pregnant

Td jakes daughter pregnant

Ibu Is Dead.

Bishop T. Jakes has been very open in the past regarding his daughter Sarah Jakes getting pregnant at the young age of Jakes just released a new book titled Crushing: God Turns Pressure Into Power , which is about how those of faith can learn and benefit from the challenges they face in their lives. To promote it, he recently gave an in-depth interview about some of the most crushing times in his own life, including finding out his daughter was pregnant at only 13 years old. You mean, my daughter getting pregnant at 13 — and the daughter of a minister? She should have written the book. She probably could have written it better than me.

Td jakes daughter pregnant

Sarah Jakes Roberts, daughter of American mega church pastor, bestselling author and film producer, Bishop T. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes, author, media personality and business executive. She became pregnant at Age 13, while her father delivered a sermon about the virtues of abstinence, Sarah was growing a baby at such a young age. In , she announced that she is divorcing her linebacker husband, Robert Henson after four years of marriage. She had to drop out of college, worked as a waitress at a strip club to support herself, got married at 19, got a divorce at 23 and left with two children to take care of. In sharing her story with openness and honesty, Sarah inspired others all over the world to remain hopeful in times of hardship. Often times than not women are the ones that hold themselves back due to one or two awful experiences from the past. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tuesday, March 5, Naira Diary. Call or send a Whatsapp message

She says she knows she is going to be judged but she move forward anyway. Ibu's Death Revealed.

Read this week's magazine. The couple share five children from previous marriages, and just last month, Jakes announced that she and her husband are expecting their first child together. As her journey through motherhood continues to evolve, Jakes looks back on her first pregnancy as a young, unwed mother in her new book, drawing comparisons between her experience and the strife Mother Mary endured after becoming pregnant with Jesus. More from pw. Our Book Biz Events Calendar. All rights reserved. Find Us.

Bishop T. Jakes has been very open in the past regarding his daughter Sarah Jakes getting pregnant at the young age of Jakes just released a new book titled Crushing: God Turns Pressure Into Power , which is about how those of faith can learn and benefit from the challenges they face in their lives. To promote it, he recently gave an in-depth interview about some of the most crushing times in his own life, including finding out his daughter was pregnant at only 13 years old. You mean, my daughter getting pregnant at 13 — and the daughter of a minister? She should have written the book. She probably could have written it better than me. I thought that [the pregnancy] was just the worst thing in the world that could possibly happen to me. And now that same daughter is ministering all over the world.

Td jakes daughter pregnant

Aside from being a highly renowned Bishop and author, TD Jakes's daughter, Sarah Jakes, now 35, has made her name and fame as an influencer, pastor, and author globally. She has millions of fan bases on Facebook and Instagram 2. She is a gem with unique talents, which is God-gifted. Sarah's Facebook bio reveals that she is the founder of Woman Evolve. She is a modern woman who has a deep faith in God.

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Please enter your name here. Jakes and Mrs. Previous Article. Ibu's Death Revealed. Next Article. Let us know in the comments! MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. To set up immediate access, click here. Mikexp at AM 9 years ago m. Read this week's magazine.

A year-old girl sits in a church pew, baby in her womb, while her father the pastor delivers a sermon about the virtues of abstinence. That her father is T. The Root: At age 13, how did you process and cope with your life as a teenage mother, particularly as the daughter of T.

Contact customer service see details below to add your preferred email address and password to your account. Please enter your name here. Raphaeltaiwo at AM 9 years ago m. If you have an active subscription and need to set up or change your password, please click here. Abusiddiq at AM 9 years ago m. Wysetots at AM 9 years ago m. Thank you for visiting Publishers Weekly. She says at the time she summoned courage to talk about her past, her husband was having a child with another woman. Free newsletter: the hottest new books, features and more. Home The Buzz Central. You may cancel at any time with no questions asked. She had to drop out of college, worked as a waitress at a strip club to support herself, got married at 19, got a divorce at 23 and left with two children to take care of. Celebrity Scoop March 2, Latest Updates. Stay ahead with Tip Sheet!

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