Star wars darth krayt

During the Clone Warshe served the Republic as a General and established himself as a charismatic leader who often led his troops from the front.

Most of the Sith Lords was once Jedis. They turn to the Dark Side because of tragic life experiences. The fear and hate make them vulnerable to the Dark Side. It is why they always have interesting stories for the fans. Darth Krayt is one such Sith Lord who lived during the era of the Empire. He is a major character, but very few people actually know about him.

Star wars darth krayt

Soon after the Clone Wars ended, Emperor Palpatine issued the command, Order 66, commanding the clones to assassinate their Jedi Generals. A'Sharad managed to survive the order, and made his way back to his homeworld, Tatooine. He became a Tusken warlord, leading his people to reclaim their lands from settlers. Hett's plans were stopped by his former comrade, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and after being exiled from Tatooine, Hett became a bounty hunter. After chasing down a bounty on the planet, Korriban , Hett discovered the holocron of the Sith Lord , XoXann, and learned the dark side of the Force from her in order to defeat Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. However, when Hett completed his training, he soon learned that some time has passed and that Vader and Palpatine were defeated by Luke Skywalker. With no other purpose, Hett made his way to the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. While captured, he tortured and experimented on, and injected with Vong growth implants. He saw a vision of the new Sith Order , and when the time was right, Hett managed to escape the Yuuzhan Vong and made his way back to the Sith homeworld of Korriban, where he decided to go by the name of Darth Krayt. For years, Krayt built his vision of the Sith Order, waiting patiently before the chance to rule the galaxy was right.

Unaware of Anakin's dark feelings towards Tuskens, A'Sharad pointed out to him that the two of them shared many qualities.

He awakened from stasis in order to establish his own order of Sith and conquer the galaxy. In many ways, Darth Krayt is the epitome of Legends continuity at its finest. Very few villains have backstories as deeply explored as that of Krayt. On the one hand, the Clone Wars comics from Dark Horse featured his father, Sharad Hett, as the sworn rival of Aurra Sing, who is featured in a number of adventures. His journey to Sith mastery is the stuff Legends are made of, to be sure. Hett, however, believed himself to be the lone survivor of the Jedi Purge.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! In between these roles, he also served as the commander of his father's tribe of Tusken Raiders as well as a bounty hunter. When he was only a teen, Hett's father was murdered by the Ex-Jedi turned assassin Aurra Sing , who was later defeated in a duel by a young A'Sharad Hett. During the Clone Wars , he served the Republic as a General and established himself as a charismatic leader who often led his troops from the front.

Star wars darth krayt

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Remove this notice when finished. Essentially, this government served as a revival of the Galactic Empire founded by Darth Sidious , and was composed of the Moff Council , which commanded the Imperial Military and agencies, such as Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Diplomatic Corps.

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Suddenly, everything was revealed to be a trap, as Cade's allies were waiting in secret. As the Sith began to recover, Krayt was angered, desiring to end Nihl's life for his failure. Sith Lords rule the galaxy. His father, Sharad Hett, had also been a Jedi. Krayt has a fascinating backstory with surprising ties to previous Star Wars lore. Krayt activated the holocrons of Darth Bane , Darth Andeddu , and Darth Nihilus , and asked how he could prolong his life. The Jedi and Sith face off in a climactic battle of epic proportions and Abeloth's conquest comes to a head in a shockingly mythological twist. He begged Hett to stop his crusade there and then not mentioning to Hett exactly why he had chosen to defend this small farm , but Hett refused to listen; the settlers and farmers had killed countless Tuskens, and blood called out for blood. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. But, even as he was inactive, Krayt's ideals were being carried out by Wyyrlok in his place. Hett was also a firm believer in personal accountability, believing that individuals should own up to their actions. Maladi also feared Wyyrlok would try to eliminate the two, as they had not been born Sith, and suggested Nihl to go to Korriban and verify whether Krayt was alive or not. There, Krayt was implanted with Vong implants along with being put into the Embrace of Pain. He became a Sith Lord and called himself Darth Krayt.

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But when he resurfaced from the tombs, he found that more time had passed than he had thought; the Battle of Endor had already taken place, and the Emperor and Vader had already been defeated by Luke Skywalker. Unlike the majority of Sith Lords, Darth Krayt was not a power-mad schemer, but rather a man devoted to establishing lasting order and peace, at all costs. The situation goes from bad to worse when General Kenobi is listed missing in action, and Anakin is teamed with a group of other masterless young Jedi on a doomed mission to hold the last line in the Republic's defense! The Yuuzhan Vong implants caused an exoskeleton of bony outgrowths to surround his body as armor. He discovered a glowing holocron that revealed to be the ancient Sith Lord XoXaan, and offered him the teachings of the Sith, and Krayt agreed to learn. This reading guide is Coming Soon Our team is hard at work building out this collection. While pursuing a bounty named Resk to the planet Korriban, a storm forced them down, and Krayt continued his pursuit of Resk. Sci-fi Star Wars. After Darth Krayt had seized control of the galaxy and declared himself Emperor, strife and infighting threatens to collapse his empire from within. Krayt promoted Moff Fehlaaur'aitel'loro as the new head of Imperial Intelligence. Had he been able to, it is possible he could have stopped Skywalker's fall to the dark side. As Krayt, he became the founder and leader of the One Sith during the period of the Vong invasion. He kept the existence of his rebuilt Sith Order hidden from the Jedi for a century by cloaking their presence on Korriban. He has no idea Anakin hates the Sand People for killing his mother, but Anakin redirects his rage at their enemies rather than take it out on Hett.

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