Stinky pete toy story

He is a vintage pull-string prospector ragdoll from the s, and inside his original box, his accessories include a pickaxe and a gold pan. Stinky Pete was never bought or played with by a child and spent a lifetime on a dime-store shelf, stinky pete toy story, watching every other toy be sold to their new owners, which caused him to grow bitter, selfish, and angry.

It features two action figures -- Woody at 9. Both character figures have movable joints for dynamic play or a classic display. The special packaging sets the scene, inspired by Stinky Pete's actual box in the movie. The friendly sheriff and the villainous prospector will make a playful pair for kids or a great addition to a Toy Story collection. Makes a great gift for fans and collectors ages 3 years and older.

Stinky pete toy story

Stinky Pete is just a grouch Toy Story 2 - Reply. Username or Email. Password Forgot your password? Keep me logged in. Log In or Create an account. Ya, he is a sad villain. The other villain that is easy to sympathize with is Syndrome. They both had big dreams and they got rejected. Pixar Post - T. Forum Owner 2, posts Share. I guess I've never thought about feeling bad for The Prospector, but you're both right, he's a bit of a sad villain. I would certainly be a grouch too if I was constantly looked over for another toy - heck, I think this kind of thing can happen in real life. I'll never be able to watch that scene and not think of this post now!

I guess I've never thought about feeling bad for The Prospector, but you're both right, he's a bit of a sad villain.

Stinky Pete , also known as the Prospector , is a portly prospector doll in Toy Story 2. Years ago he starred with Woody , Jessie and Bullseye in the children's television show Woody's Roundup. The Prospector doll has never been opened and according to Jessie, he is still "mint in the box," making him sought after by collectors. He always carries a pick around like a real prospector, and had lived his entire life in a box. Thus, he was greatly valued for still being in mint condition. He spends much time in storage with Bullseye and Jessie , and eventually meets Woody after Al stole him.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Stinky Pete the Prospector is one of the two main antagonists alongside Al McWhiggin of Pixar's 3rd full-length animated feature film Toy Story 2 , the second installment of the Toy Story franchise.

Stinky pete toy story

He is a vintage pull-string prospector ragdoll from the s, and inside his original box, his accessories include a pickaxe and a gold pan. Stinky Pete was never bought or played with by a child and spent a lifetime on a dime-store shelf, watching every other toy be sold to their new owners, which caused him to grow bitter, selfish, and angry. He was later sold to Al McWhiggin , who never took him out of the box, likely to avoid damaging him. Since Al was grown up, he planned to sell Stinky Pete to a toy museum in Tokyo. Stinky Pete found this to be good news, thinking if kids didn't want him, then being in a museum meant people would admire him and be filled with nostalgia for a toy they never owned.

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Sign In Register. However, this merely hid his true nature, which was intelligent, sneaky, and embittered. Stinky Pete as he appears in one of the games in Toy Story Playland. Her Barbie doll then told Stinky Pete how she was a fine artist, showing him her face paint on the side of her face. Disney Wiki Explore. Your cart is empty. At that point, Amy decides to give the Prospector a nice makeover. I would certainly be a grouch too if I was constantly looked over for another toy - heck, I think this kind of thing can happen in real life. He also believed that rare, unpopular and collectible toys like him and the other Roundup toys were doomed to either always ending up in storage or remaining unsold to any children similar to his fate before Al found him. Furthermore, when he told Woody, Jessie, and Bullseye about he was stuck in his box on a dime-store shelf and none of the kids wanted to buy him when they bought every other toy, this makes them feel sorry for him to some extent. Pack comes with the 2 action figures of Stinky Pete the prospector and Woody, everyone's favorite rag doll sheriff.


Though Stinky Pete does not make any live appearances, he does appear in some attractions and merchandise and has appeared in one of the Parks. When Woody finally decided he would return to Andy and take the other Roundup toys with him despite the warning Stinky Pete gave him about Andy outgrowing and forgetting him, this finally prompted him to snap and reveal his true nature and intentions to the other Roundup toys and Andy's toys. Years ago he starred with Woody , Jessie and Bullseye in the children's television show Woody's Roundup. His decision is further enforced when Stinky Pete tells him that Andy will inevitably outgrow him as well, and if he joins them in the museum, he'll last forever. Since Al was grown up, he planned to sell Stinky Pete to a toy museum in Tokyo. Don't have an account? The special packaging sets the scene, inspired by Stinky Pete's actual box in the movie. Enter your video clip URL below:. Popular Search. At Tri-County International Airport , Stinky Pete violently fights off every one of Buzz's attempts to save Woody, who angrily fights back for harming his friend. His own inexperience of being played with by a child, along with hearing Jessie's story of being outgrown by her previous owner Emily lead to him feeling that children were only destroyers of toys whose ultimate fate will be spending an eternity rotting in landfills. He also believed that rare, unpopular and collectible toys like him and the other Roundup toys were doomed to either always ending up in storage or remaining unsold to any children similar to his fate before Al found him. Failed filename Unsupported photo file type. Thus, he was greatly valued for still being in mint condition. Please paste your code into the box below:.

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