synonyme de mentionner

Synonyme de mentionner

Jan Huitema, rapporteur. Voor mij was het een enorme eer om deze onderhandelingen namens het Europees Parlement te mogen leiden.

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Synonyme de mentionner


We will be able to basis on production in Europe and in the supply chains that are linked to friendly countries. Eppure, l'estradizione del padre dal Pakistan viene synonyme de mentionner rinviata, con numerose udienze che saltano costantemente. This is in line with the EU's priorities and objective of the twin transition.


Translation of mentionner — French-English dictionary. Add to word list Add to word list. Veuillez mentionner vos hobbies sur la fiche ci-jointe. Examples of mentionner. The resolution neglects to mention this. I would like to mention one other aspect of education.

Synonyme de mentionner

Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as National Aboriginal Day-a day to honour the First Peoples of this land. It is very strange that the government would mention the unique character of Quebec society and the diversity inherent in the federation and yet not mention equality. I regret the fact that time does not allow me to comment on all aspects of what I truly believe is an enlightened framework, but there are a few more points I would like to mention.

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So my hope is that this year will further accelerate the enlargement process. Dit debat gaat over de aansluiting van de EU bij het Verdrag van Istanbul, niet over de verbetering van de bescherming van vrouwen in de EU. So I think that is a very important argument in favour of this legislation. I cannot say this enough: look at the future of the European car industry; it is not in combustion engines. Om de opkomst van de verbrandingsmotor tegen te gaan, begon Stanley als een van de eersten een campagne om angst, onzekerheid en twijfel te zaaien. And we see already results coming in. Le chiedo, Commissario, come giudica queste riforme. As the former leader in accession progress, Montenegro, alongside Serbia, is the only country that did not progress on the EU accession path in the last year. Und noch etwas: Emissionen im Verkehrssektor senken wir nicht allein durch Antriebswende. For a Europe made for people and not for traffic. Even more worrying are the declarations from governments to withdraw from the convention, like in Poland. But still, I have a very important question — because you gave perfectly well the example with the steam engine personal car, which existed for a few years and then, of course, ceased to exist in the 20s, so about years ago. Niet belangrijk voor jullie. Certainly, what Ukraine needs most urgently now is military equipment to win the war.


Denn auch der Verbrenner kann mit alternativen Kraftstoffen klimaneutral fahren. Ad Anuga Organic i trend e driver di crescita del settore si confermano una gamma di prodotti biologici su misura per target e mercato locale, prodotti regionali e fair trade. Maybe we can do next year without these events that took place in the in the border. Dat is volgens mij dus de verkeerde manier. With this in mind, last September, the Commission launched a Commission-wide gender-relevant data mapping exercise as part of the pilot project on gender mainstreaming in the budget. One of the tasks we must face head-on is the transformation of our transport sector. But we wanted the inclusion of the technological neutrality, including the synthetic force, into the legislation, it was not accepted and then we had a promise that Euro 7 would be light in exchange and it is hard. Do they still have faith in Europe? But it also needs justice, and it needs a future in Europe. And furthermore, in my home country, Bulgaria, we produce no internal combustion engines and we have a strong automotive industry which might hugely benefit from a deep transformation of mobility markets. And are you ready to indeed keep the money suspended to billion that you suspended because of the secessionist plans? Mutta se on kuin koronavirus, se ottaa uusia muotoja. But as my colleagues already said, granting the candidate status is only one step.

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