Swtor dlc order

If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republicswtor dlc order, you may realize that there are an incredible number of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in swtor dlc order you may not come across them at the right time or might accidentally miss them all together while focusing on your main quest.

By Negapao February 5, in General Discussion. The Gamepedia has a short article on Story progression. It is the picture at the top right of the article that is the real treasure. Click on it, and then click again to get full size. The picture shows the main path in thick white arrows.

Swtor dlc order

If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come across the right quests at the right time, or might accidentally miss them all together while focusing on your main quest. The video ends at 7. Your first step in your character creation is to pick a faction and a class. Your main quest is known as your class story, and will be represented by a purple quest icon over quest-givers heads, and by purple icons on your map. Later in the game, you will have two purple quests. One will be your class story, and the second will be the main story arc for the planet you are on. Your class quest is exclusive to your class, but the planetary story arcs are shared between all classes in your faction on that planet. Apart from the main quests, there are also side quests including exploration quests, heroic quests, and Flashpoint quests. Exploratory quests are hidden by default, to make it easier for more casual players to skip them and focus on their main storyline. These types of exploration quests are represented by a yellow triangular quest icon with a small diamond sign, instead of a purple triangle. Fair warning, if you choose to do the exploratory missions, you will be highly over-levelled and may reach level 60 long before you finish your class storyline. This is why they are hidden by default — most players will find the game more fun by sticking to the more exciting purple quests. Your class mission, the main planetary story arc, and exploratory missions, are one-time quests that you can not repeat later, unless you start a new character.

The are the quests that become unavailable to players who create a level 60 character or players who start Knights of the Fallen Empire before completing the previous storylines:. Retrieved February 15, You can technically skip ahead and swtor dlc order Knights of the Fallen Empire without completing the other storylines, but be aware the skipping forward will auto-complete your class story, companion conversations, the Shadow of Revan expansion.

I am recently back after taking 3 years off of the game. I am subbed and recently finished a new toon through the main original story. I am now excited for my first run through on the Imperial side of the expansion content. I am only really interested in the Story Purple quests. I completed the Makeb line, and when I went to complete Shadow of Revan and the other quests in my ship console, it had spoiler warnings for some other content Can someone give me some advice on what to run and the order to run it in, starting with immediate after Makeb?

Hello my dudes! My aim is to replay the whole game once more with my favorite class, a sorcerer. I'm going to play the game exclusively solo, but i really have no idea about the order in which i should play the expansions, fps and all that. So, a bit of help or some guide would be helpful here. Also any tips or advice are totally welcome. As of right now, i have unlocked the most "expensive" armor sets, mounts and weapons bc i enjoy when my toons look the way i like. I'm one of those players with 10 outfit tabs, and i change the looks of my toon regularly so as to not get bored lol. I'm heading to the character creator, it takes me a good while to create a new character, i'm an altaholic who has trouble coming up with new names so i'll need some time. Also, i wanna thank the devs for making almost "everything" directly purchasable.

Swtor dlc order

Star Wars: The Old Republic might not be canon anymore, but the game still retains a cult following. As of writing time, the 10th anniversary is several months away. However, the community has gathered a streamlined story order. Keep on reading to find out how to progress through the story mode. Initially, you start with character creation and picking a faction. As all choices experience the events at roughly the same time, you can always come back later. Each class has a different story, and there are also extra quests. From here on, your class story ends. There are still other story missions to play, so keep on reading. The Echoes of Oblivion update has some spoilers for earlier quests and storylines.

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If the Dantooine event is running, you can receive a brief update on the state of the galaxy from the Dantooine event terminal on the Fleet, which is different on Republic and Imperial side. Voss has bonus series which can be started at level 60, and is meant to be done after the main Voss planetary arc, near the shuttle where you load in. Now scaled up to 65 they're challenging but not impossible to solo. Archived from the original on April 9, Article Talk. Conflict with the Hutt Cartel. Tatooine Level Game Informer. Troopers have the BT-7 Thunderclap. Negapao Posted March 4, Companion Recruitment Guide. Coruscant Level Archived from the original on March 22, The video ends at 7. Battle of Rishi Solo Flashpoint.

So, based on a combination of the level ranges, the class storyline, the storylines of each part individually and the order in which the content was released, I've compiled a list of the order of all planets, flashpoints and operations from start to finish for both the Empire and Republic sides. This is for people who like to do things in the correct order so as not to miss a beat. For example, so they don't miss the breadcrumb quest on the fleet that sends you back to Nar Shaddaa to do the Bonus Series after the completion of Chapter 1 which you would miss if you finished the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series before completing Chapter 1.

Balmorra Republic Quest List. You can also find these special eggs on Taris and Balmorra. Retrieved February 11, December 2, Archived from the original on August 30, I checked in with Lane Vizla, and she thinks that her steady progress on the Basilisk War Droid Prototype could come to a meaningful conclusion or new beginning? The Gamepedia has a short article on Story progression. It was also shown that companions would have a similar character screen as the players and can have gear just like a player character. Imperial Fleet Level Makeb Level The planet Makeb was added in Patch 2. The planet of Ossus, which was introduced in the Jedi Under Siege update, is a prelude story leading up to the next expansion.

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