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Starkiller , also known as Galen Marek and The Apprentice , is the anti-hero main protagonist of the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project including a video game, novel, and comics , who first appeared in the game Soulcalibur IV. He is voiced by Sam Witwer , who also gave his likeness to the character. The character's name is taken from Star Wars creator George Lucas' working name for Luke Skywalker , "Annikin Starkiller"; [4] [5] the character is designed to be a "photo-negative" of Skywalker. However, GamesRadar has criticized Starkiller's design. George Lucas motivated the team working on The Force Unleashed to make a brand-new character a friendly Sith.


Following his mother's death, Kashyyyk was invaded by the Galactic Empire as a target of the Great Jedi Purge , Kento was confronted and slain in a lightsaber duel by the Dark Lord of the Sith , who discovered the fugitive Jedi's son in the process. Gauging the orphan's raw strength in the Force , Vader abducted and ultimately raised Marek, who became Starkiller, to embrace the dark side of the Force. In time Marek forgot his past and even his birth name, having been taken from his home as a child by the Dark Lord. Though trained in the ways of the Sith , the Rule of Two dictated that there could only be two Sith at a time, and therefore Starkiller could not consider himself a true Sith while his master was still apprenticed to Darth Sidious. As such, Vader kept his existence a secret, bestowing to him the call sign "Starkiller. For years , Starkiller aspired to truly become a Dark Lord of the Sith , believing it was his destiny to help Vader overthrow Sidious and usurp his throne as Galactic Emperor. As his training neared completion, Starkiller was formally acknowledged as an apprentice by Vader after surviving his trials, and was ordered by Vader to kill the few remaining members of the fallen Jedi Order —specifically the Jedi Masters Rahm Kota , Kazdan Paratus , and Shaak Ti. The secret apprentice completed his missions, prevailing against his more experienced targets, only to be betrayed by his master after the Emperor confronted them. Stunned by this turn of events, Starkiller nevertheless remained loyal to Vader, and began fomenting a rebellion against the reign of the Galactic Empire as part of his master's plan to depose Sidious. The mission was another ruse, however. After the apprentice convinced Bail Prestor Organa , Garm Bel Iblis , and Mon Mothma to join him, Vader had the senators arrested and left Marek for dead, betraying him once more, revealing he was but a tool in a plot by Sidious and Vader to crush the rebellion before it even began, however he lived. Resolving to rescue his allies, he managed to infiltrate the Death Star before the Emperor could execute them. Although he was killed in the ensuing battle aboard the battlestation , the senators were able to escape with the help of Marek's companions, PROXY and Juno Eclipse.

Rahm Kota, starkiller, sensing Galen's indecision, intervened and telekinetically starkiller Palpatine's lightsaberusing it to kill his guards before rushing the Emperor himself.


On a frigid world in the Unknown Regions, the First Order amassed in the shadows while perfecting the centerpiece of its campaign of tyranny: Starkiller. Inspired by the might of the Empire and its Death Star, the First Order aimed to create something with much more firepower. Further investigating the area, the two Resistance pilots found that some of the planets had been cored and, as a result, virtually destroyed. The First Order had discovered, though, that the most effective way to store the dark energy was by using a planet's natural magnetic field, hence the need to core planets. This, combined with an additional and artificial containment field maintained by the First Order, stored the energy as the weapon charged. Once the star was completely consumed, the weapon was ready to fire. Unlike the Death Star, which required being within the same system or in close proximity to its target in order to effectively use its weapon, Starkiller base fired through vast distances of space. This was due to the dark energy the weapon collected. Sub-hyperspace was a term created by the First Order to describe the way the phantom energy traveled across the stars. Whereas hyperspace exists across the galaxy, sub-hyperspace is a dimension that runs through the galaxy.


After the death of Marek, the original Starkiller, Vader endeavored to create a more powerful and obedient version of his fallen disciple, using a cloning facility on the planet Kamino to carry out this agenda. However, the procedure was imperfect, resulting in a series of unstable clones that succumbed to madness. Though initially impressing Vader with his progress, Subject was affected by the emotional imprints that he inherited from his template and consequently developed a fixation on Captain Juno Eclipse , a former Imperial officer whom Marek fell in love with. Dismissed by his master as another setback in a long line of failures, the clone fled from Kamino and began traveling across the galaxy to find Eclipse.

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Retrieved on November 17 , However, Brood got wise to this and intercepted him, trying to force him towards the rancor's jaws. Having survived his trials, Starkiller was formally acknoweldged as an apprentice by Vader. As Starkiller turned to the last mooring, the base commander, Captain Ozzik Sturn , took to the field. Vader revealed that he had lied, and not just about Starkiller's "mission," but from the very beginning. As a result, they reluctantly deserted the Order and fled to the Outer Rim Territories prior to Order 66 , a contingency directive that instructed all Republic clone troopers to execute their Jedi officers —the culmination of a Sith plot to exterminate their ancient rivals while simultaneously transforming the Republic into a dictatorship. He is unlocked by finding all the mini-kits in the "Defenders of Peace" level. When the Emperor tempted Marek into killing Vader, Marek struggled briefly with his emotions, but in the end decided he would not return to the dark side, and so made his choice to attack the Emperor instead, saving himself from the dark side. Impressed by Galen's potential in the Force [6] as demonstrated by his reflexive use of telekinesis , [3] Vader abducted the younger Marek shortly after he killed the boy's father and a squad of stormtroopers in order to keep Galen's existence a secret. The fight continued on with renewed vigor in both opponents, and Starkiller only gained the advantage when he drove the dark warrior to the brink of the round platform they fought on. Starkiller was skeptical about her sincerity, seeing that her talents and skills were poisoned, inwardly focused towards survival. Once within the atmosphere, they began searching for Paratus, eventually discovering his crude imitation of the Jedi Temple on the surface. Starkiller managed to disable the droids, going toe-to-toe with Kleef.

Later he must decide to stay in Dark Side or turn to the Lig

Evasively leaping about the chamber, the Jedi was intercepted by Starkiller, physically assaulted, telekinetically thrashed about, and blasted with Force lightning before being thrown aside. As he crossed a large, circular platform, Starkiller was ambushed by a group of Mandalorian jetpackers. Juno's worry was only increased, so Starkiller turned to the matter at hand. However, Paratus was more vulnerable to Force lightning without the protection of his droid shell, and Starkiller became concerned that the battle would end before it had truly begun, only to be attacked unawares by one of the Jedi Council masters; the Jedi mannequins were combat ready, equipped with vibroblades and utilizing crude approximations of the lightsaber styles practiced by the original individuals. ISBN As such, Vader kept his existence a secret, bestowing to him the call sign "Starkiller. When inquired as to whether or not he would survive, Galen reluctantly answered that he would most likely die in the attempted rescue. Galen realized that until this duel, he and Vader had never truly fought as equals; during his training, either Galen would capitulate or Vader would hold back. The warrior exploded in a blast of Force energy, thus ending the vision. Starkiller was presented with the option of reentering Darth Vader's service, with the assurance that if he refused, he and all witnesses would be destroyed in the laboratory's self-destruction. If Starkiller chooses to kill Darth Vader rather than the Emperor at the end of the game, Starkiller becomes a minion of the Emperor and is put into a suit similar to Darth Vader's. Running circles around the behemoth to dodge its fire, Starkiller managed to leap onto its back, fighting the mounted Chop'aa while using Force lightning to block the droid's attempts to knock him off. Much to his surprise, Kota was a true soldier. When Starkiller returned to the Jedi Temple, he found that security had been increased after his first intrusion.

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